We produce high quality business cards of all kinds. Business cards and the process of their creation. Basic rules for choosing paper for business cards

Business cards are now widely used. Translated from English business card (business card) means "business card". Business cards can be used for different purposes and perform different functions. Depending on this, several types of business cards are distinguished, namely: personal, business, corporate and representative.

personal business cards

A personal business card is used mainly for friendly acquaintances and informal communication. It contains the owner's first and last name, as well as contact information (eg phone number or ICQ). Such business cards are characterized by a free style of execution. However, if a personal business card belongs to some important person, it should be designed in a spectacular, but austere style. For example, on expensive paper or with gold stamping. An important role in the creation of such business cards is played by equipment, in particular a printer for printing business cards.

A variety of personal business cards are family business cards. As the name implies, they represent a particular family and are used when making acquaintances, attached to gifts, sent with congratulations, etc. When issuing such a card, remember that the name of the wife is indicated before the name of the husband.

business cards

Business business cards are used in business, at official meetings to provide contact information to potential partners. On such a business card, the name and surname of the employee, his position, the name of the organization, contact information (address, phone number, e-mail) are indicated. It provides information about the company in which the person works, field of activity, logo, emblem, etc. These business cards usually have a strict design and are made in the same style for all employees of the organization.

Business business cards are sometimes divided into functional and shocking. Functional business cards features a well-read text, a maximum of necessary information without overloading the text and a concise design.

Outrageous business cards characterized by original design. Compliance with strict rules for the design of business cards is not characteristic of them. They are created to attract attention, to impress a partner.

Corporate business cards

Corporate business cards represent a company, not a specific person. In order for an organization, you must indicate in it the name of the company, the list of services provided or manufactured products, contact information (phone number, website address, location map, etc.). These business cards are mainly used for promotional purposes (advertising cards), for example, they are distributed at an exhibition. Often they are made bilateral.

Executive business cards

Representative business cards are mainly used by a person who has a large number of meetings, but does not want to leave personal contacts. On such a card, only the name and surname are indicated, sometimes the telephone number and address of the company, but not the person himself. Representative business cards are often used by celebrities, show business stars, and politicians. Sometimes they are used for registration at exhibitions, conferences and similar events.

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The topic of my thesis is "Decorative design of business cards with artistic elements."

The purpose of my thesis is to consider the possibility of designing business cards with decorative artistic elements, as well as to study the possibilities of business card creation programs.

The relevance of the thesis is that in the modern world, a business card performs an informational and advertising function. Today in the world there is a huge number of business cards, design rules, so a person needs to navigate among this variety.

In the practical part of the thesis, I try to create my own business card, as well as determine which software is most available for this process.

The theoretical part of the work consists in studying and comparing layout programs Page Maker, Corel Draw, Publisher and choosing the most optimal program for creating business cards.

In my work, I can distinguish the following stages:

1) Consideration of the types of business cards and the process of their creation;

2) Comparative analysis of programs for creating business cards;

3) Evaluation of the economic feasibility of using programs when creating business cards.

Business cards and the process of their creation

The concept of a business card and its types

A business card is one of the components of the image of a business person. It is an expression not only of individual style and taste, but also of corporate style. Therefore, it is better when the business card is designed in the classical tradition: at the top in the center - the name of the organization, below, also in the center - the name, patronymic and surname of the person, even lower - the position, and in the lower right corner - the address, telephone, fax, email address mail.

Recently, our business circles often print business cards on the one hand in Russian, and on the other - in English, which is caused by the desire to simplify the life of foreign partners. But this does not correspond to the norm, because. in this case, it is impossible to make any notes on the back of the business card. Therefore, if a person often has to meet with foreigners, it is better to have two types of business cards: in Russian and English. If the business card is in a foreign language, then the name is written in full, and the patronymic is indicated by only one letter. The fact is that in many foreign languages ​​the concept of "patronymic" is absent, and it can be mistaken for a middle name.

Business business cards of employees of shops and service enterprises can be issued in violation of certain norms of etiquette, since they are not only informational, but also promotional products. In this case, on the reverse side of the business card, there may be a map of directions to the enterprise.

The business card carries out information and advertizing function. It is recognized not only to provide information, but also to have a certain impact on the one to whom it is handed. In fact, a business card is given so that the person who receives it decides to use the information indicated in it.

Many people think that business cards are used only for business correspondence and negotiations. However, there are cases of official and informal communication provided for by business etiquette, protocol rules and hospitality laws, where: congratulations on the holiday, a business card would be desirable: congratulations on the holiday, condolences, responses to congratulations, expressions of gratitude, gratitude, accompanying a gift, souvenir, flowers and some other forms of contact.

The background for a business card should not be colored. The number of phones indicates the solidity of the company.

Personal business cards should contain the name and surname, patronymic or initials indicate depending on the image, age. On a personal business card, you can also give those additional information that a person wants to tell about himself (address, phone number, e-mail), personal business cards may contain color emblems.

There are business cards, but at the same time personal or related to the service sector - these are, for example, taxi business cards, designer business cards, hairdresser business cards, restaurant business cards, business cards of a kindergarten, beauty salon and others. When creating them, they combine the requirements for business and personal business cards. On such business cards, it is appropriate to use drawings, pictures.

The font on the business card should be legible. The name is usually in bold type. Avoid using non-standard fonts (gothic, curlicues, futurism), in addition, italic fonts are not recommended for business cards, and it also spoils the variety of fonts and interferes with the creation of style.

Classic business card - dark text on a white background.

Do not place more than one logo on business cards - this will make it difficult to place business information.

If a person works only with Russian partners, you should not use foreign languages ​​on business cards. This puts the interlocutor in an awkward position, and causes, at least, bewilderment.

The text is best placed on one side. Variants in foreign languages ​​are best done in separate sets.

It should, let's put as much information on the business card as possible without sacrificing readability. The font size should allow reading the text without the use of special tools.

If there are many employees at the same company who require business cards, let them all be made in the same style.

A person can afford a bright unusual card if the profession requires it. Similar cards are used by advertising agents, artists, musicians.

If a person strives for a corporate style, then he will definitely warn the designer about this, and he will advise such a layout that will allow maintaining the corporate style with an increase or decrease in the amount of information posted.

If a person is ordering business cards for the first time, or wants to completely change the design, you should contact a professional to design or draw a logo, and do not use a low-quality copy of the logo downloaded from the Internet.

Handing and receiving business cards

When meeting, the first to present his business card is the one whose official position or rank is lower. If the partners are at the same official level, the one who is younger in age is the first to present his business card. If the official position and age of the partners are the same, the first person to present his business card is the one who is more polite. When traveling abroad, the procedure is slightly simplified, since in this case the hosts are the first to present the business card.

It is customary to give a business card to a partner so that he can immediately read the text. It is also necessary to clearly pronounce the name and surname so that the partner can more or less remember their pronunciation. During negotiations, it is better to put business cards in front of you so as not to make mistakes in names. However, you need to look into them imperceptibly; openly reading the name of the interlocutor is considered bad form. You can’t turn it in your hands in front of the owner of the business card, crumple it, make notes. This can be perceived by him as disrespect, and the person will become famous for bad manners.

Different cultures have their own rules for holding business cards. According to the traditions of Southeast Asia, this is usually done with two hands, and the text of the business card should be addressed to the person to whom it is given. It is also advisable to take a business card with both hands. In Arab countries, in no case should you give a business card with your left hand, because The left hand is considered unclean by Muslims.

It is customary to present a business card in person, but it can be sent by courier or driver. Not recommended, but mailing business cards is acceptable. If business cards addressed to several people are sent to the company by mail, then the name of the person to whom it is intended is written in the upper left corner of the business card.

Business cards brought to the addressee personally by the owner are folded in accordance with local tradition. In our country, it is customary to bend and then straighten the upper right corner of the business card or the right side across the entire width. The name of the person to whom the business card is left is not written. Handing it with a sense of gratitude personally to the addressee is not accepted.

A serious violation of the rules of etiquette is the situation when a person does not recognize a business partner with whom he once exchanged business cards.

It is advisable to systematize all received business cards according to the field of activity of their owners or alphabetically. For their storage it is convenient to use special business card holders. Analysis of the collected business cards can provide additional information about the status of the owner of the card holder, the organization he represents.

If a person adheres to these rules, then he will never get into an unpleasant situation associated with the design of his own and the acceptance of other people's business cards. After all, this is, in fact, an image document. A business card is the face of any businessman, and as you know, you need to watch your face.

Business cards and etiquette

Business cards have become an integral part of etiquette. Ignorance of etiquette can jeopardize business contacts. For example, there are a number of international rules:

1. Size of business cards: 90x50 mm.

2. The business card is handed over to the partner, turning so that he can quickly read the text. According to etiquette, they exchange light bows.

3. You can’t crumple other people’s business cards, make notes on them, turn them in your hands in front of the owner - he can regard this as disrespect for himself and be offended.

4. When making a visit, if the recipient of the business card is not present or he cannot receive the guest, you must leave the business card, bending its right corner.

5. It is not customary to send a business card by mail. But it can be safely transferred by a courier or driver. The business card must be answered within 24 hours of receipt.

6. A business card can serve as an assistant for conditional messages or congratulations. Conditional messages are written in the lower left corner of the business card:

p.f. - congratulations (pour feliciter)

p.r. - expression of gratitude (pour remercier)

p.c. - an expression of condolence (pour conolaence)

p.f.n.a. - happy New Year

p.p.c - farewell when leaving for a long time

p.p. - representation

If a person wants to be introduced to someone in absentia, he should send his business card along with the card of another person who already knows the person to whom he wants to introduce himself. In response, the person to whom he wants to introduce himself will send his business card without signatures.

A business card is a kind of portrait of its owner. It represents a person as a person, tells what he can, what he is worth, how he evaluates himself. A business card gives an opportunity to evaluate its owner.

Types of business cards

personal business card

As a rule, it contains the first and last name of the owner. Phone numbers, positions, addresses in it are not required. They are characterized by a fairly free style of performance.

business business card

The name, surname, position, name and details of the company must be indicated here, the corporate identity of the company, logo, etc., strict design is used.

corporate business card

As a rule, it does not contain names and surnames. It indicates the field of activity of the company, a list of services, contact numbers, a map, a web page address, branding is used. Such a business card is of an advertising nature, mainly used at exhibitions. Often they are made double-sided, or a booklet.

Business cards are information about you or your company that are presented in a specific form, such as a sheet or plastic card. This is a business tool for every person who cares about his reputation. They are very tightly integrated into the lives of business people, so the situation when business partners do not exchange business cards can be considered absolute nonsense.

High-quality silk-screen printing of business cards is the key to the prosperity of the company!

Silk screen printing is one of the most popular methods for printing business cards today. This technology involves printing business cards on almost any medium. Thanks to this method, it is possible to selectively fill business cards with varnish, contribute to thermal rise, print contact and other important information on unusual material. It can be, for example, metal or plastic. Highly professional equipment and the best materials are what professionals in the field of business card printing can boast of today. Any printing of business cards should have as its goal the personification of a company or personality, as well as the improvement and creation of a positive image. If you are a stable developing company, then try to give your business cards additional decoration and brightness. And this is possible just thanks to innovative technologies for their creation, for example, using silk-screen printing.

Types of business cards and business card printing

Currently, business cards are divided into two main types: business and personal. It is business cards that contribute to the creation of an effective business. Most often, the classic form of a business card is used, on which the company where the owner of the business card works will be written in the center, after which the surname, name, patronymic, and then the degree and other data will follow. The contact phone number, address and other communication information will be indicated at the bottom. Business cards of government officials involve printing business cards with the addition of the emblem and flag of the country. There are also secular business cards, which differ somewhat from standard business cards. They involve inviting a person to a particular evening or holiday, celebration. Personal business cards contain information about the owner, his full name, address and phone number. A business card can be common for spouses, but it should be borne in mind that the wife's surname is written before the husband's surname.

So, any printing of business cards is possible, but only if the company that creates them adheres to the established rules.

How to make and print business cards

The main types of business cards can be called the following: printing on inkjet and laser printers, silk screen printing, risography, thermal lifting, offset printing, thermal lifting, laser cutting and engraving.

Digital printing is the most common method of creating business cards. Of course, it has certain disadvantages, for example: the cost of printing such business cards is more expensive when printing more than 3,000 copies compared to offset printing. In addition, paper selection may be limited, and some fine lines may not be visible.

Offset business card printing is the traditional method of printing business cards. There is both an exclusive printing of business cards, and more economical mass large-circulation offset printing. Printing business cards with an inkjet printer is easy and fast. But there is one downside to printing with an inkjet printer, and that is paper. For high-quality printing, you need to use only special paper for an inkjet printer. But. This is an amateur way of creating business cards, and it is absolutely not suitable if you work for a reputable company.

Business cards are cards with important information. They are compiled in a generally accepted form, for example in the form of a plastic card. They are classified as a business tool of a person who cares about his reputation. They have become part of the lives of busy people. All types of business cards are necessary for the exchange of information. It is important for business people to know what is placed on them.

Types of business cards

Now there are business and personal business cards. The first type is necessary to create an effective business. Typically, the classic type of design is used, which indicates the name of the company, last name, first name, patronymic. There may also be other information. Below is the phone number, address and other data for communication.

There are types of business cards for government officials. Usually they designate the coat of arms and the flag of the country. There are secular business cards, which are slightly different from the classic ones. They indicate the invitation of a person to a certain holiday.


Personal types of business cards contain information about the owner: full name, address, phone. They may be common to spouses. As additional information, Skype and the address of the account on social networks are placed. Products are handed over to relatives, friends, relatives.

With the help of personal information, it will be possible to make a favorable impression when meeting. There may be images on the product. You can arrange it at will, since there are no special requirements for this.


Such business cards are needed in communication with business partners. Therefore, the product contains business information - position, phone numbers, mail address, fax. Their printing is more expensive, because you have to implement different ideas. Plastic business cards are often chosen, which look much more prestigious.

Expensive and high-quality paper, beautiful colors are used. Embossing and other modern methods are used. Plastic business cards will be the best recommendation for business people.


To create products, a single template is used, in which there are similar frames and colors. Then all employees will have the same business cards. They contain the company logo, name, address, position, phone number, and hours of operation.

The main side may have a drawing, usually in full color but inexpensive. After all, the product is required for business, and not for beauty. If it does not have the coordinates of an individual employee, then it will be a standard flyer.

Manufacturing methods

Business cards are created using inkjet and laser printers. Screen printing, risography, thermal lifting, offset printing, laser cutting and engraving are also used. With each method, quality products are obtained.

Digital printing is the most popular way to make products. It also has disadvantages, for example, the price of work will be more expensive if you create more than 3000 copies in comparison with offset printing. Also, the choice of paper will be small, and fine lines may not be noticeable.

Offset printing is a traditional way of creating information products. There is an exclusive print and large-circulation offset. Working with an inkjet printer is fast and easy. But there is also a minus for this method - paper, which must be special. This is an amateur job option, so it is not suitable for employees of a reputable company.


Many types of business cards are created using screen printing. Often this method is chosen to maintain the image of the company. Business cards can be printed on any medium. The method allows performing selective filling with varnish, thermal lifting, fixing important information on the original material.

Often metal or plastic is chosen as the basis. Reliable equipment allows you to perform work at the highest level. The seal should emphasize the image of the company or a particular person. Developing firms should order bright and original products. And this is possible with the use of new technologies, such as screen printing.

Manufacturing technology

The process of creating business cards is simple. It includes several steps:

  • creating a layout;
  • its coordination with the customer;
  • seal;
  • sheet cut into separate cards.

For business cards, you can choose any font, color of letters, it all depends on the type of product. Cards will look presentable if all their characteristics correspond to the status of a person or company.


The standard business card size is 90x50 mm. But under the order, you can make products of other parameters, but an additional fee is charged for this, since you have to configure the equipment.

There is a standard business card size according to the European standard, it is 85x55 mm. Such products will be useful when visiting other countries. They are needed for holding international exhibitions and symposiums organized in Russia. Some printing equipment will require more designer paper, which increases the cost of production.

Business card holders and other accessories for storing business cards are made to size 9x5. Larger or smaller settings simply won't do. Therefore, it is wiser to use the standard size, because it is not only cheaper, but also allows you to properly store it. Moreover, the text of the business card on such a product will fit completely.


There are a few things to keep in mind when making business cards:

  • design;
  • method and quality of printing;
  • paper type.

The type and strength of the card depends on the quality of the paper. Now many types of materials are produced. The density of cardboard for business cards should be from 200 g/m 2 and more. The strength of the card depends on this indicator. If you use thin paper, then the products will look simple. An excellent option is a density of 250 g / m 2.

Business card paper may vary in surface finish. It can be ordinary coated with a smooth surface, textured, designer, material for crushing and embossing, touch cover and others.

The most common is white coated paper. Text and graphics lie flat and smooth on it, and colors look vibrant. Paper can be used to make simple cards, as well as unusual ones. Beautiful cards are obtained with textured linen paper. It is desirable to choose a density of 260 g/m 2 . Horizontal, vertical grooves serve as an imitation of natural linen material.

Metallic paper is ideal for making durable business cards. It has a pearly finish. There is a large selection of colors. If you choose colored paper, then you should take into account that the white color changes with the corresponding shade of the background. It is advisable to use bright colors.

original cards

Appearance establishes the first contact and also creates an opinion about the owner. Thanks to modern technical means, there are many tools for obtaining unusual products. Original business cards are created using non-standard materials: CDs, wood and metal.

Printing capabilities are needed to transform cards after printing. Often, UV varnishing is used for this, which serves as an additional protection against damage. Original business cards have a decorative design. This method can be used for varnishing the entire surface, as well as individual elements of the print.

Embossing is considered another way to transform a card. It is carried out by hot and cold method. Embossing can be done with foil. It comes in the color of gold, silver, mother-of-pearl. The card turns out bright with original appearance. There is relief stamping. With this processing method, a relief image is created.

Thermal lift allows you to get a relief surface. This processing method uses thermographic powder, poured onto wet paint. The card is heated, the powder swells, and therefore a convex surface is obtained.

In order for the product to acquire its original shape, it is subjected to cutting or cutting. For this, special equipment is used. Each of these methods is necessary to get beautiful business cards. In order for the cards to look presentable, it is necessary to choose the best materials for them, as well as reliable technology.