Google chrome adding bookmarks. How to add a bookmark to the express panel in google chrome - step by step instructions. Docking the bookmark bar

Organizing browser bookmarks is a procedure that will increase your productivity. Visual bookmarks are one of the most popular ways to arrange web pages in such a way that you can quickly get to them at any time.

Today we will take a closer look at how new visual bookmarks are added for three popular solutions: standard visual bookmarks, visual bookmarks from Yandex and Speed ​​Dial.

In standard visual tabs

By default, the Google Chrome browser has some kind of visual bookmarks with very limited functionality.

Frequently visited pages are displayed in standard visual bookmarks, but unfortunately, you cannot create your own visual bookmarks here.

The only way to customize visual bookmarks in this case is to delete unnecessary ones. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the visual bookmark and click on the displayed icon with a cross. After that, the visual bookmark will be removed, and another frequently visited web resource will take its place.

In visual bookmarks from Yandex

Yandex Visual Bookmarks is a great easy way to place all the web pages you need in the most prominent place.

In order to create a new bookmark in the Yandex solution, click in the lower right corner of the visual bookmarks window by the button "Add bookmark" .

A window will appear on the screen in which you will need to enter the page URL (site address), after which you will need to press the Enter key to make changes. After that, the bookmark you created will be displayed in the general list.

Please note that if there is an extra site in the list of visual bookmarks, you can reassign it. To do this, hover the mouse cursor over the bookmark tile, after which a small additional menu will appear on the screen. Select the gear icon.

The already familiar window for adding a visual bookmark will appear on the screen, in which you need to change the current site address and set a new one.

In Speed ​​Dial

Speed ​​Dial is a great functional visual bookmark for Google Chrome. This extension has the widest set of settings, allowing you to customize each element in detail.

When you decide to add a new visual bookmark to the Speed ​​Dial, click on the plus sign to assign a page to the empty bookmark.

In the window that opens, you will be asked to specify the page address, and also, if necessary, set a bookmark thumbnail.

Also, if necessary, an existing visual bookmark can be reassigned. To do this, right-click on the bookmark and in the displayed menu click on the button "Change" .

In the opened window in the graph "URL" specify a new URL for the visual bookmark.

If all the bookmarks are occupied, and you need to set a new one, then you will need to increase the number of displayed bookmark tiles or create a new group of bookmarks. To do this, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the window to go to the Speed ​​Dial settings.

In the window that opens, open the tab "Settings" ... Here you can change the number of displayed tiles (speed dials) in one group (by default it is 20 pieces).

In addition, here you can create separate groups bookmarks for more convenient and productive use, for example, "Work", "Study", "Entertainment", etc. To create a new group, click on the button "Group management" .

Then click on the button "Add group" .

Enter the name of the group and then click the button "Add group" .

Now, returning again to the Speed ​​Dial window, in the upper left corner you will see the appearance of a new tab (group) with the previously specified name. Clicking on it will take you to a completely blank page where you can start filling in your bookmarks again.

So, today we covered the main ways to create visual bookmarks. We hope this article was helpful to you.

Do you often like to visit various sites, do you want to go to them with a single click of the mouse? You liked someone's blog, public, and you wanted to save the viewed page in your browser? Or have you found an article you want to read later? So that it does not get lost, you can save it to your bookmarks. By itself, the Chrome browser is very versatile and can help you with that. There are several ways to save a bookmark in a given browser. We will talk about them below.

So how do you add a bookmark to the bookmarks bar in Google Chrome?

Bookmarks bar - an area in the browser that is displayed under the line with the site address. In this block, you can save any pages that you like. As a rule, the bookmarks bar is in a disabled state, but this is fixable. At the top there is a widget with three dots, you need to click on them, move the screen mouse over the "Bookmarks" item and click on "Show panel".

This action can also be performed using the hotkeys: Ctrl + Shift + B. Done, your favorite Chrome now has a bookmarks bar.

In order to save the pages you like, you need to click on the transparent star, after seconds a window will pop up on your monitor screen, indicating that the bookmark has been added. You only need to enter the name of the saved page. Next, click "Finish". The site will immediately appear in this place.

There is also another way to save the page to the bookmark bar. You need to independently go to a specific page, right-click on the bookmark bar itself and select "Add page".

After a split second, a window will appear on your screen in which you must specify a name, select a save folder and click on "Save".

Add a page to "Other bookmarks"

The page can also be added to Other Bookmarks. To do this, you need to go to the desired site, just click on the asterisk, in the window that opens, specify the name of the bookmark, and in the item "Folder" select "Other bookmarks", then click "Finish".

As soon as you complete the described actions - the folder "Other bookmarks" is formed in the right corner.

By clicking on it, all your saved sites will be displayed. It is recommended to save the pages that you rarely visit in this section.

Adding a site to another folder

In Google Chrome, you can add the site you like to another folder. First, you need to create this folder. This can be done through the bookmark manager: hold down Ctrl + Shift + O.

In this tutorial I will show you how you can add express panel for Google Chrome.

In the last lesson, we talked about how to export and import bookmarks in the google chrome browser. Now, as promised, I will tell you how you can add an express panel with visual bookmarks to the google chrome browser. Let's consider two ways.

Express panel from Yandex

After you have gone to the site in the search engine for extensions, we hammer in the search query "Visual bookmarks" and select the type "Extensions". In the results, you will have an extension from Yandex. This is what we need to establish. To install, you must click on the "Free" button.

After that, a new window will jump out in which you need to click on the "Add" button.

A message will jump out that the extension has been successfully installed.

Now when you start the browser or open a new tab, you will have visual bookmarks.

Now let's go in and see what settings the express panel from Yandex has. To do this, follow the link in the lower right corner. A list with settings will open in front of you, where you can choose the number of bookmarks to display on the screen, the ability to change the background of the express panel.

If you click on the "Other parameters" button, you will be able to customize the type of headers, display the search bar, an additional bookmark bar and agree to sending anonymous statistics about the extension's work to Yandex.

If you look closely at those bookmarks that have already been added, you can see the last sites you visited. Thus, Yandex filled the void that would have formed if there were no bookmarks. Therefore, first we need to learn how to delete bookmarks. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the bookmark you want to delete and click on the cross that appears in the upper right corner of the bookmark. Then confirm the deletion of the bookmark.

Now a void has formed at the place of the bookmark, which you can fill with a new one. To do this, just move the mouse cursor over this place and you will have a button to add a bookmark.

By clicking on the button, you will see several fields that you just need to fill out. The first field for the site address, in which you can simply start entering the site and the extension itself will prompt a further link and a name for a future bookmark. At the end, you just need to click on the "Save" button. That's it, the bookmark has been added.

Also, you can correct the data that you entered when adding a bookmark. To do this, hover your mouse over the bookmark you want to edit and just click the gear-shaped icon.

Well, at the end it is worth saying that you can change bookmarks with each other in places. To do this, just hold down the bookmark with the left mouse button and drag it to another place.

Speed ​​Dial 2 Extension

You can install it in exactly the same way. Enter the query into the search and click the "Install" button.

Now let's open a new blank tab. You will be presented with a greeting that you can either skip, or click "Continue" to familiarize yourself with all the features of the add-on.

After watching the presentation, you will be prompted to register, which is not necessary, so you can safely click on the "Continue outside of your account" link.

When opened for the first time, the panel looks like this.

To add a bookmark, click on the plus icon. Next, in the fields, enter the site address and the name of the bookmark. Below you can add your own sketch of the visual bookmark. At the end, click "Save".

After saving, you will have a new bookmark. By right-clicking on it, you can open it, edit it, delete it, or update the sketch. There will be a special icon next to it, through which you can add another bookmark. This way you can add a large number of visual tabs.

Now let's take a look at the special icon that appeared in the panel in the upper right corner. You can use it to customize the panel. To do this, follow the link "Options".

There are tons of options here that should be easy to configure. If you have created an account for yourself and logged into it, then here you can create backup copies of saved bookmarks, so that if something happens they can be restored at any time.

That's all for me, see you in the next lessons. Be sure to subscribe to my

In the process of using the browser, we can open countless sites, only a few of which must be saved for later quick access to them. It is for these purposes that bookmarks are provided in the Google Chrome browser.

Bookmarks are a separate section in the Google Chrome browser that allows you to quickly navigate to a site that has been included in this list. Google Chrome can create not only an unlimited number of bookmarks, but also sort them into folders for convenience.

How to bookmark a site in Google Chrome?

It is extremely easy to bookmark on Google Chrome. To do this, simply go to the page you want to bookmark, and then in the right area of ​​the address bar, click on the icon with an asterisk.

By clicking on this icon, a small menu will open on the screen, in which you can assign a name and folder to your bookmark. To quickly add a bookmark, all you have to do is click the button "Ready" ... If you want to create a separate folder for the bookmark, click on the button "Change" .

A window with all existing bookmark folders will appear on the screen. To create a folder, click on the button "New folder" .

Enter a name for the bookmark, click the Enter key, and then click "Save" .

To save the created bookmarks in Google Chrome to an already new folder, click again on the icon with an asterisk, in the column "Folder" select the folder you created and then save the changes by clicking on the button "Ready" .

This way, you can organize lists of your favorite web pages, instantly accessing them.

Google chrome is one of the most popular modern browsers. Of course, it contains a lot of useful functions and it works flawlessly. But there are also drawbacks, the biggest of which is the inconvenient quick access menu.

The crux of the problem is that in the standard version of the browser you will not be able to add tabs to the Quick Access Toolbar yourself. Another drawback is that the number of tabs is limited to 8 cells and it is impossible to increase their number, as in the Opera or Yandex browser.

Many have encountered these inconveniences, but not everyone knows how to add a bookmark to the express panel in google chrome.

If you want to customize your Chrome, you can use one of the methods described below.

Option 1: bookmarks bar

A feature of the Google browser is that it analyzes the traffic of sites and places the most popular ones on the quick access panel; you cannot add a tab yourself. There is a sensible alternative - the bookmarks bar. Here you can easily add a page, and the number of pages is not limited.

To enable the function, you need:

  • Enter the browser control menu
  • Select "Settings"
  • Select the "Appearance" option
  • Check the box "Always show bookmarks bar"

After these manipulations, a row for adding tabs appears in the lower area of ​​the upper taskbar.
To add a site, open the page and use the star icon in the address bar. Added tabs can be renamed and structured using folders.

Option 2: custom extension

There is a free extension that you can download for free from the official Google store. It allows you to supplement the capabilities of the quick tabs and make the express panel in accordance with your requirements.

Application Guide:

  • Open Google chrome
  • Go to the browser control menu
  • Select "Additional tools"
  • Go to "Extensions"
  • To go to the official store, select the last menu item "More extensions"
  • On the page that opens, we find "Search by store"
  • In the search bar, enter the query "Visual bookmarks"
  • Review the first lines of the resulting list and find visual bookmarks marked "Speed ​​Dial Dev"
  • Click the install button
  • When asked again to install, select Install Extension.
  • After installing the extension in the upper window, on the right, you should confirm saving the changes

Now you will be able to add the desired tabs to the Quick Access Toolbar, for this click on the "+". Delete site - use the right mouse button. You can also change the configuration of tabbed cells and change the background image, there is a separate menu "Express panel settings".

If you decide not to use the additional features of the express panel and return to the standard functionality, turn off additional extensions in the corresponding list.

Having done all these simple manipulations, you can easily customize your google chrome browser for convenient work. Use the taskbar, edit the quick access bar and all the pages you need will be always at hand.