How to get a job at Google, even if you were the worst student on the course. How to get a job at Google and what did I do in his office? How to get a job at Google

The New York Times interviewed Google VP of Human Resources Laszlo Bock, who answered the question: “Who is hired at Google anyway?”

Bock began his response by saying that Google considers test scores and GPAs to be meaningless, and the attention spent on them wasted. GPA (Grade Point Average) is a weighted average of a student's performance in his specialty. Now, she doesn't say anything. Every year the percentage of people without education in Google only increases. And this trend cannot be ignored. In some teams it already reaches 14%. So what does it take to land your dream job?

Still, higher education can't hurt. Many positions at Google require knowledge of mathematics, programming and physics, which are quite difficult to obtain without a higher education. But Google is looking at something else. There are five skills that we value in those who want to get a job at Google.

Of course, if you are a programmer with us (and this is half of the positions at Google), then, first of all, we will evaluate your ability to code. But still, the No. 1 skill that is looked for in all candidates is mental ability. Don't think that we will test your IQ. Mental abilities are, first of all, the ability to learn. Grab everything on the fly. It is the ability to make a picture out of pieces of a puzzle. We test these skills with behavioral tests that measure your abilities as accurately as possible.


Not the kind of leadership you mean. Were you class president? Vice President of Sales or Head of the Chess Club? We do not care. What we pay attention to is how you act in critical situations. Are you ready to take on unexpected leadership when the team has a problem and you're the only one who can fix it? In such a situation, will you retreat or vice versa, will you become the head of the team? It is important for us that you are always ready to involve all your forces to solve the problem.


The end goal is what your team can do to solve the problem. Not you, not anyone else in particular. Just the whole team. Make your contribution and let others do it. Without humility you cannot learn. Our research has shown that many elite college graduates experience a developmental plateau when they join Google. Because they try not to do work that can lead to poor results and, as a result, cannot learn from their mistakes.

They think in this way: "if something worked out, then I'm a genius, if something went wrong, then someone is an idiot." You need to reduce your ego. Although, no. You need to have a big and a small ego at the same time.

Experience (competence)

Imagine that you are hiring a highly intelligent, curious, willing to learn, and leader-minded person with no specialty skills for a financial analyst position. And you have another candidate who understands finance and has a red diploma, but has only this skill. Who will you choose? Google will choose the first one. In the event of an emergency, a graduate with a red diploma will act in the same standard way. While the first candidate may screw up a couple of times, the third time will come with a completely ingenious and new solution to the problem. And we appreciate it the most.


Now talent is such a loose concept that it has almost lost its original meaning. When we see a person who did not go to university, did not go to school, but made his contribution to this world, we understand that this is an exceptional person. And we must do everything in our power to get it.

Too many colleges don't deliver what they promise. You get into debt, waste your time and don't learn the most useful things that can come in handy in life. You are simply prolonging your adolescence without obligation.

So many talented people come to Google that we have long stopped looking at standard indicators of achievement like G.P.A. However, for many people, college is still the best way to lead their lives and make a career. But Bock asks not to forget one thing: "Be careful." Nobody in this world cares about how you learned something, what matters is how you handle your knowledge. And, having all of the above qualities, the place of work will no longer be important to you, you will be appreciated anywhere.

It's probably not too pompous to say that Google is one of those companies whose products are literally changing the world. 10 years ago it was google maps, a little earlier it was a search engine, and today, among other things, augmented reality glasses and driverless cars are being developed.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be a programmer to get into Google.

However, let's take a closer look.

In the spring, I participated in The Graduate training program from Google. It talked about the nuances of working with Google Adwords, a contextual advertising service. Below I will tell you a little more about this program.

Here is my certificate, even with honors, it turned out

After the end of the project, the organizers invited everyone to come visit the beautiful Polish city of Wroclaw, where one of the Google offices is located. Of course, I immediately grabbed my backpack!

They gave us a real tour - through offices, meeting rooms, a gym, a relaxation room, a dining room, several kitchens, a children's room ...

Unfortunately, photos of most rooms cannot be uploaded to the Internet, but this has its advantages: I will practice in a verbal description, and you will exercise your imagination.

First of all, I was interested in issues related to the organization of the company and the organization of the working day.

We go into one of the rooms made according to the principle of open-space. The feeling of the most fashionable design bureau does not leave, and even I wanted to immediately go to the computer and ... work! Beautifully designed corporate announcements on the board, a lot of sensible quotes in different places of the room, format from A4 to A0, various wall newspapers for and about employees, flags of the countries that the department represents ... Almost every workplace is a masterpiece in itself. And although there are quite a lot of people and all sorts of things in the room, there is even more space, everything looks organic, no one interferes with each other. However, some jobs are still empty. “So they work in other places,” Google employees explain to me.

And indeed, there are a lot of places where it is cozy to sit down with a computer. You can relax in a bean bag chair with a laptop on your knees, you can sit in a relatively small cozy kitchenette, work on the terrace, in the meeting room (they are booked for 30-60 minutes), in the spacious foyer ... Here and there separate corners are designed - with different design and chairs. Employees receive a working laptop, so there are no problems with moving the workplace for the next few hours.

How is the working day organized at Google?

It would seem - how to work here in such an environment? The gym beckons with its dumbbells, the kitchen blinks invitingly with free cookies, and there is also a special relaxation room, where you can only enter without a computer.

“In fact, we have a standard 8-hour working day, from 9 to 18,” they tell us. — We work depending on what tasks we have. But to simplify, about half is a fixed time when you definitely have to be in place and, for example, answer user questions. When exactly you will have this fixed time - the team itself distributes. The second part is work on various long-term projects. The work is done in a team, everyone is result-oriented, and this is how mutual motivation occurs. If you want to do some other project - argue, and it is likely that you will be able to devote part of your time to it.

How to travel while working a full 8-hour day?

Here and there I hear from company employees how they leave for a month either to India, or to Hong Kong, or somewhere else. How is it if you work from 9 to 18? It turns out that there is an opportunity to work in Google offices around the world. For some employees, this is career growth. Having achieved success in their current position, if their desires and opportunities coincide, they can be transferred to another office and, as a rule, to another country. The company pays the costs associated with the move.

Some workers use this option as the ability to travel on the job. Yes, in another country, the same 8-hour working day, but there are also evenings and weekends that you can devote to exploring new areas. And the very fact of temporary work in a new office and meeting new people is already inspiring.

How to get a job at Google?

There are a lot of departments in the company - someone is engaged in business analytics, someone is in the generation of new products, customer support, programming, testing, maintenance and much, much more.

There is a not-so-so joke on the Internet that you can only get a job at Google for food. Still - imagine a sensible buffet in a good hotel - something like this is fed here every day. Sometimes special chefs are invited to arrange a themed day of a particular cuisine. We got to Indian. Naturally, everything is free for employees.

Having settled down on such a terrace overlooking the city and ending lunch with fresh berries, we continue the conversation about getting a job.

What does it take to get on Google?

- In fact, there are two options - an internship and the actual work. If you are a student, then an internship is an ideal option for you. It is paid, as is your travel to the internship, if needed. The internship takes place in the summer, at the end of which you can become an employee. Applications for next summer are accepted in October.

As for work, you can always go to the pages with information about current vacancies and send your resume. It is important to remember that the resume must be in English, as it is the main language of the company.

In fact, a good knowledge of English is the base, without which it is unlikely that you will be able to work at Google. Even if you continue to deal with the Russian-speaking market, interviews will still be conducted in English.

(For those who, after these words, disappointedly want to close the page: finally find, a normal way for yourself to learn English and practice speaking regularly, look for couchsurfing meetings in your city - site - meetings section!)

Life hacks to get into Google

A little later, we will slowly learn about important life hacks that can slightly increase the chances of getting into Google:

Nevertheless, the competition for vacancies is more than serious. Google's head of human resources says the company receives more than 3 million job applications each year, while averaging only 7,000 people per year. It turns out that the competition for a place is approximately 428 candidates.

But do not be upset - we are talking about the average picture in the world. Surely, the number of resumes submitted in America is many times different from the Czech Republic, Poland or Slovakia.

But on the other hand, such a selection is a kind of indicator of the level of people who work at Google. During our tour, I was constantly surprised at the combination of informality, friendliness, simplicity, purposefulness and erudition. And all this is not just like that: it turns out that there is even a special term inside the company - I can’t vouch for accuracy, but it sounds something like “googlattraction” - “Google + attractiveness” - which determines how comfortable it is to work with a person in a team, to be close.

Tutorials from Google

In conclusion, I would like to talk about a few tutorials from Google. What unites them all is that they are very smart and free. Anyone can participate in many of them, it is enough to pre-register, a computer and the Internet.

As I wrote earlier, I studied at The Graduate from Google. It talked about the nuances of working with Google Adwords, a contextual advertising service. The program was primarily aimed at the emerging markets of Kazakhstan and Belarus. It was held in the format of webinars, but was not limited to them. We were asked to do projects in teams, we got to know the participants, wrote our proposals, etc. - in general, networking turned out to be quite productive. In addition, you can get a $250 coupon to work with your Adwords account, as well as an additional $60 trial coupon.

One of the requirements for successful completion of the program was to pass the PPC test. In two hours, you need to correctly answer 80% of questions of varying degrees of complexity - after that you become a Google Certified Partner.

You can also congratulate me on this 😉

Next run The Graduate is planned for January-February - stay tuned for announcements! If you are going to be engaged in contextual advertising in the future, here it is, your ideal option for a good start.

Another program that I learned about a little late, but I will watch all the webinars in the recording is Women in Digital. It is aimed primarily at women who own or operate a business in Belarus or Kazakhstan and who want to learn more about the full range of business opportunities that the Internet offers. It's all here information.

...Probably, we all loved to create in childhood. Someone built high towers, someone designed clothes for dolls. We were ambitious and dreamed of becoming astronauts, great actors, brilliant surgeons... We dreamed without limits, trusted the world and were natural in our curiosity and desire to learn new things.

Visiting the Google office somehow reminded me of this very state. When there is enthusiasm, a desire to try and pleasure from the results.

I will be glad if this article was useful to you.

Have a nice day and determination in achieving your goals!

Working at Google is the dream of many job seekers. Beautiful and spacious offices, cozy soft sofas, a riot of colors, cleanliness, order - the magnificence of creative thought is concentrated here. Indeed, the Google building is amazing. The fantasy glass campus, which brought together super-professionals under its roof, attracts those who want to work in spacious and bright offices, in a creative environment. Everything here is designed for comfortable and productive activities. The headquarters is located in California, and small branches are scattered around the world.


Google is a web-based corporation focused on developing and building scalable modular systems. Today, the company manages a million servers, processes billions of requests, as well as user data. Google's main product is a search engine. In addition to it, there is the Gmail mail service, the Google+ social network, the Google Chrome Internet browser, the Picasa program, Hangouts. The company develops operating systems, as well as well-known mobile applications such as Ok Google. Working in this company is hard, but the experience gained is invaluable for any programmer and engineer.


Google... Employment is an urgent issue that worries everyone who wants to work in this company. This process is complex and consists of three stages:

  • The applicant must submit a resume. He is evaluated by the HR manager and decides whether to call and set up an interview.
  • The first interview is by phone. The specialist determines remotely the level of knowledge of the applicant, professional skills. Based on the results of such communication, the manager invites him to the office or refuses at a further stage.
  • Interview in the office. The applicant meets with several employees of the company who conduct an interview in the form of a conversation. Expect tests and questions.

Remember that the specifics of working at Google leaves its mark on the level of interviews. if experts are delayed with the answer.


If Google has opened vacancies, the chances that resumes will be considered increase many times over. The corporation appreciates interesting and knowledgeable employees, so they often select a position for the applicant according to his skills. Google's resume writing requirements are no different. It should be well-written, structured, interestingly presented, but in simple language. The perfect resume will help you get a job. Google Play is the company's application store, where it is easy to find any information on how to correctly compose such a document. Follow these simple rules while writing:

The resume should fully reflect the personality of the applicant, his strengths and abilities. This is a kind of portrait, which in the imagination, based on the data obtained, is imagined by recruiting managers. Want to make a positive impression? Be courageous, frank, do not hesitate to take the initiative and take responsibility.

How to get a job?

Many may be interested in the question: "How in Google?" It is quite difficult to do this. Some applicants prepare for an interview several months before X-day. They study theoretical disciplines, communication skills, learn to look and speak naturally, without excitement. At the interview, Google specialists evaluate the candidate according to four main criteria: analytical skills, communication skills, work experience, and programming skills.

Each criterion is scored from 1.0 to 4.0. Interviewers only ask questions and contact the applicant, and the decision on admission is made by the recruitment committee. The rating system plays a big role in the positive outcome of the interview. If a potential employee scores 3.6, this is considered an excellent result. The final decision on whether to take an applicant for a position is delayed for several weeks. Employees of the company advise to prepare for the upcoming interview, study questions about scalability and memory limits and bitwise processing.

Who is needed?

The work of Google services needs initiative, hardworking and qualified specialists. The company valued development engineers, software engineers, designers, development and sales managers. Education, intelligence level, sociability, portfolio, work experience - all this plays a big role in employment in a large corporation.


Remote work at Google is a great opportunity for those who want to work for the company, but are physically unable to be in the office for a variety of reasons. In order to get a job at Google, which does not require direct contact with management and employees, the applicant must have certain knowledge and skills. A freelance interview is no different. A specialist of the company will talk with the applicant by phone, ask technical questions. They may concern writing codes. Sometimes a candidate for remote work may be invited to the office to chat in person.

Personal interviews are conducted by four to six interviewers. It is objective and independent. The questions are non-standard, but there is no agreed structure. The decision on hiring is made by managers and engineers based on the results of the interview.

Selection criteria

If you are interested in the question of how to get a job at Google, consider the selection criteria for candidates for a particular position. For example, the manual imposes special requirements on applicants for the technical part. At the interview, the personal and professional qualities of the candidate are evaluated:

  • Programming skills.
  • Fast learner.
  • Leadership.
  • Feeling of ownership.
  • Intellectual modesty.

The interview takes the form of an interview. The candidate is asked questions by five different employees from the management and engineering departments. Each of them evaluates the applicant objectively, without consulting with colleagues. Based on the final results, an independent decision is made.


Working at Google is an interesting and rewarding experience for creative people. Employees of the company have many incentives and bonuses. In order to be productive, management has created special working conditions, but this can be attributed to personal gain. Workplaces of employees are equipped in accordance with modern standards. The headquarters is as cozy as home: soft sofas, armchairs, delicious and free food. The conditions are such that you can stay at work until late and not rush home.

A huge number of cafeterias with a free and varied menu boggles the imagination of an ordinary worker. For breakfast, you can eat fried tuna and drink lemon-mint mineral water, for lunch, order breaded chicken curry and enjoy a chocolate dessert. The local balanced menu (fruits, vegetables, cereals) as well as exotic dishes - all this easily compares with the best restaurant food. Any whim of a gourmet employee will be fulfilled here, and even for free!

Working at Google is an added bonus. For example, there are special lounges where an employee can relax. Game rooms, massage chairs, billiard room, laundry, car maintenance are at the full disposal of the company's personnel. Friday evening employees can spend a glass of weak alcohol. A pleasant advantage of work is a solid insurance, health monitoring of personnel. Employees are often given expensive gifts: new smartphones and other gadgets.

Another plus: the design of the rooms. It is modern, not boring, has futuristic features. Here it is impossible to fall into melancholy and despondency. Offices are equipped with places to sleep and rejuvenate. However, time to rest in the corporation still needs to be found.


Working at Google is not as cloudless and fabulous as many people think. This is a separate world in which you need to obey the established laws, sacrifice your time and principles. As a rule, they hire qualified professionals who graduated from prestigious educational institutions. Beginners often cannot stand the success that has piled up and cannot put their knowledge into practice. Yes, there are high salaries, bonuses and other rewards, but working in a company takes all your free time. Employees practically live in the office, as in a "golden cage".

Another significant drawback is overcrowded offices. The company employs many employees, and the staff is constantly replenished. There is simply no time to expand leadership. There is bureaucracy in this cheerful American company. Problems at Google certainly exist. This is a large institution that employs living people of blood and flesh. No one is immune from mistakes and shortcomings.


Who among us does not dream of a high salary, realization of creative potential and acquired knowledge? Working at Google is prestigious and highly paid. Without bonuses, payments, cash incentives, gifts, employees receive a year from 100 thousand dollars. The highest paid positions in the company are financial analyst, development manager, senior engineer, product sales manager, research scientists, technical manager, technical project manager, corporate legal consultant, public relations manager, technical manager, user interface designer, online sales manager, service and software availability engineer, and others. Ordinary employees receive less.

About Russian diplomas, interviews and work in the USA.

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Eugene is originally from Yekaterinburg, after graduating from school he entered ITMO at the Department of Computer Technologies and moved to St. Petersburg. After 2 years, I transferred to the Department of Higher Mathematics, and in the 4th year I decided that I still need to do programming. He began to study practical programming at Java courses at Exigen Services, and went to theoretical courses at the Computer Science club. At the same time, he began to enroll in a master's program at the Academic University in the direction of Software Engineering.
I liked it in the magistracy and he completed internships at Yandex and JetBrains; began to work as a teacher at the department - and after graduation he remained in the graduate school of SPbAU. At the same time, after six months of work, I decided to try out at Google (note - YouTube belongs to Google) and received an offer.

“Thus, Google is my second employer, and as a programmer, my first,” says Evgeny. - The process of moving turned out to be quite long: almost a year and a half passed from the moment of the first interview to the first working day. Even after you receive an offer, there is still a lot to do: obtaining a visa, selecting a team, and the move itself. However, such long terms played into my hands - thanks to them, I managed a lot in graduate school. It only remained to defend my dissertation, which I did, returning to Russia for a short while from the USA two years later.

I originally applied to Google in the US and the most direct route is the H1-B work visa. It is intended for highly qualified specialists, but has an annual quota, and I did not get into it. Then I was offered a circuitous route - an L1 visa, the so-called transfer within the company.

In order for an employee to be transferred to an American office, he must work for at least a year in an office of the same company in another country. Google recruiters offered me a choice of Canada, Australia and Switzerland, and I settled on the latter. Mainly because I had acquaintances living there - my classmates. A year later, I was already in Silicon Valley.

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– What is the difference between the workflow in the American and Swiss offices of Google?

– I am often asked about the differences between working and living in Zurich and Silicon Valley. I did not notice any serious differences in the working process device. Perhaps this is because the work of my current team is closely related to the one in which I worked in Switzerland. In fact, we are working on the same project and often fly to each other on business trips.

Offices are arranged a little differently, and the rhythm of life is also different - here everything is for larks, and in the Swiss office - for owls. Although the latter is more of a necessity, because many local YouTube and Google teams work with teams from Europe. And for the interaction of teams there is a very short period of time for convenient crossing between time zones: in Europe it is evening, and in the USA it is morning.

How is your typical work day?

- If there are no morning rallies with Zurich, then I arrive at work most often by 10 o'clock. I think I am one of the last ones, because the office parking lot is already full. Well, then everything is standard: I answer emails, program and go to rallies.

– What are you working on?

I am working on an internal project. It's a testing infrastructure: we make services that our developers use to test their code.

– Are Russian diplomas valued in the USA?

- For American companies, it does not really matter which country issued a diploma to a programmer. Here, perhaps, they pay a little more attention if there is a master's degree. And, by the way, quite often, when evaluating a diploma in the USA, this degree is also awarded to developers who graduated from Russian universities with a specialist diploma (5-year education). In general, a diploma plays a serious role only in the absence of work experience or for obtaining an American work visa, although this is also not a panacea. Knowledge and experience are essential to getting a job.

How are technical interviews at Google?

– My interview took place in St. Petersburg (Google still had an office there). At that time, I worked as a teacher of discrete mathematics at the Academic University and, accordingly, this was indicated in my resume. During the interview, I got the impression that many interviewers asked questions related to my current job and wanted to check if I really understood what I was teaching. I really liked the tasks that were offered to me; they were varied and interesting.
Now I also conduct technical interviews with candidates and, on the contrary, I try to ask the same questions so that everyone is on an equal footing.

And then it’s easier for me to compare candidates with each other. Previously, it was fashionable at Google to ask various puzzles at interviews (for sure, many of them met problems about a coin and about a blender), but over time, the company realized that such tasks were not indicative, and even introduced a ban on them.

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How is the final decision made on a candidate?

– For each candidate, interviewers must fill out a special form in which they need to describe how the interview process went and evaluate the candidate according to several objective criteria. Further, these assessment forms from each interviewer are processed by HR managers and transferred to the so-called Hiring Committee. Committee members make the final decision. The committee includes Google engineers, but they cannot be the same engineers who directly interviewed candidates.

How much do Google programmers get paid?

– It’s hard to say: here it’s not customary to discuss salaries with colleagues, in Russia there is a simpler attitude to this. But in general, this is a very broad question: it all depends on the level at which the programmer is hired and the skills to bargain when receiving an offer. For the same level, the monthly salary will be approximately the same, but the amounts of other types of remuneration may vary greatly. A lot is decided by the presence of a counteroffer and the ability to “sell” yourself.

Like many American IT companies, Google's salary consists of three parts. The first is the monthly salary that comes to the card in a fixed amount, which is indicated in the contract when signing the offer, and then, possibly, changes at the beginning of each year. At the end of the year, they give the second part - a bonus, which depends on how much a person has surpassed himself.

Finally, the third part is stocks. Shares are given upon signing an offer, but they can only be sold according to a certain scheme: for example, in the first year of work you cannot sell at all, in the second you can sell 25%, in the third another 25%, and so on. For each following year, you are given a new block of shares with a similar cashing out scheme. Of course, this is done in order to keep the employee, and often people cannot get off this hook, because in large companies, stocks grow every year.

- What bonuses does Google have besides the salary?

“Medical services cost me almost nothing, since Google pays its employees and all their families for general health insurance, as well as separate dental and eye care. On average in California, where Silicon Valley is located, I think these medical insurances could cost several thousand dollars per person. Also, I hardly spend money on food, because there are many cafes in the office where they have free breakfast, lunch and dinner. For Google employees, there are many other nice "goodies" - decent discounts on various goods and services, a cool office with a free gym and swimming pool, massage in the office.

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– A question that HRs are very fond of asking at interviews: how do you see yourself in 5 years?

I don't have any specific goals. But I, for one, don't want to go into management; most likely I want to remain an engineer and get more and more responsibility in this area.

At Google, historically, developer levels start at 3rd. When I was hired, I was given the 3rd level (relatively speaking, Junior), because I had no experience as a programmer, nor a PhD degree. Then I advanced to the 4th level, and recently to the 5th. This level is already called “Senior”. I know from my Russian friends that in Russia promotion is sometimes faster. Many who had a Senior level in Russian companies get Middle here.

There are quite a lot of levels in Google - there is room to grow, but with each new level it is more and more difficult to do this. There are only one or two level 11 developers in the whole company.

stdClass Object ( => 1 => Miscellaneous => category => no_theme)

stdClass Object ( => 10131 => US work => post_tag => rabota-v-ssha)

stdClass Object ( => 12742 => Google => post_tag => kompaniya-google)

stdClass Object ( => 13337 => Our people => category => nashi-ludi)

stdClass Object ( => 13992 => Likbez => category => poleznaja-informatsija)

stdClass Object ( => 16407 => Silicon Valley => post_tag => kremnievaya-dolina)

Google needs specialists - it's a fact. As well as:

  • The fact that the company has a turnover (probably a little less than the market average).
  • There are always open vacancies on the Google website (the company is constantly looking for the best specialists).
  • Google in Russia regularly holds open days, where you can freely enter.
  • Sometimes Google holds “open” subbotniks, which you can also get to and chat on any topic.
  • Google holds numerous contests and competitions among students, they have internships and various mentoring programs. You can start small too.

In a word, they are looking for and waiting for you.

On the Google website and on the official Google blog in Russia, I found several notes on the topic “how to get into Google”. I will try to bring them together in this note.

Who the company needs

Talented, proactive and hardworking specialists are needed. There are a number of wishes for employees, but the above are the main ones.

Working moments in Google

Technology knowledge is required. This is especially true for newcomers, students and trainees. For these groups of people, Google generously gives creative freedom.

Employment process

The recruitment process is complex and consists of 3 main steps:

  • CV submission. At this stage, you (or rather your resume) will be assessed by the HR manager and decide whether you should call and schedule the first interview.
  • Telephone interview. They will evaluate your technical knowledge and professional experience and decide whether to call you for a face-to-face interview in the office.
  • Interview in the office. Meeting with several engineers, conversations, tests, answers to questions. Then a collegial decision will be made (everyone must approve your candidacy).

If doubts remain after the second interview, they can invite you for another one. One of my acquaintances said that he had 3 interviews at Yandex. Therefore, patience is needed here as well.

How to write a resume

If you want to apply for an open position, your resume will be reviewed faster. If you want a job matched to your skills, then you will probably have to wait.

Resume nuances important for Google

  1. Write your resume strictly in English
  2. Be sure to indicate the average score in the diploma
  3. Indicate all diplomas, victories in competitions, awards that are close to work or science (sports and combat awards do not need to be listed)
  4. Tell us about your publications and scientific work
  5. Focus on the projects you have very interesting(not just those in which you have been successful). You can talk about what you have ever thought up and brought to life (for example, if you came up with a timer for a Soviet gas stove that turns off the gas and brought it to life, be sure to write about it)
  6. Write about your hobby or your hobbies
  7. Tell us about what makes you stand out from the crowd and what makes you unique on this planet

And this is all in addition to a well-written resume. These 7 points are a task for the image maker (that is, for you!).

Nothing helps in work and career like realizing your own greatness, confirmed by iron arguments, your confident behavior and impeccable appearance.

What else can help you get a job?

Decide why you like Google and why you want to work there.

I remember when I went for an interview at Megafon I was interviewed for a long time and hard (there were 2 rounds) and after all the negotiations they agreed to hire me with the wording “suitable, but not enough motivation to work at Megafon”. Big companies love to be loved flawlessly and completely. It's in their blood.

For the sake of interest - for employment at Megafon, they gave me a huge bundle of documents (plus I had to do a fluorography and undergo a medical examination). It was reasonable to give 2 weeks for completion. While I was filling out the passport numbers of my grandparents, another company made me an offer and I did not get into Megafon. Did not have time. There was really little motivation :)

Be well aware of what products and services Google is currently building. Study trends.

Subscribe to the official blog - Google in Russia. The blog often contains interesting information about conferences organized by the company, open days, subbotniks and other events. A personal meeting helps to collect the most valuable information about the company (and sometimes immediately agree on cooperation - even a small one).

useful links

You can see what Google offices look like in different countries.

You can also visit the Google Careers page, where you can find a lot of information about employment.

Get to know others.