Informatization of Belarusian polyclinics: online ordering of coupons, virtual queues and electronic medical records. Help "I cannot say that patients will not completely see the queues at polyclinics"

On Wednesday morning, February 1, TUT.BY correspondents spent in three Minsk polyclinics - they counted how many patients one therapist manages to see, how many Minsk residents enter the office “just to ask”, how many at one time according to coupons. Surprisingly, there was no queue at any of the clinics.

Polyclinic number 6: 12 people in two hours

From 8.00 to 10.00 in the corridors of one of the therapeutic departments of the polyclinic No. 6 it is not crowded. We choose room 411 for observation. The beginning of the ninth, and in front of the door there is only one person waiting for his turn on the coupon. It looks like the first visitor is in the doctor's office right now.

Until nine o'clock, according to our calculations, 9 people manage to visit the therapist's office. One of them is a gray-haired man without a ticket - he needs a referral.

A new hour begins. The silence is diluted by a breathless young man:

“I'm a little late,” he says apologetically. - 9.02, and the ticket for 9.00.

However, the patient has nothing to apologize for and, in fact, there is no one to apologize to: no one takes a few more minutes for him. The guy came to the therapist's office at 9.07. He will stay with the doctor until 9.25.

At 9.22 an elderly woman in a headscarf came to the therapist's office. Before her, a man had already taken a line in front of the door. There is some kind of dialogue between the patients.

- And what is your ticket number? - says the patient.

“Sixth,” the patient answers, without looking up from his cell phone.

- And I have the seventh. That's how good it came out. - Sits down and tries to attract the attention of a neighbor in turn. - Look, what good photocopies they "took" for me.

- The seals are different, - the man reacts, it seems, again without looking up.

“Ai, what am I showing you,” the woman waved her hand. - You look into your cell phone and you see nothing.

The woman sits silently for a couple of minutes, and then leaves for one of the offices nearby, says - to talk to a familiar head.

At about 9.25 a man with ticket number 6 enters the office. It lingers there for about 20 minutes. The woman who came out of one of the offices has already taken off her handkerchief and sighs:

- Probably, I missed my turn ...

When she finds out that she did not miss, she begins to sigh for another reason:

- Oh, how slow! I have a coupon at 9.30, and already at 9.45 and I can't go.

At 9.50 the patient enters the office. Another elderly woman takes her place. She came ahead of time - she only has a ticket for 10.15.

According to our calculations, 12 people managed to visit the therapist's office by 10.00. Almost all came with coupons. Two of them came in "just to ask." And they kept their promise: they left in a maximum of a minute.

Polyclinic number 2: "Many people order coupons on the Internet and do not come"

The photograph is used for illustration. Photo: Evgeniy Erchak, TUT.BY

Morning in polyclinic number 2 on Yakubovskogo, 33, we begin with the registration. At 8.00 o'clock, the man in front asks for a coupon to a therapist.

- How for when? Not now!

- Will it work at 9.40? - the girl in the window asks.

The patient agrees. In the meantime, an appointment has already begun in one of the offices of the therapy department.

At 8.10, there are two women in line, with coupons # 2 and # 4.

- Are there those who do not have coupons?

The patients look at each other with displeasure. They are silent and take the journalist with a menacing look to the nearest bench: there is nothing, so to speak, to violate the order.

- And who is the last one? - a pensioner approaches. - I am the fifth, I will be behind you.

Sits down next to the women. Silence.

8.14 - the patient enters. 8.26 - it comes out. It is followed by the next one.

- I am in acute pain! - a dense man of about 40 is banging.

The pensioner is imperturbable:

- Well, go in front of me.

- Now I am, - the girl in pink does not let him in. - I have a ticket for 8.33.

At 8.34 she cautiously dives into the office, the man "boils over". And so loudly that the receiving doctor reacts to it.

- What is your address? - she approaches the unhappy patient. - Your doctor is in another office.

- As if I don't know! But the nearest ticket is only for twelve, - he swears and runs away.

The peace-loving pensioner shrugs his shoulders pitifully, but again does not get into the vacant office. A woman is ahead of him: "I just have to ask."

The woman, by the way, does not lie, and after four minutes she leaves.

The pensioner came in at 9.00, ten minutes late for his ticket.

At the same time, an appointment with a therapist next door begins.

- How much coupon do you have? - the pensioner asks the girl.

- At nine.

- Oh, and I have ten. But you know ... You miss me, I quickly ... Just a couple of recipes.

- I'm faster. I'm just measuring the pressure. Maybe the man following me will let you through.

The man is silent.

The clock is ticking, the good-natured pensioner leaves the doctor at 9.27. The fact that he was taken for so long, in general, does not particularly annoy anyone. There is no one in the queue except the journalist.

Closer to 9.30 a girl came up - and immediately into the office.

Talon, later says, ordered via the Internet last week.

In principle, it could have been done yesterday as well, but it would hardly have been a convenient time.

“I don’t understand at all what kind of silence it is in the clinic. As well as not winter in the yard! We have that no one is sick? - the patient of the neighboring therapist supports the conversation. - For two weeks I go to the therapist, and there are no queues. Cards, however, are badly worn. I would have already gone to my doctor, only the cards from the registry have not yet been reported.

“They wanted everything at once,” another patient retorts her. - There are few people, they wait until the stack is collected and carry it. And you find fault here.

“I’m not finding fault, I’m here at this time of illness,” the second does not concede. - The other day here with one in the elevator got stuck, as she started up: cough-cough. If only I could cover my mouth. Then for three days I couldn't get up because of a cough.

The patients of the neighboring therapist quickly agreed on the topic of sores, and on the clock, meanwhile, 9.40. There is no one under the office.

9.45, 9.50 - nobody.

9.53 - a woman popped in without a ticket. By ten came the second - to close the hospital.

We go down to the reception. The nearest coupon is offered only for Friday.

- How so? After all, there is no one under the offices of two doctors.

- Yes, you go like that, - instructs the registrar. “Many people now order coupons via the Internet, and then they don’t cancel and don’t come. And so it turns out: no coupons, no patients.

Polyclinic number 30: "There are few people, even strange"

Photo is used as an illustration.

At 7.50, two people are already waiting at the therapist's office - a guy and an elderly woman. Soon a few people pull up.

- Who's first? - asks one of the women who came.

- I have the first coupon, - says another.

Here a guy enters the conversation. He says he does not have a ticket, but he will still go first, because he came at 7.30. He says that it is already the 4th day that he cannot get to the therapist.

At 8.05 the reception began. During the 10 minutes that the boy stayed at the doctor, only one woman came - with a coupon.

The time allotted to each patient is 7 minutes. But in fact, some of the patients sat in room 5, some for 10, and some for 20 minutes.

There was no big gap between the time on the coupon and the real one, because some patients simply did not show up for an appointment.

“There are few people today, it’s even strange,” sums up one of the grandmothers while waiting for her turn. Others are also connected to it. Women conclude that "people just haven't woken up yet."

One cannot but agree with them: from 8.00 to 10.30 three people came “just to ask” and 15 people came to see a doctor with a coupon.

“I cannot say that patients will not completely see the queues at polyclinics”

- We are also monitoring the situation, we go to health care institutions. And for us, when long queues add up, this is already a rarity, a non-standard situation, - says Dmitry Cherednichenko, First Deputy Chairman of the Health Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

According to the specialist, online registration and pre-registration at the reception helped to solve the age-old problem of all polyclinics.

- Of course, I cannot say that patients will not completely see the lines at the clinic, - said the interlocutor. - But everything we do contributes to the correct planning of the work of health care institutions.

- At the same time, online registration gave rise to another non-standard situation: the doctor has no patients, but you cannot take a coupon to him, since someone signed up and did not come.

- Now the percentage of non-income from online registration is plus or minus 10-15%. For this reason, we do not post all coupons on the Internet, but 20-30%. Maximum 40% - to individual specialists. I would like to note that our registry has a connection with any office and should immediately respond to such a situation. If necessary, specialists send the patient to a free doctor. In addition, we always have an administrative officer on duty, a doctor on duty, and a doctor's assistant.

Dmitry Cherednichenko said that they did not consider the issue of punishing those patients who, having booked a coupon via the Internet, did not come.

- Here we can only rely on the conscience of a person, if you signed up, then come.

What is VALUE BUY?

TALON.BYE is the Internet registration of your clinic.

Right now, online, you can:

  • view information about the clinic;
  • see all free coupons to doctors;
  • order a coupon for an appointment with a doctor;
  • cancel a previously ordered coupon;
  • call a doctor at home.

TALON.BYI works around the clock and seven days a week. Now it is fully functional in the mobile version of the site.
Today the service is available to all clinics in our country using modern information technologies.

You can order a coupon to see a doctor not only in Minsk, but also in many regional centers and large cities.

Stay tuned for site updates!

Don't get sick and stay healthy!

Medical facilities on the site

Where can I find the phone number, address of the clinic and other information?

On the first page of the Internet registration of each polyclinic, its address, location on the map, phone numbers and address of its website are indicated. Other useful information can be found on the clinic's website or during a personal visit.

Why is my clinic unavailable today? I worked yesterday.

A feature of our service is the provision of information directly from the database of a medical institution and ordering a ticket in real time. As a result, you get absolutely reliable, up-to-date information, and the ordering procedure excludes any overlays ("double" coupons, etc.). At the same time, this requires constant communication with the institution via the Internet. In case of technical problems at the medical facility, the service will be temporarily unavailable.

Why is it possible to order a coupon only during the opening hours of the polyclinic?

TALON.BYI works around the clock and seven days a week. At the same time, the mode of operation of the Internet registration of a particular polyclinic is determined by the administration of this institution. In this regard, it is possible to turn off the server of the polyclinic during non-working hours and weekends.

With a proposal to change the operating mode of the Internet registration of your polyclinic, you should contact the medical institution directly. This can be done using the electronic application form on the website of the medical institution.

Appointment to a doctor

There are coupons for the chosen doctor, but they are always unavailable for ordering via the Internet. Why?

The peculiarity of our service is that all free coupons are always displayed on the site. The administration of the website does not have access to coupons, they are entered by the registry staff in the program in the clinic, the site broadcasts the current situation and works in automatic mode.

The situation when the coupon is not available for ordering via the Internet can be caused by various reasons:

  • the quota for ordering coupons via the Internet has expired (this quota is set by the administration of the institution)
  • the Internet quota is equal to 0 (the recording is made by directions, which requires a personal contact to the registry, the website only informs about the availability of coupons)
  • the pre-registration quota has expired (coupons may become available again on the eve of admission)

Such coupons are displayed on our website, but you cannot order them from the website. For what reason the coupon is not available and what to do to order it - only the registry knows. Nevertheless, the information provided by the service will make it possible to assess in advance the possibility of making an appointment at a convenient time, after which you should contact the reception.

Why are there so few specialties of doctors on the list? Where is the gynecologist (endocrinologist, neurologist, ENT, etc.)?

The information displayed on the site is provided from the clinic's database. The composition of specialties available via the Internet is determined independently by the administration of each polyclinic. For some specialties, free access to online appointments is not available for various reasons. For example, when the recording is carried out only upon presentation of the direction. In this case, you cannot do without a personal appeal to the clinic. You can find out in more detail about this by contacting the administration of the medical institution through the electronic application form on the clinic's website.

Why is there no longer a doctor I have visited on the list?

The list displays only doctors with a completed work schedule in the polyclinic. If a doctor is on vacation and no schedule has been created for him, he may temporarily not be displayed on the site. You can find out more about the current schedule of your doctor's work by contacting the clinic by phone.

Why is there not a single coupon to the chosen doctor, all days are unavailable?

Most likely, there are really no coupons to the chosen doctor. Perhaps all of them were ordered or canceled, for example, due to a doctor's illness, an unplanned business trip to study, etc. You can find out more about this case by contacting the clinic by phone or through the electronic appeal form on the institution's website.

Why did the coupons for the day I selected become unavailable? An hour ago, everything was fine, and there are still enough free tickets.

The administration of the medical institution has the ability to limit the volume of ordering coupons via the Internet by setting a percentage quota. After a certain number of coupons are ordered via the Internet, the rest will be available only by contacting the registry. You can find out more in your clinic about the amount of the established quota for the chosen specialty. And also, if this situation occurs frequently, apply for an increase in the quota. To do this, you can use the form of electronic appeal of citizens on the website of your clinic.

Why are there so few free tickets? Is it possible to give more coupons over the Internet?

The peculiarity of this service is that you see absolutely all free coupons. Exactly the same as the clinic's receptionist. If coupons for another time are not displayed in the list, it means that they have already been ordered, or there is no acceptance at this time.

Why can't you order coupons in the morning for the same day? There are coupons, but the order is not available.

This is a necessary limitation. You cannot order a coupon directly on the day of application. Since by the beginning of the reception, the time of free tickets may already be allocated differently. For example, to see patients with emergency indications, etc.

To order a voucher for "today", contact the clinic's reception.

I registered one child with a doctor, but he doesn’t allow the second, writes “contact the registry”.

This is most likely a coincidence. There is no such limitation, you can register two or more patients in a row to one doctor. At the same time, the administration of the polyclinic can set a limit (quota) on the number of coupons that can be ordered via the Internet. If after recording the first patient the quota has ended, then the next one can be recorded only by contacting the clinic's registry. You can find out more about the established quotas by contacting the administration of the medical institution.

When I wrote one child to the doctor, I couldn't write the second one, it gives an error - "You are already registered."

Two children are two different patients. There is a restriction prohibiting ordering more than one voucher for one specialty for the same patient on the same day. After ordering the first coupon, the list is displayed with this circumstance in mind, since the first patient is now registered. You need to "reset" your registration by clicking on the "Exit" button in the upper right. After that, it will be possible to order the next coupon, indicating the personal data of the second patient.

I go through different days, everywhere when choosing a coupon I write "through the registry". How to understand on what day there are coupons available for ordering?

The days of the calendar are color-coded. If the coupon is available for ordering through the website, it is displayed in the calendar in green. Coupons that can only be ordered through the clinic's reception are grayed out. Weekends are marked in red when no appointment is made. Coupons for making an appointment with a doctor online may be unavailable for various reasons: the quota (number of available coupons) of ordering via the Internet has expired, or it has not been established (coupons are issued by referral, they are displayed on the website for information only). All these restrictions are set by the medical institution and cannot be changed by the site administration. With a request to increase the number of coupons issued via the Internet, contact the administration of the institution through the electronic application form on the clinic's website.

We ordered a voucher to see a doctor for my husband. How to order now for yourself? The computer remembered his data, but I can't enter mine.

Click the "Sign Out" button in the upper right corner. The husband's data will be reset and when ordering the next coupon you will be able to indicate your own.

I can’t order a voucher to a doctor, it displays the message "Currently, there are no free vouchers for any doctor in the chosen specialty!"

This message appears when there are no free tickets for the selected specialist. This can happen for several reasons: all tickets were ordered, the doctor's schedule was not completed, or the appointment was canceled. To find out the reasons, as well as suggestions for maintaining the schedule of specialists, you should contact a medical institution. This can be done through the electronic application form on the website of your clinic.

Patient registration

I can't register, how can I enter the correct address - Gazeta Zvezda avenue?

Sometimes users have difficulty entering a street with a complex name. For example, the avenue "Gazeta" Zvezda "can be indicated in the database of the polyclinic as avenue" G. Zvezda "or" Mr. Zvezda ", and street" Yakub Kolas "- as" Kolas Yakub "or" Y. Kolas ". - numbered names ("3rd lane of Builders"), other complex names ("50 years of Victory", "Heroes of the 120th Division", etc.).
When entering the names of such streets, limit yourself to one key word: "Star", "Kolas", "Builders", "Victory", "Heroes" (or "Divisions"). This will be enough for a successful search. Do not worry about the presence of other streets with a similar name (1st, 2nd, 3rd lane) - the search for a patient is performed using all the requisites at the same time, as a result of the set of streets the required one will be determined correctly.

I can't register. The message "The patient with the specified data was not found in the medical institution's file."

This can happen in several cases:

1. When registering, you entered your data with an error. Double-check your details and enter them correctly.

2. You are not registered in the database of this clinic. Contact your clinic at the place of registration.

3. In the base of the polyclinic's registry, your data was entered with an error. Contact the registry, check that the spelling of the surname in the database of the polyclinic corresponds to the spelling in the passport. The same applies to the address.

Registration fails. Too many matches found are displayed.

This situation occurs if the personal data you entered corresponds to more than one entry in the patient card index. As a result, the system cannot identify a specific patient. The system will prompt you to enter the data again, and the fields for entering the name and patronymic will automatically expand, allowing you to enter them in full form. If entering the specified personal data (with the full name and patronymic, exact address) does not help, this may mean that there is a duplicate record in the database. This happens when the patient was registered twice by mistake. Contact the clinic reception to solve this problem.

I am serviced by permission - could this be the reason for the registration problems?

Yes, it is quite. When a patient with a temporary authorization for service is entered into the database, the date of retirement corresponding to the end of the authorization period is immediately filled in. The permit is usually valid for one year. If the permit is not renewed in a timely manner, or information about the renewal is not entered into the database, the patient will not be found (records of patients who have dropped out are not taken into account). Contact the registry of the polyclinic to resolve this issue.

I can't enter my date of birth. Registration does not work without it - this field is required. What to do?

Possible one of the following reasons:

1. You are using a non-common browser or an old version, and your browser does not support this component. Update or replace your browser.

2. During the development of the site, this form was changed several times. You see an old form previously saved by your browser. To fix the problem, forcibly refresh the page (Ctrl-F5 in most browsers) and delete the temporary files.

The site provides two options for entering the date of birth: an electronic calendar and manual data entry in the format "DD.MM.YYYY". If one of the options doesn't work, try another.

Who will correct the spelling error in the patient's surname? To whom and where to contact? The surname is displayed with an error on the ordered coupon.

The last name and other personal data of the patient are not stored on the website, but in the database of the clinic's registry. Only there it is possible to correct the mistake. Contact the registry of the clinic and provide the exact personal data for correction, check that the data in the passport and in the database of the clinic match exactly. Check the correct spelling of the surname, date of birth, address of residence (this is especially important for complex surnames and streets consisting of a set of words and numbers). In some cases, you may be asked to come to the institution with a passport to verify the data.

When ordering a coupon through the website, my surname is given with an error. I went to the clinic, and at the reception they said that everything was written correctly. On the site, after registration, the surname is still issued with an error. When will the information on the site be updated?

The information on the site is not "updated", but is displayed as entered in the clinic. To check exactly how your surname is written down - print the coupon in the registry, the patient's surname will be indicated there.

Why is the street name not corrected? On the site, my data indicates Masherov Avenue, although it has long been renamed Pobediteley Avenue.

All personal data of the patient is not stored on the website, but in the database of the clinic's registry. Only there you can fix them. Contact the clinic's registry and report any inaccuracies in the data.

There are no streets in the village, but the system asks for a street name. How to fill out the card correctly?

In the situation described, the street is not required.
If registration does not take place without specifying the street, contact the reception and specify how your address is indicated in the clinic.

House call

How do I cancel a house call?

To do this, you need to call the clinic's registry. Call cancellation via the Internet is not performed. This is because by the time you decide to cancel the call, it may already have been transferred to the doctor. In order for this information to be brought to the doctor, you need your personal (by phone) appeal to the polyclinic.

How do I determine what time a home visit will be made?

Home visits are carried out by doctors during the entire operation of the clinic. It is impossible to plan the order and time of the visits, as the situation can change quickly. You can check the status of your call on the "View / Cancel coupons" page, or on the order page. Expect all visits to be made on the same day the call is answered.

Why is it impossible to call a doctor at home for tomorrow?

In accordance with the established order of medical care, all doctor's home calls are made only on the day the call was registered. Please note that this service is available only in the morning for all institutions. In the afternoon, incoming calls are processed by doctors.

Choosing a local doctor

How to find out who is my local doctor, on the street and at home?

The site provides a function of automatic detection of a local doctor. After choosing the specialty of the doctor, use the button "Your district police officer". Upon completion of the input of the patient's personal data (name, address), the system will automatically identify your district doctor. This opportunity is available only for specialties with a district service: therapists, pediatricians, gynecologists. In some polyclinics, this function may not be available due to the unconfigured principle of "scattering" doctors to areas.

How to choose a therapist by site number?

That is unnecessary. The site provides a function of automatic detection of a local doctor. After choosing the specialty of the doctor, click on the button "Your district doctor" and upon completion of entering your data (name, address), the system will automatically select the district doctor. This opportunity is available only for specialties with a district service: therapists, pediatricians, gynecologists.

Questions about ordered coupons

I successfully ordered a voucher to see a doctor, but I forgot the date and time. How can I clarify them through the website?

The site has a separate "personal" section where you can see all your coupons with unexpired dates. On the first page after choosing the clinic, select the section "My coupons", enter your personal data. After that, you can view the coupons you ordered, print them, and, if necessary, cancel the order.

Yesterday I made an appointment with a doctor, but today I do not see my ticket on the list. What happened?

Ordered coupons are displayed in the list only if the patient is registered. Return to the first page of the clinic and select the section "My coupons". After entering your personal data, you will see a list of previously ordered coupons. Also, a registered patient will see his coupons in the calendar with a general list of coupons.

I made an appointment with a doctor, but I cannot come to the appointment. How to cancel a ticket?

On the first page, after choosing a clinic, click the "My coupons" button, enter your personal data. After that, you will be able to view all the coupons you ordered, print them, and also cancel (delete) the ordered coupon.

There is also an alternative way: go through all the steps of ordering a coupon to the same doctor, in the general list of coupons you will see your coupon (will be highlighted), by clicking on it you will be asked to refuse the coupon.

How to print a coupon? Requires a doctor and a queue at the office.

Some medical institutions do not require printing a coupon at the registration desk when ordering online. Otherwise, before visiting a doctor, you must contact the registry in order to receive a coupon ordered on the Internet. Also, if the clinic has an info kiosk, you can print a coupon using it yourself by going under your credentials to the "My coupons" section. A coupon printed through an infokiosk serves as the basis for visiting a doctor.

The coupon printed from the site serves only to remind the data about the upcoming visit to the doctor (date, time, full name, office).

Earlier, we offered our readers three review articles on the development of e-health in Belarus. it was about the work of a single portal of electronic services. , - on government initiatives in the field of e-Health, - on private initiatives.

In order to tell in detail about the model of the relationship between public medical institutions and private e-Health initiatives, we decided to interview the developers of the TALON.BY service, Mapsoft. Our questions were answered by the head of the marketing department Andrey Rukol and also deputy director Maxim Kiselev... representatives of Mapsoft talked about the initial stage of informatization of polyclinics, the difficulties associated with changing the format of work, as well as the features of and its differences from other resources.

The second part of the interview deals with quotas for “electronic coupons” and the types of clinics with which TALON.BY works, as well as the expansion of Mapsoft's activities by opening call centers and information kiosks.

About quotas for "electronic coupons" and the types of clinics with which it worksTALON. BY

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): Can a patient turn to you and ask you to increase quotas?

TALON. BY: You need to contact not us, but institutions. We are here on the same side of the "barricades" with patients. We are also in favor of increasing the share of coupons on the Internet. I have already mentioned that at an early stage of the service's operation, we encountered such precedents when the management of polyclinics was cautious with posting coupons on the Internet. They explained this by the fact that "we have an elderly population, we cannot set quotas more than five percent, because the young will grab the coupons, and the grandmothers will not get it."

Practice has shown that these fears were in vain.

The maximum quota set by one polyclinic was about 80%. So out of these eighty, no more than thirty percent was ordered via the Internet. So no one was hurt, because the coupons were not lost, they were not blocked. Coupons not ordered via the Internet could be taken from the reception. I also note that the quota is not a rigid division of coupons, i.e. for example, if we have 100 coupons and we set a quota of 80%, this does not mean that 80 coupons “went” to the Internet, and 20 coupons remained in the register, not at all, this means that potentially 80 coupons out of 100 can be ordered on the Internet , but with a decrease in the number of coupons in the registry, the number of coupons on the Internet also changes in accordance with this quota. So worries are groundless here.

Here I want to emphasize another advantage of the TALON.BY website: if the clinic did everything right, made coupons available on the Internet, noted information about certain doctors, then it also provides reference information. Even if the online order quota is selected, because was set low, the user can still go to the site and see which coupons are available in the registry. Then he calls the clinic and orders a ticket for a specific time. Alternative systems do not provide such reference information.

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): One more question. It turns out that the site works with adult and children's clinics, but the service of ordering a coupon does not apply to dental clinics?

TALON. BY: It is true that historically it happened that dental clinics have their own portal - As far as I know, everything is a little more complicated there, preliminary registration is required. But I will not go into technical subtleties, perhaps I do not know them so thoroughly. However, we also receive orders for connecting to TALON.BY from dental clinics, in particular, in the regions. Even if Minsk dental clinics contact us, there is nothing wrong with that, because our system can be an alternative, only increasing the convenience of patients.

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): What other specialized clinics do you work with?

TALON. BY: For example, the 33rd polyclinic is among the latter. This is a student clinic and the specifics are present here. The fact is that on our website a user check is organized by a set of parameters for belonging to a polyclinic, in particular - the address of the place of residence. As you yourself understand, in relation to the 33rd, it is problematic to implement this system, since students are not registered at a specific address, and even if some are registered, they do not always live there. If you go from the other side, it is known that students are students of certain groups in certain institutions, although everything changes here, for example, when transferring from group to group, when changing a university and for other reasons, the data is updated in the system extremely rarely and this way also dead end. Filling in such details in educational institutions often also suffers, for example, there is no standard system for naming groups, the names of institutions are maintained in different ways, and are often abbreviated. Sometimes information is provided in the form of some kind of "gibberish" in the form of combinations of capital and small letters, hyphens, slashes, etc.

Therefore, in relation to the 33rd polyclinic, we could not establish the same strict check that we organize in ordinary polyclinics.

In this case, we have developed our own, abbreviated version of patient identification, which is working successfully.

Expanding activities: info kiosks and call centers

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): Tell us about your plans, about the prospects of your site? What are you aiming for? Are you planning to develop other online services related to medicine?

TALON. BY: We constantly communicate with our clients, listen to their opinion, discuss the need for a particular solution. We believe that approaching the development of a new service should be very deliberate and careful. It is good if it is in demand, especially on a national scale. Ordering coupons via the Internet was a service, the need for which was already ripe and demand "gave birth" to supply.

The next step that we have already taken in the field of providing electronic services is information kiosks in medical institutions. We have installed terminals in medical institutions, which are actually a medical electronic registrar.

Addressing such an infokiosk fully replaces the patient's referral to the registry.

Our first infokiosk was installed in the 34th polyclinic. When installing it, we took into account the main purpose for which patients turn to the registry - an appointment with a doctor. Thanks to the infokiosk, the patient does not have to stand in line at the registration window. He can select the required doctor, the day of the visit, a convenient time for himself in a clear and simple interface and receive a coupon from a receipt printer. The advantage of the infokiosk, as in the case of the TALON.BY website, is that the patient sees absolutely all the same coupons as the registrar in the window, this makes his choice absolutely free. It should be borne in mind that the infokiosk excludes such a human factor as stress, employment or bad mood of the receptionist. It turns out that you are your own medical registrar.

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): And with this check from the kiosk, you can go to the doctor?

TALON. BY: Yes, you can. There is no difference between a coupon from the registry and a check from an infokiosk. They are printed on the same printers and have the same look.

In addition to the service of ordering coupons, the self-service terminal can also provide background information, namely, information about what services this institution provides, its details, information about available paid services, about the structure of the institution, information about the administration. You can, for example, present the history of an institution or a list of paid services, etc. In general, whatever you like. The management of the institution can fill in all this information according to its vision. Of course, the infokiosk is equipped with some basic software package, but it can be changed - there would be desire and imagination. In the 34th polyclinic, an appointment was made for the driver's commission, we added it to the infokiosk. That is, in fact, this electronic medical registrar took the load off the registrar and allowed the patient to independently resolve issues related to making an appointment with a doctor or a driver's medical board.

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): How many info kiosks are there in Minsk now?

TALON. BY: Now about 20, which is not so little. Of course, at the beginning there was a certain skepticism: is it necessary? Is there a need to duplicate the function of the medical registrar? But after some time, the advantages of self-service kiosks became noticeable and now we are regularly interested in them. We plan to deliver several more by the end of the year.

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): Tell us what a call center is and how is it used in a medical facility?

TALON. BY: This question is a continuation of the theme that we listen to the wishes of our customers and implement modern technical innovations. The call center is the next stage in the provision of electronic services after the TALON.BY website and the info kiosk, which is also integrated into a single system.

What is the most pressing problem when working with a medical registry? This is work with classic telephone lines, which involve a limited number of operators. If you remember, earlier for ordering a coupon by phone there was even a certain limited time when a patient could get through and order a coupon, as a rule, it was in the morning or in the evening. Now you can call during the day, but, nevertheless, people often complain about calling and not dialing. It’s busy, then no one picks up the phone. Why it happens? Because at this moment the registrar either speaks with other patients, or issues a coupon on a first-come, first-served basis at the institution, or is busy issuing cards, etc. Of course, this is not encouraging. How does the call center solve this problem?

It allows, for example, to rank calls according to the principle: such and such a number for ordering coupons to a doctor, such and such a number for calling a doctor at home. In addition, it makes the service of ordering coupons by phone more convenient and pleasant. That is, if earlier the patient got through to the registrar and talks to him for five minutes, then this means that during these five minutes other patients will not be able to get through. The call center can be configured in such a way that the recorded voice politely greets the patient and prompts him to wait for a while, informing him of his number in the queue. I think that everyone is familiar with this system, but before it was not used in polyclinics.

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): That is, a call center is a mechanical service ...

TALON. BY: Yes, I will note that a call center is not a separate room with dozens of telephones and telephone operators. This is a system that processes incoming calls, organizes a queue, notifying about the waiting time, redirects the call to the free telephone set. There is no need to increase the number of operators. In addition, it allows you to use the electronic secretary, the very pleasant female voice, and for other purposes. So, for example, while the patient is waiting for his turn, you can inform him about the services provided by the institution, transfer some information. Moreover, even if the patient did not wait for the registrar's response, the call center software shell will indicate which number called. And if the management of the polyclinic gives such an order, then the registrar will be able to call back the patients who did not call back in his free time.

The call center associated with our software "raises" the caller's card on the monitor of the receptionist, which saves time on patient identification. The card already shows the address and phone number and personal data, and even, if necessary, you can view other important information, for example, whether there were doctor's home calls before, when you went to the institution, etc.

There is another advantage of the call center that is worth mentioning. Healthcare workers can create lists, for example, routine vaccinations or a list of people who have not had fluorography for more than two years. Then they form a message template and the system automatically starts dialing the specified phones. After calling, the system generates and reproduces a personal audio message according to the template, and the patient receives a notification addressed personally to him. Such continuous automated dialing of patients does not mean that the registrar's phone will be busy, because dialing can be carried out via a separate dedicated line.

In this case, the registrar does not have to monitor the operation of the system.

At the end of the working day, he can simply check who got through and who didn't. You can set a rule - if it was not possible to get through to a certain number, then it automatically moves to the end of the list and after a while is dialed again. And, I want to emphasize again, this whole campaign does not require the direct participation of the registrar, it is carried out automatically.

Among other things, the call center keeps a record of all official telephone conversations, which is also important for the administration of the institution in order to control employees, the quality of service, and helps in solving problem or conflict situations.

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): Are there already clinics that use the call center?

TALON. BY: At the end of last year, we tested this service in one clinic. Now, in fact, we are at the stage of project design, we are thinking over the technical component of call centers, price optimization, since here a lot depends on a variety of components, such as a server. Call center functions can be different and not all polyclinics need this service in full. Therefore, at the moment we are selecting the most optimal scheme.

Cooperation with hospitals

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): Tell me, do you plan to cooperate with hospitals?

TALON. BY: We are not only planning, but already cooperating with them. In fact, cooperation is carried out at the same level. Indeed, by and large, a hospital differs from a polyclinic only in the form of medical care.

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): That is, it will be possible through the website, for example, to reserve the timing of operations?

TALON. BY: No. There is no analogy with TALON.BY, but we automate the work of various departments: the emergency room, the workplace of the specialist who works in the emergency room, the attending doctors of the department, laboratory and other services. All information about the patient is recorded in the database and this allows for systematic treatment, monitoring drug treatment, changes in the patient's condition, etc. Also, a doctor can use an automated system to monitor the execution of medical appointments by nurses.

At the same time, our system allows you to keep the entire medical history of the patient up to discharge, as well as save information, which simplifies the collection of information in the event of repeated treatment, if, of course, such a need arises. In addition, given that we also automate accounting and economic accounting, it is possible to calculate the cost component.

Thus, the management will receive complete statistics: about how the treatment was carried out, with what drugs, how much the patient's treatment cost in the end.

If we talk about the analogy with TALON.BYI, then it is possible, in principle, to apply a similar service for advisory departments, for scientific and practical centers. We were contacted about connection issues not only from polyclinics, but before connecting institutions like consulting centers, we need to work out a registration model, because the hospital does not have a single base of the assigned population like a polyclinic. As I noted above, we are working on this and look forward to a quick implementation.

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): Finally, tell us a little about your company.

TALON. BY: It all started with the automation of accounting. At that time, twenty years ago, computers in Belarus were still a luxury. Therefore, in all institutions, be it hospitals, district education departments, executive committees, computers were installed to perform complex tasks, where it was necessary to perform calculations, calculations and print something. As a rule, these were the accounting department, the payroll department, and the economic department. We developed software for them. At that time, there were practically no computers in medicine. No one could have imagined that a doctor at his workplace would have a computer. Then computers gradually began to appear in medical institutions, but also for performing complex calculations. Sometimes there were five or seven computers per hospital that were used to generate statistical reports. Employees of medical institutions collected a pile of papers, drove the data into a computer, the computer brought it all together - brought it together and presented it in the form of reports. Then the results obtained were submitted to higher authorities. And only in the early 2000s the era of informatization came and detailed information on specific patients began to be kept.

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): That is, we can say that they came to e-medicine in Belarus in the early 2000s?

TALON. BY: Yes, in the 2000s it cannot be said that it was a universal practice. Somewhere before 2005-2006, electronic medicine was in a state of embryo, and only in some institutions at the level of private initiative an electronic patient record was introduced, and only later did this practice become more and more popular, as it made it possible to forget about paperwork. It turned out to be convenient and easy. The specialists learned to use the software and computers ended up in the workplace of the recorders.

And over the past eight years, the active introduction of computers into the workplaces of doctors and medical specialists has continued. Electronic outpatient cards and an electronic medical history have appeared.

So far, informatization does not completely replace, but only supplements, paper media, but I think that in the near future electronic cards will completely replace the costly and routine paperwork.

Alexey Ovchinnikov (egov. by): Is your company involved in the development of an electronic patient record?

TALON.BY: Yes, it certainly does. At the moment, we have automated the work of all doctors and medical specialists, solved the problem of systematized, correct maintenance and storage of medical information in institutions - personal data of patients, research and diagnostic results, treatment history, prescribed medications, etc. In fact, today we have a fully functional prototype of the patient's electronic medical record. However, for the final transition to the use of an electronic card and the abandonment of paper options, a certain study of legislation is required and the solution of a number of technical issues related to the transfer of data between institutions, ensuring the protection of information, etc.

Registration on the site provides the user with access to a personal account, in which the following functions are available:
- saving personal data of patients and the ability to quickly switch between them, which significantly speeds up the process of ordering coupons or calling a doctor;
- viewing and / or cancellation of ordered coupons;
- automatic notifications to the specified e-mail about ordering a coupon and reminders on the eve of an appointment with a doctor.
Our service is constantly evolving, so in the future the list of available functions will expand significantly.
In addition to the obvious advantages, registration makes it possible to identify the user, while ensuring a high level of security of personal data. Thanks to the identification of users, the administration of each medical institution can influence patients who order a large number of coupons, but do not attend a doctor's appointment. The increased responsibility of patients increases the quota for the issuance of Internet coupons, which makes the appointment with a doctor via the Internet available to a larger number of patients. Before visiting a doctor, we recommend checking the relevance of the coupon in the user's personal account.

Reading 4 min.

If you live in the city of Minsk, then a unique service of medical institutions is available to you, thanks to which you can very easily and quickly see a doctor via the Internet. This is a very useful service that is very popular today. But before visiting the official Internet site of electronic recording, which is located at, you need to familiarize yourself with some specific rules.

Rules for online appointment with a doctor

As a rule, an appointment with a doctor should be made at a scheduled visit. In urgent situations, you should visit the registrar of the hospital. It is possible to make an appointment with a doctor who will give you a referral for a medical and social examination.

If you want to take a coupon in advance, you should know that an initial examination with a narrow specialist can be carried out only after you present a referral from a local doctor. The rule does not apply to doctors such as a surgeon, ophthalmologist or otolaryngologist.

It is suggested to book online in advance, even two weeks before the date of admission. One person can only sign up twice a month. If a second visit is needed, a doctor will prescribe it.

To make an appointment, you need to know your insurance policy number. Having decided on the time of visiting the doctor, you must come to the appointment in advance, twenty minutes before the appointed time. This is done in order to confirm in the registry that you are actually registered with the doctor you need.

If you do not have an electronic medical record, then you need to create it, otherwise it will be impossible to order a coupon via the Internet.

If for some reason you are unable to visit the doctor at the appointed time and date, then you must cancel the previously performed recording operation.

How to get in Minsk?

To get a coupon to a doctor through a web portal, all you need is a computer and a stable Internet connection.

Ordering a coupon to a doctor in Minsk (

So, how to make an appointment with a doctor on the Internet? There are a few simple steps:

  1. Go to the Internet portal at .
  2. You are looking for and choosing your area and the right medical facility. It is worth noting that today, ordering a coupon via the Internet can be performed not only in Minsk, but also in such cities of Belarus as Berezy, Slutsk, Gantsevich.
  3. Then we click the mouse button on the specialist you need, to which you need to get.
  4. The next step is to choose the most appropriate date for your appointment.
  5. Next, we confirm the operation and in the window that opens, select the required doctor by the name and the time of the visit.

It is worth noting that only those people who are territorially attached to the clinic can make an appointment through the network, that is, the medical institution has medical cards or other documents on them.

In general, only good can be said about an electronic appointment with a doctor. Of course, Belarus is a large country, so this service is not available in all cities. But living in Minsk, you can forever forget about hours of sitting in the corridors of the clinic. You can also add that even a person who is not particularly friendly with the Internet can take a coupon to the doctor, because there is nothing complicated about it.

Medical institutions in Minsk

1st Children's Clinic - Zolotaya Gorka, 17
2nd polyclinic - Yakubovsky, 33
3rd Children's Clinic - Mogilevskaya, 2, building 3
3rd polyclinic - Voronyansky, 13, building 2
4th city polyclinic - Pobediteley, 93
5th Children's Clinic - Kuntsevshchina, 22
6th polyclinic - Ulyanovsk, 5
7th Children's Clinic - Plekhanov, 127
7th polyclinic - Stanislavsky, 32
8th polyclinic - Nikiforova, 3
10th Children's Clinic - Shishkina, 24
10th polyclinic - Sukharevskaya, 19
11th polyclinic - Velikomorskaya, 36
12th children's polyclinic - Permskaya, 50
12th polyclinic - Olshevsky, 61
13th Children's Clinic - Kizhevatova, 60
13th Polyclinic - Lomonosov, 3
14th polyclinic - Frolikova, 2
16th Children's Clinic - Odoevsky, 45
17th children's polyclinic - Koltsova, 53, building 1
17th polyclinic - Gerasimenko, 49
17th polyclinic, Women's consultation - Gerasimenko, 22, building 2
18th polyclinic - Plekhanov, 60, building 2
19th Children's Clinic - Nezalezhnosti, 119
20th children's polyclinic - Olshevsky, 29, building 2
21st polyclinic - Filatova, 13
22nd polyclinic - Tashkent, 5
23rd Children's Clinic - Angarskaya, 60, building A
23rd polyclinic - Rokossovsky, 134
25th Children's Clinic - Odintsova, 75
26th polyclinic - Kuntsevshchina, 8
28th polyclinic - Gintovta, 28
29th polyclinic - Kazintsa, 94
30th polyclinic - Koltsova, 53, building 2
31st polyclinic - Burdeyny, 4
32nd polyclinic - Golubeva, 25
33rd student polyclinic - Surganova, 45, building 4
34th polyclinic - Kuhlman, 22
35th polyclinic - Serov, 15
37th polyclinic - Luchiny, 28
38th polyclinic - Voronyansky, 50, building 1
Outpatient clinic number 1 - Academician Fedorov, 17, building 2