Jsc national bank for business development. National Bank for Business Development. Bilalov from the Caspian to the Black Seas

Open Joint Stock Company National Bank for Business Development (OJSC NBB) was established on April 19, 1994. At present, OJSC “NBB” is a strong, professional structure, in demand by the market and able to adequately respond to current changes in the market situation. The Bank grants its clients qualified banking services at the level of international standards and provides all the opportunities for cooperation with business partners in various countries of the world. Our most important achievement is a high reputation among partners and clients. It is confirmed by the main financial indicators - the dynamics of profit, the size of capital, assets, funds on customer accounts


"Board of Directors"

1. Tatarchenko Igor Fedorovich
Chairman of the Board of Directors

2. Verzin Alexander Sergeevich
Member of the Board of Directors

3. Efimov Petr Valentinovich
Member of the Board of Directors

4. Ershov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich
Member of the Board of Directors

5. Sokolov Yuri Vasilievich
Member of the Board of Directors


The Central Bank revoked the license of the former bank of Bilalov

The Central Bank of Russia has revoked the banking license from the National Bank for Business Development OJSC (Moscow). Until the spring of 2013. the main shareholder of the bank was Magomed Bilalov, brother of the former owner of the Krasnaya Polyana company, which was engaged in the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi, a former deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and ex-senator Akhmed Bilalov.
Read completely: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/24/04/2014/920134.shtml

The international operator Interstate will manage part of the Gornaya Karusel hotels in Krasnaya Polyana.

CJSC NBB-Development is a management company that is part of the group of companies National Bank for Business Development OJSC (Moscow). In addition to STK Gornaya Karusel, it manages the implementation of the following Olympic facilities in Sochi: Sochi-Plaza (reconstruction of the Moscow hotel), Sochi-Golf-Club and Sochi-Adler-Marina.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20101027191527.shtml

The Gornaya Karusel complex has opened in Sochi

The main investor in the Gornaya Karusel ski resort project is the National Bank for Business Development Commercial Bank. In addition to the Gornaya Karusel sports and tourist complex, the bank's investment projects include the development of golf and tennis at the Sochi Golf resort and the Olympic Dagomys boarding house.
link: http://www.frontdesk.ru/vetka.cgi?vetkaid=22491

Alpine town to be built in Sochi

The construction of the Gornaya Karusel is carried out by the NBB-Development company, which is part of the NBB group of companies (National Bank for Business Development, formerly National Business Bank). The media reported that NBB-Development also plans to build a golf club and a marina (a modern yacht dock) with restaurants and shops on the territory of Sochi.
link: http://readers.lenta.ru/realty/news/2010/09/15/gorodok/

Bilalov from the Caspian to the Black Seas

At the same time, Bilalov's brother Magomed, who received loans from Vnesheconombank, manages the Gornaya Karusel. Officially, the complex belongs to OJSC Krasnaya Polyana, a minority stake in which is owned by the authorities, and the main shareholder is structures affiliated with the National Bank for Business Development, controlled by Akhmed Bilalov. So Nevsky, in his letter, offers the state corporation under Bilalov's management, in fact, to nationalize his other asset burdened with debts.
link: http://www.georgiatimes.info/interview/73966.html

Sberbank's partner Magomed Bilalov became the largest shareholder of the National Business Bank

The brother of the vice-president of the Russian Olympic Committee, Akhmed Bilalov, and Sberbank's partner in the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi, Magomed Bilalov, increased his stake in the National Bank for Business Development (NBB), becoming its largest shareholder. Now Bilalov owns 34.26% of the shares of the credit institution.
link: http://marker.ru/news/502773

The Russian Cup as a test competition will be held at the Olympic Jumping Complex in Sochi

The management company "NBB-Development" is a part of the group of companies OJSC "National Bank for Business Development". The company was founded in 2009 to manage the implementation of large investment sports and tourism projects in Russia. Today, NBB-Development manages the implementation of several large-scale projects that are Olympic facilities of federal significance (in accordance with the “Program for the construction of Olympic facilities and the development of the city of Sochi as a mountain climatic resort”, approved by Government Resolution No. 991). These are the Gornaya Karusel sports and tourist complex and the Complex of trampolines K-125 and K-95 in Krasnaya Polyana; a modern multifunctional hotel complex "Sochi-Plaza" of the category "three stars" in the center of the city of Sochi; year-round Sochi Golf Club and SPA; all-season yacht port "Sochi Adler Marina".

The bank was registered in 1994 as the interregional investment commercial bank AMiK. In 2001-2002, he changed owners and received its modern name - "National Bank for Business Development". In August 2009, the organizational and legal form was changed from a limited liability company to an open joint stock company. Until the spring of 2013, the main shareholder of the financial institution was Magomed Bilalov, brother of the former owner of the Krasnaya Polyana company (implementing projects for the construction of sports facilities in Sochi), deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third and fourth convocations, ex-Senator Akhmed Bilalov.

In May 2013, the bank's press service announced the change of its owners. In particular, businessman Pavel Kachalov became the new shareholder (he is the owner of the Semenovskaya Manufaktura paint and varnish materials company, is engaged in construction in the Moscow region): today he directly owns 11.56% of the bank's shares. The rest of the shares are distributed among six LLCs, the beneficiaries of which have already partially changed since May.

According to the disclosed information, at the moment, significant shares in the bank are controlled "), Elena Kovalenko (about 18.17% through Whistone Garant LLC), Olesya Kazambaeva (17.9% through Sibinvestproject LLC), Elena Grazhdankina (15, 18% through OOO But Trading), Yulia Kiseleva (14.49% through OOO Trait), Alexander Pichugin (about 14.2% through OOO Whistone Garant), Alexey Kopylov (12.2% through OOO Selkhozsbyt "), Anton Suslonov (10.5% through Agroservice LLC).

The bank's network of divisions includes over 10 sales offices, including a branch in Krasnodar. The Krasnodar Territory accounts for a significant part of the NBB's business, including financing and servicing regional fuel and energy enterprises and tourism companies, participating in projects to prepare for the 2014 Winter Olympics. The bank calls its main and strategic customers OJSC Independent Power Sales Company of Krasnodar Region, OJSC Krasnodargorgaz, OJSC Kubanenergo, OJSC Kuban Gas Company, OJSC Krasnaya Polyana, OJSC Hotel Moscow (Sochi), Federal State Unitary Enterprise Kaspiysk, ZAO NIP Informzashita, OOO International Leasing Company, OAO MIK, ZAO SUIproekt and other organizations.

For corporate clients, the NBB offers settlement and cash services, lending, leasing, depository and collection services, salary projects, trust management, etc. in deposits or OFBU (general funds of banking management), rent a safe deposit box, issue a Visa bank card. The bank's own ATMs operate in the Moscow region (three devices) and Krasnodar (one). In addition, the bank has been developing mortgage lending over the past few years; also the NBB website offers a loan for urgent needs. However, the share of loans to individuals in the bank's loan portfolio is small.

Probably, with the arrival of new shareholders, the bank's business model will change. This was indirectly confirmed by representatives of the institution, saying that the bank will take a new course of development. The corporate sector is expected to be in the spotlight. In addition, the financial institution will expand the range of loan offers for small and medium-sized businesses.

At the end of 2013, the bank's assets grew by 20% or 2.4 billion rubles. The growth of the bank's assets was ensured by household deposits in liabilities (2.4 billion rubles). Previously, the NBB did not actively attract deposits from citizens. The liabilities included a decrease in the amount of attracted interbank loans by more than 1 billion rubles. In assets, the size of the corporate loan portfolio increased (+3.1 billion rubles or 36%). At the moment, the loan portfolio accounts for 83% of the bank's net assets. The bulk of loans were provided to corporate clients, mainly trade and construction organizations, as well as service enterprises. 12% of assets are invested in bills of exchange of Russian companies. In the passive part of the balance sheet, 18% is accounted for by the authorized capital, 15% is formed by balances on current accounts and deposits of corporate clients, 23% of liabilities are deposits of individuals. In the market of interbank loans, the NBB is more often a net borrower. According to RAS financial statements, the bank's net profit at the end of 2013 amounted to RUB 125.2 million (in 2012 the same indicator was RUB 161.9 million).

Board of Directors: Igor Tatarchenko (chairman), Petr Efimov, Alexander Verzin, Dmitry Ershov, Yuri Sokolov.

Governing body: Andrey Kulakov (chairman), Anton Suslonov, Vladimir Kudasov, Irina Kleimenova.

The bank was registered in 1994 as the interregional investment commercial bank AMiK. In 2001-2002, he changed owners and received its modern name - "National Bank for Business Development". In August 2009, the organizational and legal form was changed from a limited liability company to an open joint stock company.

The bank has a branch in Krasnodar, and since July 2013 has begun to develop a network in the capital region, where four additional offices have already been opened (two each in Moscow and the Moscow region). The Krasnodar Territory accounts for a significant part of the NBB's business, including financing and servicing regional fuel and energy enterprises and tourism companies, participating in projects to prepare for the 2014 Winter Olympics. The bank calls its main and strategic customers OJSC Independent Power Sales Company of Krasnodar Region, OJSC Krasnodargorgaz, OJSC Kubanenergo, OJSC Kuban Gas Company, OJSC Krasnaya Polyana, OJSC Hotel Moscow (Sochi), Federal State Unitary Enterprise Kaspiysk, ZAO NIP Informzashita, OOO International Leasing Company, OAO MIK, ZAO SUIproekt and other organizations.

National Business Development Bank OJSC (NBRB OJSC)- a Russian commercial bank operating in the market of financial and credit services in the Russian Federation in 1994-2014. The bank was registered in 1994 as the interregional investment commercial bank AMiK. In 2001-2002, he changed owners and received the final name - "National Bank for Business Development". Until the spring of 2013, the main shareholder of the financial institution was the brother of the former owner of the Krasnaya Polyana company (she led projects for the construction of sports facilities in Sochi for the 2014 Olympics), a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third and fourth convocations, an ex-senator.

For 2014, the bank's shareholders were: Elena Kovalenko (about 18.17% through Whistone Garant LLC), Olesya Kazambaeva (17.9% through Sibinvestproekt LLC), Elena Grazhdankina (15.18% through But Trading LLC ), Yulia Kiseleva (14.49% through Trait LLC), Alexander Pichugin (about 14.2% through Whistone Garant LLC), Alexey Kopylov (12.2% through Selhozsbyt LLC), (10.5 % through Agroservice LLC). According to the results of 2013, the bank's net profit amounted to 125.2 million rubles (in 2012, the same indicator was equal to 161.9 million rubles).

On April 24, 2014, the Bank of Russia revoked the license from the credit institution. According to the regulator, " OJSC NBB pursued a high-risk credit policy related to the placement of funds in low-quality assets. As a result of the fulfillment of the requirements of the supervisory authority on the formation of reserves adequate to the accepted risks, in the activities of the bank there were grounds for the implementation of measures to prevent insolvency (bankruptcy). In addition, the bank did not ensure the timely fulfillment of obligations to creditors and depositors. The management and owners of the bank did not take measures for its financial recovery".

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