Funny games and contests for corporate. Summer corporate parties: new ideas for outdoor leisure Active games for corporate parties in nature

Fragment of the painting by I. Levitan "Summer"

A healthy person does not need sports,
and harmful to the patient.

If your work team has at least some sports training and is infected with a healthy competitive spirit, then it would be a good idea to organize sports competitions at a corporate party in nature.

Of course, you can also play traditional football, volleyball or badminton outdoors with colleagues, but you can arrange sports based on cool and unusual games.

Sports game number 1

For the game you need an open area, it is best to arrange it in the fresh air.

All those wishing to participate are divided into two teams. The only condition is that the number of players on each team must be a multiple of three.

Each trio from each team must run the distance determined by the leader and return back. At the same time, two run away, carrying a third in their arms, sort of like carrying a stolen bride (groom). Naturally, the fastest team wins.

To make the game more fun, the conditional "bride" can be dressed up in a wreath or veil.

Sports game number 2

Inventory: ropes and buckets.

The participants are divided into pairs, and the leader ties one leg of each with ropes. That is, the couple gets three legs.

After that, the couples line up in front of the line drawn on the ground and perform the tasks of the leader. For example, run to the river, collect water in a bucket and bring it back, or collect dry branches for a fire.

The first couple to complete the most tasks wins.

This game is best played after a couple of glasses, then it will be more difficult for the participants to complete the tasks.

Sports game number 3

Inventory: flags or sticks.

Two winding lines from 10 to 20 m long are drawn on the ground or sand, which will play the role of paths. At the end of each track, flags or just sticks are stuck into the ground according to the number of players in the team.

Teams take a position on the start line.

At the signal of the leader, the first team members run along the paths to pick up their flag and return back.

If a player steps on the opponent's track, he returns to the start and starts again.

Only after the return of the first participant, the second one runs out onto the track, etc.

The winner is the team that will quickly transfer all the flags to the start.

Sports game number 4

This is a game to determine the strongest man in your workforce.

Volunteers choose a girl who will play the role of an assistant. The slimmer the beauty, the more chances a man has to win.

At the command of the leader, the participants of the competition pick up their assistants and perform squats at the expense of the leader.

When two participants remain, the host invites them to exchange assistants.

Whichever of them sits down the most times wins.

Sports game number 5

Inventory: a ping pong ball, a baby bucket, bowl or box, and wide skirts.

A children's bucket or other container is placed at a distance of 2-3 m from the players.

Players put on skirts and spread their legs wider than their shoulders, bending them in such a way that a fold forms between the legs on the skirt. A ping-pong ball is placed in this fold. If you sharply pull the edges of the fold with both hands, the ball will fly forward.

Participants take turns throwing the ball. The winner is the participant who manages to throw the ball into the bucket. If several participants were able to do this, then the next round is played between them.

Corporate events are an important element of organizational culture, one of the main parts of the non-material motivation of employees. In my opinion, August-September is the most suitable time for corporate outings: the vacation season is coming to an end, most of the employees have had time to relax and are already at their workplaces, the end of the year and New Year's deadlines are still far away, and the weather is still quite warm. It's time to get together and raise the team spirit under the barbecue!

I offer my version of a corporate party in nature, which was adapted and held for a commercial organization on the occasion of Trade Day. I want to note that in addition to prizes and souvenirs for the winners of the competitions, cardboard stars were prepared in advance, which were given to all participants, and active employees who scored the most stars received valuable gifts at the end of the event.

So here's the finished script. Unfortunately, I do not provide links to the original sources of the contests.

Arrival at the field. Arrangement of the territory.

Leading: announces a traditional competition for the "Best Find". Findings can be, for example:

  • bouquet of flowers;
  • a handful of berries;
  • mushroom;
  • log (as the most needed item at the moment);
  • bump (in memory of the holiday);
  • unusual tree leaf;
  • stick-staff (to confidently walk through life).

After everyone gathers, 3 winners are determined (1st, 2nd, 3rd places). For the 1st place the main prize is awarded, for the 2nd and 3rd places - mini-prizes (souvenirs). Awarding stars to all participants of the competition.

Congratulatory word from the management.

Leading: Competition "Dedicated to the company ..." - a competition for the best ode in honor of the company or the best toast. The contestants take turns reading their poems or making toasts throughout the holiday. At the end of the holiday, the audience chooses the best authors and they are awarded prizes. All participants of the competition are awarded stars and mini-prizes / souvenirs.

Leading: work up an appetite. Competition "Big gray-green Limpopo".

Required: two ropes of 3-4 meters each.

The Limpopo River is depicted as two ropes, the width between which is 1.5 - 2 meters. One of the players (preferably a man) is designated as a "crocodile". All the rest are brave "explorers" who cross the river, trying not to fall into the mouth of the "crocodile". If the crocodile touches the player, it automatically gets into the "crocodile" team and is included in the process of capturing the "researchers". At the same time, all "crocodiles" must hold hands and remain, at least with one foot, in the river. The winner is the last not caught player who receives the main prize. All contestants receive stars.

Leading: Competition "Kangaroo racing".

Required: 10-12 balloons, two ropes.

The players line up along the starting line (1st pitch from the Limpopo River) holding the balls between their knees. At the command "March!" they start kangaroo jumping to the finish line (2nd pitch from the Limpopo River) and back. If the ball falls, the player must stop, pick it up, again hold the ball between his knees and catch up with the rest of the "kangaroos". A popped balloon will result in the player being disqualified. The winner is the one who first makes a circle with a whole and unharmed ball. He receives the main prize, the rest - stars.

Break between competitions.

Leading makes a toast: There are four levels of intoxication, and each is named after an animal, animal or bird - what a person becomes like at that moment.

Thus, the first level is called the level of the peacock, because in this stage a person becomes important and even arrogant, like this bird.

The second level of intoxication is the level of the monkey. Having already drunk decently, a person feels relaxed, there is a desire to joke and play tricks. Life seems great! This is the best stage of intoxication.

The subsequent stages - the level of a ferocious lion and the level of a pig - of course, are completely unattractive.

So let's drink to get to a pleasant intoxication as soon as possible! And also for staying in it!

Leading: Quiz "All about barbecue." The most active participant who answered the largest number of questions receives the main prize. Everything else is an asterisk.

Sample questions:

  1. Shashlik is the national dish of which countries? (Caucasian)
  2. Name the obligatory and necessary condition for the preparation of shish kebab ( Good company)
  3. The worst threat (I'll make a barbecue out of you!)
  4. Name the film in which the hero says: "The shish kebab does not tolerate women's hands" ("Moscow does not believe in tears")
  5. What is the name of a country walk where kebabs are usually cooked? (Picnic)
  6. Is shish kebab the first or second course? (The only thing)
  7. Which kebab finishes faster - long or short? (Tasty)
  8. Where does one of the heroes of the film "Operation Y", or Shurik's New Adventures" eat shish kebab? (At the construction site)
  9. What should be the meat for barbecue? From what part of the carcass is it better to take it? (Fresh, not frozen; for lamb - loin, for pork neck is preferable)
  10. What's the best drink to go with barbecue? (Dry red wine)

Leading: Competition "Pantomimes".

The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses some concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words and sounds. The second team tries three attempts to guess which concept is being shown. You can think of individual words, phrases from famous songs, proverbs and sayings, popular expressions, fairy tales, names of famous (real or fictional) people. Then the teams switch roles. The game is played with stars.

A private version of the "Pantomime" contest may be the "Silent telephones" contest.

Those who wish to take part in the game (6-8 people) line up in a column one after another. The last participant in the column turns his back to the column, facing the leader. The presenter shows him and the audience a trading concept written on paper ( e.g. cashier, grocery store clerk serving customer, senior clerk receiving goods). Task: in turn, from the last to the first player, patting on the shoulder of the one in front, without words, only facial expressions and gestures, explain the concept of trading. When the next member nods that he understands what is being said, he turns to the next member, pats him on the shoulder and tries to explain. And so on until the end. Then all the participants in the game are interrogated in the reverse order: who understood what. Everyone gets mini-prizes (souvenirs) and stars.

Leading: After such an intense exercise for the mind, let's try to check and prove to each other that there are not only smart, but also creatively gifted, creative people. I want to announce that we will now conduct a selection for the roles of the three little pigs in the performance of the same name. But, since we are no longer children, then our performance is not for children. Let's start with an anecdote:

Once upon a time there were three little pigs - Nif-nif, Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf. But there was also a fourth. He did not hide from the wolf, did not build houses, but walked through the forest and sent everyone. And they called him Nah-Nah.

In our production, the pig Nif-Nif is an intellectual, Naf-Naf is an athlete, and Nuf-Nuf is a musically gifted person. Participants in the selection (or they are appointed by the host) choose a suitable role for themselves (3 people for each role).

For the role of Naf-Naf, the presenter gives a task, for example, whoever jumps further or makes more jumps over the rope wins, for Nuf-Nuf - who will better perform a song from a fairy tale and play the pipe:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf, gray wolf, gray wolf,
Where are you wandering, gray wolf, stupid old wolf!

For the performers of the role of Nif-Nif, they ask any question (only a rather difficult one!) with answer options. One of them will choose the correct option. For instance:

1. How is the French culinary term "grill" translated?

  1. fry
  2. burn
  3. bake

2. In the TV series Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot, Poirot, when he saw a certain product, said, "How can I eat them, because they are so different sizes." What is it about?

  1. About quail
  2. About barbecue
  3. About tomatoes
  4. About eggs

Stars are awarded to all participants, the winners receive mini-prizes (souvenirs), and the presenter announces that, unfortunately, there will be no performance, as there was no suitable sponsor. And that's for the best, as we can finally fill our glasses again.

Break between competitions. Employees make toasts.

Leading: Competition "Throwing cones".

Required: two ropes, cones.

Players are divided into two teams of 8 people. Ropes represent two targets. Participants take three cones, and then take turns throwing them, trying to hit the indicated targets. An asterisk is awarded for each hit. Members of the winning team receive mini-prizes (souvenir products of the same plan).

Leading: Competition "Lame Pirate".

Required: two ropes.

Two pairs of participants are selected. Legs are tied to each pair (the left leg of one with the right leg of the other). Couples must walk a distance from the site along the lake and back. The couple who came first receives mini-prizes (souvenirs). Everyone gets stars.

Leading: Competition at the table "Eloquence".

Participants in a circle list the signs of the named concept. Whoever cannot answer is out of the game. The participant who last named the definition wins. For example, “Trade Day” is… a corporate event, a field trip, summer, etc.” The winner receives the main prize, all participants receive stars.

Leading: Let's play a role play. For example, the script "" is prepared in advance, the props are given to the characters. All participants receive mini-prizes (souvenirs) and stars.

Leading:Competition "Statue of Trade Worker". Players are divided into 2 teams. Each team is invited to build their own composition-figure of the “Trade Worker” as follows: one person comes out and assumes some beautiful pose in his opinion, suitable for the “Trade Worker”. The next one approaches him and tries to “finish” the composition by taking some kind of complementary position next to the first person. It can touch the first one, it can stand close or far away from it, the main thing is that they create a common composition that fills the space. Then the third person “adjusts” to them, the fourth and so on - until the very last participant. As a result, each team should get a beautiful multi-armed and multi-legged figure of the “Trade Worker”. Teams can play both simultaneously and in turn, watching each other's successes from the position of spectators. All participants receive stars.

Leading: Competition "Bring me". 12 participants are divided into 3 teams. Each team gets a list of things to bring to the leader in 5 minutes. The team that brings the fastest or the largest number of things from the list wins and receives mini-prizes (souvenirs). All participants receive stars.


  1. 10 kopecks
  2. A rock
  3. Trouser belt
  4. Hairbrush
  5. Anything wet
  6. Something red
  7. An object to write on
  8. Flower
  9. Knife
  10. Piece of tree bark

Leading:Competition story "How we celebrated Trade Day." Participants are divided into groups of 4 people. Each group is given the task of writing a story in 10-15 minutes on the topic “How we celebrated Trade Day”. But at the same time, empty spaces should be left in the story instead of adjective definitions. Then the groups get together and take turns writing adjectives into their stories, which are randomly spoken to them by representatives of other groups. These adjectives can be funny (but not offensive). Then ready-made stories are read out, the funniest, most original work is determined. Participants are marked with stars, winners - with mini-prizes (souvenir products of one plan - 4 pcs).

Leading: Count the stars (3 winners with the highest score). The winners receive the main prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively.

Closing remarks from management and presenting a special gift to the staff who were in charge of the barbecue at this event.

In addition, delivery will be a wonderful addition to any corporate party.

Corporate parties and other events are held on a variety of occasions - the birthday of the company, the opening of a branch, the celebration of common holidays, and so on.

In order for the event to please employees and benefit the team, it must be interesting and fun, as well as have a well-thought-out scenario. This will help to conduct a variety of competitions.

Advantages of the chosen place

Holding a corporate party away from city noise, in nature is an ideal choice for any companies and organizations. If you list the advantages of such an event as briefly as possible, then you get the following list:

  • economy of the holiday- organizing a picnic, even a very large and long one, will cost the company for less than a grand feast in a restaurant;
  • the freedom of action– there will never be so many opportunities to spend time pleasantly and profitably in any hall or venue;
  • team building by jointly solving the most mixed problems.

Entertainment options depending on the season

A corporate holiday in nature can be held at any time of the year. The main thing is to choose the so-called seasonal games, contests and entertainment that will bring the team a lot of pleasant minutes.


kissing marathon

Competitive game for a company where a young cheerful team works.

Each girl is assigned a certain number, and each boy is assigned a letter. They stand in groups on two sides of the clearing, in the center of which is the driver. He loudly calls out a code - a combination of a letter and a number.

The girl, whose number is called, should run up and kiss the leader, and the young man - in every possible way interferes with this. If he could not intercept the girl, then he himself takes the place of the leader.

Choo-choo train

Team, sports competition for the title of the most dexterous and fastest team, of which there may be several.

Teams form trains in a certain way: the leg is bent at the knee and directed back, one hand is on the shoulder of the person in front, and the other needs to support his leg bent at the knee.

In this way, at the signal of the leader, the participants must, without breaking the train, reach the finish line first.

Forced dive

Individual, active competition for agility, speed and ability to be in the water.

All participants become a small semicircle into the water of the river, and the leader stands on the bank in front of them. He horizontally unwinds the rope to which a small ball is tied, gradually lowering the height of the ball.

The task of the participants is to dodge the ball as long as possible, falling into the water.. The one who is hit is out.

friendly bonfires

It is held if at least two colleagues play the guitar. One bonfire is lit for each team, the members of which are seated around.

The task of the teams is to remember as many songs as possible - pioneer, lyrical, tourist, bard.

For the score to be counted, you need to sing one verse and a chorus with guitar accompaniment. The counting is carried out jointly.

grape harvest

The team is divided into several teams with an equal number of participants.

Each group is given a bunch of grapes (must be the same). One of the participants will hold it with their teeth by a branch, and the rest - also with their teeth - carefully tear off the berries and put them in a separate basket for each team.

Competition time is 2 minutes. The group with the most grapes wins.

delicious drinks

You will need to stock up in advance on several (up to 10) types of compote - apple, cherry, peach, blueberry, currant and so on, as well as a lot of disposable cups.

Participants are blindfolded and offered to taste to determine what each compote is cooked from. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake in the definition. 500 ml of each drink is enough for 10 participants.

caterpillar races

All comers are divided into two teams. Two routes are marked - pins are placed (can be replaced with twigs or sticks), which the "caterpillar" will bypass with the "snake".

In this case, all participants hold on to the previous player with both hands, and all, except for the first, are blindfolded.

The team that reaches the finish line first and knocks down the least number of pins wins.

loading relay

You need two teams with an even number of players, for easy pairing. The distance of "loading" is determined, for example, 10 meters.

In a pair, one participant is a “wheelbarrow”, and the second is a “loader”. The first stands on his hands, and the second holds him by the legs so that the body is in a horizontal plane.

It is in this position that the couples will need to cover the distance as quickly as possible and return back, passing the baton to the next in the team.

Monocycle racing

Participants are divided into teams with the number of players divisible by three. Each trio will need to go the whole distance in a certain way and, returning back, pass the baton to the next trio.

Additional attributes: two durable volleyballs. One of the players stands on the ball and rolls it with their feet, the other two must support it on both sides under the elbows. Back you need to carry the ball running.



It is carried out in those places where you can collect enough cones.

For the competition, you will need two basins and two buckets of cones pre-collected by employees (one per team).

The whole team is divided into two equal teams. After the leader's signal, the participants throw the cones into their basin, taking one at a time. The team with the most harvest wins.

Leaf creativity

Best suited for small creative companies that decide to spend a holiday in a deciduous forest.

There may be several teams, and they will carry out the task of compiling the best composition of colorful leaves.

The teams are given a certain time (about 30–40 minutes), during which they must independently collect material and make ikebana.

Inveterate tourists

Two or three teams will work together to prepare any dish without prepared foods. You can only use what is found in the vicinity.

Additionally, participants are given equipment - knives, dishes, seasonings, and water is extracted independently.

It is advisable to take at least an hour for the competition. The taste of the dish, its presentation and, of course, the ingenuity of the participants, as well as the speed of joint work, are evaluated.


Two or more teams can participate in this competition. The task before the players is as follows - in a short time (no more than 20 minutes) to find and collect as many different plants and mushrooms as possible that grow nearby.

Receive one point for each name. It is necessary to know the name of the plant and provide the judges with a part of it (leaf, flower, mushroom), otherwise the points will not be counted.

Modern Tarzan

This is a team game that will allow you to compete in the accuracy of the participants. Everyone is divided into pairs of teams of five players each.

First you need to build two pairs of swings - "bungee". All players receive 25 cones (5 attempts each).

Swinging on a swing, you need to throw as many cones as possible at the target (pan, basin), using your attempts and passing the baton to the next one.

fruit pickers

The cones found by the players will act as fruits. For the competition, several boxes of medium size (40 ´ 60 ´ 60 cm) are needed - one per team.

The team that can do it the fastest wins.


snow shooting

You can play both teams and arrange individual competitions. Several trees of approximately the same diameter are selected - separately for the team.

At the signal of the facilitator, the participants begin to make snowballs and throw them at the tree. The winner is the team (or player) that was able to hit the tree more times.

Shooting time - 1 minute in the team version, 3 minutes - in the individual version.

Ski race

Individual competition for the title of the fastest and most agile skier.

The race track is prepared in advance - they mark with flags, arrange targets to be knocked out, hide the prize in the place indicated with the help of the riddle, and so on.

Skis must be prepared for each participant, so the competition is announced in advance.

Hey cab driver

It will require snowy weather and some fairly large sleds. Each team has six players. One strong man is selected who will lead the remaining five on the same sleigh along a given route.

From time to time, the "strongman" can be changed. The team that loses the fewest players in the fall wins.(fallen out of the competition), and at the same time came to the finish line first.

Relay race

Teams of 4 people. Each is given a sled. Driving down a slide prepared and designed in advance, the first one must get into the gate (two sticks at a distance of 2 m) and, returning, pass the sled to the next one.

The second player, moving out, collects the flags set along the way. The third must hit the target with a snowball, and the fourth must throw the rings on a stick in the middle of the track.

Artistic modeling

Several teams of 3-5 people compete in the ability to sculpt a Snowman. Each chooses a section of a clearing / forest for herself, where she will take snow and other components for modeling.

Since it is not so much the speed that is evaluated in this competition, but the aesthetics of the snow creation, then you need to decorate Baba carefully, using twigs, cones, bark, and so on. It takes an hour to complete.

Men's fun

Used in the men's team. A circle with a diameter of 5 m is outlined on the snow with coals. All participants (6–10 people) enter the circle.

The task of everyone is to push everyone else out of the border, remaining the winner. In this case, you need to stand on one leg, holding the other with your hand, and the second hand is hiding behind your back.

A participant who has fallen, pushed another with his hand, or stood on both legs, is eliminated.



This is not a full-fledged badminton, but its command spring version for speed. Two teams of 4-6 participants line up in a column before the start.

The first players receive a racket and a balloon and, at the signal of the leader, they reach with him, holding them in the air with the racket, to the designated finish line. Back - just run.

The second, taking over, are already rolling the ball on the ground, the third - similarly to the first, and so on.


It is better to spend in the forest, where there is dense undergrowth and many flowers. Participants will have to weave the most beautiful wreath from improvised materials as quickly as possible.

Each team has a man and a woman. He collects flowers, and she is directly engaged in weaving. You can complicate the task by instructing everyone to weave a wreath for a partner.

For this competition, a wreath weaving scheme is useful:

Search for the prize

In a limited area in the forest, a lot (at least 50) balloons are hung, inside of which a note is enclosed.

One note says "Grand Prize", another "Consolation Prize", and all the others "Good luck searching!"

As the main prize - the first portion of shish kebab in sole possession, and comforting - ice cream or a pie.

Hat to the king!

Two teams simultaneously begin to fight for the title of the best hat team. To do this, they need to build a semblance of a human figure from what was found in the forest - these will be "kings".

The main condition for teams - every king must have a headdress- hat or crown The fastest and most creative team with the most interesting hat wins.

Give freedom to parrots!

You need to choose four to five trees standing in a circle not far from each other. They will symbolize the bars of the cage in which 4 "parrots" are sitting - a team of participants.

A rope is pulled horizontally at the level of a meter above the ground around the trees, over which the players need to leave the "cage".

The winner is the team that was able to leave the circle just above the rope without hitting it.


For a contest-competition, you will need a wide, stable log and several narrow and long balloons. You can play all the action like a fairy tale.

Anyone can apply and participate in the tournament. They will need to fight with balls on a log, trying to make the opponent fall from it.

The winners fight among themselves until the main Log Knight is determined.

And in conclusion, we offer you to watch a video of a grandiose corporate party in nature:

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It has long been known that in the fresh air a person relaxes, becomes more friendly towards others. Competitions for corporate parties in nature should increase the desire of employees to discover new interesting qualities in each other. Such a vacation can unite both people who have been working together for a long time, and a young team.

Preparing for the event

Team building specialists are usually trusted to choose suitable competitions for a corporate party in nature. This section of corporate culture is associated with the implementation of the skills of managing a large mass of people to organize any type of activity. But if the management does not want to involve strangers in such an important event for the team, then it is possible to write a script for the corporate party using the employees themselves. In the process of preparation, it is necessary: ​​to think over the time and place of the event; take care of drinks and food; prepare the necessary equipment. Also, as an incentive, it is worth coming up with an encouragement for contestants - this can be a bonus or an extra day off. Such a generous gesture from the administration will be appreciated by the employees and will encourage their active participation in the program.

Possible competitions for corporate events in nature

Whose job?

This competition is based on the well-known children's game - "edible-inedible". Only not fruits and objects are called, but work duties. If the named duty concerns the player, then he catches the ball, if not, he throws it to the leader. The game can be complicated if the rules stipulate that if the ball is deflected, it must be sent to the employee who should be responsible for this work. Such a game has an element of training, as it allows you to specify the responsibilities between the members of the young team and evaluate their attitude to work. It is better if the leader or a representative of the management team is in the role of leader. Participants who answer incorrectly are eliminated from the game, and the one who never makes a mistake wins.


Participants are divided into two teams, each is given small cardboard boxes, with which it is necessary to overcome any part of the terrain. You can move only by stepping on the cardboard boxes. You can complicate the task by naming at each step a word related to the work, or a variant of solving a pre-set problem. Collective competitions for a corporate party in nature should involve the possible assistance of the majority of participants to one. Then they really serve as a prerequisite for improving interpersonal relationships. For example, participants can help move cards or suggest answers.

Creative improvisation

To diversify the gastronomic break, which is an integral part of any outdoor recreation, we can offer a toast competition. An example of one of them:

Let's drink, brothers, for nature,

Long-awaited freedom!

The brain is relaxed! The body breathes!

The heart sings like a nightingale!

Eye - squinting, mouth - in a smile!

In general, rushing us all! In - rushing!


In order to choose suitable competitions for a corporate party in nature, any well-known games and entertainment can be adapted to the event. Then in the arsenal of the organizers there will be a lot of narrowly thematic competitions that can make the upcoming vacation bright and memorable.

What is the best way to organize outdoor recreation?

Everyone has their own idea of ​​what real outdoor recreation should be like. That's why it's so hard to please everyone. When choosing entertainment for leisure, people often go in four ways.

Way one - "card picnic". The simplest and easiest choice. All you need for such an organization is to take a deck of cards with you. And while the kebab is fried, you can safely play a fool, poker or another popular game. But such a tournament is also possible in a cozy room: for this it is not necessary to get out into nature. And indoors, you don’t need to constantly press down the cards with something so that the vile wind doesn’t blow them away.

Path two - "sports weekend". This option is not as simple as the previous one and requires preliminary preparation. You will need to take care of sports equipment and a suitable place for outdoor activities in advance. Football, volleyball, badminton, relay races - this is a small list of what you can play with a large company. Such a holiday, of course, is suitable for a company that loves sports and has a good physical shape.

Way Three - "Popular Recreation". Today, entertainment such as paintball and has become very popular. It is interesting, exciting and convenient. It's convenient because you don't have to figure things out on your own. A couple of calls and companies that specialize in this will organize everything themselves. The only drawback of such a holiday, perhaps, can only be considered that it will have to spend a lot of money on it.

The fourth way - "competitive expanse". The most affordable option for interesting and inexpensive leisure. There is no need for special conditions or complex equipment, both sports and non-sports people can participate. All you need to organize is a healthy imagination and a set of interesting contests. And here are some of the most interesting versions site

1. Hot-cold

A wonderful competition, familiar to everyone since childhood. But, it is clear that there are no children in an adult company, and therefore we are talking about its modified version. It is best to spend at the moment when the barbecue is strung and laid on the grill, and there is still a lot of time before it is ready. Then the presenter, who prudently hid all the alcohol nearby, suggests finding it according to the “hot-cold” principle. That is, when the players approach the coveted cache, they will receive verbal prompts “warm”, “even warmer”, “very warm”. But if the search leads them in a completely different direction, then the phrases “cold”, “colder”, “completely cold”, “freeze” will sound. When the participants directly get to their destination, they will hear the words “hot”, “hot”, “now you will burn”, “burned”. The prize, of course, will be found drinks that can be consumed immediately.

2. Q&A

A wonderful contest game that will require very little preparation, but will provide a lot of positive and good mood. This entertainment will be appropriate at the moment when the participants loosen up a little. The essence of the game is quite fast: the host reads the questions to the participants from one type of cards, and the participants answer by reading the answer from other cards. The whole point is that the questions and answers are specially chosen to be quite frank or maybe even vulgar.

Sample questions:

  1. Do you like phone sex?
  2. Have you been seen stealing?
  3. Do you like bald men (women)?
  4. How often do you wash?
  5. Do you love yourself?
  6. Can I kiss you?
  7. How often do you have sex?
  8. Are you strong enough to stop drinking?
  9. Are you a sadomasochist?
  10. How often do you walk naked (naked) around the house?

Sample answers:

  1. Unless no one sees.
  2. I'm holding on with all my might.
  3. This is my weakness.
  4. Only in bikinis and stockings.
  5. Since childhood.
  6. Only with a bad hangover.
  7. That alone gives me strength.
  8. You have learned (learned).
  9. And I'm proud of it.
  10. I'm a maniac at this.

It is clear that the level of frankness of questions should be chosen depending on how well everyone in the company knows each other.

3. Twister on the grass

Twister is a wonderful game familiar to everyone. But after all, hardly anyone thought that it can be played not only at home, but also on soft young grass. How is that possible. Yes, very simple. To do this, you do not even need to bring a ready-made playing field, it can be made right on the spot. For the manufacture you will need grass and spray paint of the desired colors. It is applied through a round stencil to the grass and allowed to dry. And now everything is ready for a fun and provocative game.

Such entertainment will help disperse alcohol and will not let you get very drunk. But the most important thing is that all participants will receive a lot of positive emotions and spicy photos.

4. Insidious food

You don't need to prepare anything for the event. All the necessary equipment will be with you. Disposable cups and plastic bottles will be used, as well as various snacks from those that you take with you on a picnic (chips, crackers, nuts, popcorn).

The competition can be held in two ways. In the first case, competitors must pour salted nuts or croutons into a plastic bottle using only one hand. For obvious reasons, it is impossible to scatter a snack, and it is also forbidden to ask for help from those present. The one who copes with the task earlier and better than the others is declared the winner.

The second version of the competition is almost impossible, but very funny. Here, chips or salted popcorn are poured into plastic cups. This unusual load is placed on the toes of the shoes of the participants. The goal of the competition is to walk a distance of 3 m with cups, at the end of which there will be a glass with beer, which you need to drink and have a snack with the brought tasty treats. Only here it is forbidden to hold cups with your hands or somehow specially attach them to shoes or legs.

The winner is the one who first and without loss will pass all the stages. If no one copes with the task, then the consolation prize will again be beer and a snack. Fun and excitement are guaranteed here.

5. Delivery service

At the beginning of the competition, the presenter says that today there is a competition for the best and fastest delivery service. To do this, all those present are invited to unite in two or more teams (depending on the total number). Teams line up parallel to each other. In this case, team members should look at each other in the back.

Further, the host says that today each team needs to deliver only one bottle of beer, passing it from the last participant to the first. But at the same time, you can’t touch the bottle with your hands, but you can pass it only by holding it between your knees.

The winner is the team that is faster than its rivals, without dropping the load, cope with the task. The winners will receive all the bottles of beer that took part in the competition. It is better to take plastic containers of 1 liter or 1.5 liters for entertainment.

6. Naughty handles

The competition will go well already in a well-heated company. Only men are invited to take part in it, who should stand in pairs with their backs to each other. After that, each of them is given specially prepared equipment (sticks with a red-colored top and pieces of sandpaper).

After everyone has taken the right positions and received game attributes, the host gives a signal warning about the start of the competition. And at this moment, the participants must quickly clean off the red paint with the skins given out.

The winner is the one whose hands turn out to be more "playful", that is, the one who can handle it earlier. Laughter with tears in the eyes of everyone will be provided.

7. Twelve notes

Becoming a treasure hunter is interesting not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. The 12 Notes contest is a kind of quest that will allow you to plunge into an indescribable atmosphere of adventure and excitement.

The essence of the game is to find the hidden treasure. And if in childhood sweets acted as a treasure, then for adults a box of beer, a dish with crayfish or fruit is more suitable. But in order to find the hidden one, you need to go through a certain path, indications of which are 12 notes. In 6 notes, just the place of the next note will be indicated, and in the remaining 6 - different tasks.

You can come up with tasks yourself, or you can use ready-made options.

Task 1. "Nude" - you need to dance a striptease.

Task 2. “Are you weak?” - drink 1 liter of beer in 1 minute.

Task 3. "Armenian Radio" - tell 6 funny anecdotes.

Task 4. "Gourmet" - guess 6 proposed foods or drinks with your eyes closed.

Task 5. "Air hero" - burst 6 balloons without the help of hands.

Task 6. “Who is the wisest in the world” - guess 6 riddles with a trick.

8. Mute system

A cheerful company will definitely like the Silent System game. It would be nice to film the course of the game on a video camera, so that later its participants could watch the recording and laugh.

The essence of the game is that all participants line up in one row, and the leader, passing behind them, slaps them on the back a different number of times. How many claps were - such and the serial number of the participant. At the command of the leader, when numbers have already been assigned to everyone, the participants must line up in one formation in order, but at the same time, talking or gesturing with your hands is strictly prohibited.

The whole catch is that the host can clap the same number of times to several participants at once, which means that the system will turn out not just one, but several at once. Only now, the participants, who are mooing and winking at each other, do not immediately understand this, and therefore it is very funny to watch all their manipulations.

9. Universal quest for outdoor recreation

If there is not enough time for preparation, but you want to entertain friends and family with something more than just a contest or a game, the quest will be a great solution.

12 ready-made various tasks will help you spend an hour and a half with excitement and fun. See more here.

More games and competitions in nature for adults.