Painting with acrylics on glass. Painting on glass with acrylic paints, application technique. Variety of stained glass paints

Some people who have enough time enjoy making home decorations. Someone knits napkins and tablecloths, someone is engaged in woodcarving, someone writes pictures and decorates their house with them or gives them to people, bringing them joy.

There is another interesting activity that often turns into a hobby - painting on glass and creating homemade stained glass windows.

How to make glass paint yourself?

Contrary to the opinion that painting on glass is an occupation for professionals, it is not so difficult.

Even if you have never discovered your artistic talent, it will not be at all difficult to paint a small glass thing beautifully. Moreover, you can start with ordinary bottles and even jars, which gather dust in almost every pantry.

So, there are several ways for glass:

    • To make paint you will need: PVA glue, food coloring, water.
      To prepare paint, you need to take a clean jar or a small bottle and add all the paint components to it in the following ratio: 1 tablespoon of glue, 1.5 tablespoons of water, 3 drops of food coloring. All this must be thoroughly stirred at once, and then you can begin to create beauty from everyday objects.
      If the color of the paint seems to you not bright enough, then just add a few more drops of dye to the container. It is better to add one drop at a time, stir and see what happens. By adding a few drops at once, you run the risk of changing the brightness of the paint too much. If this happens, you will have to add glue and water in the appropriate proportion to dilute the color.
      If the drawing is colored, then you need to make paint of various colors.
      That's all. Can selected items.

  • For the manufacture of paint, you can use not only food, but also aniline dyes, which are used to dye fabric.
    Preparation of paint from them is as follows:
  1. the dyes are dissolved in distilled water, stirred well and filtered through several layers of gauze;
  2. the resulting colored solution is mixed with the PVA emulsion in such a ratio that the resulting mixture has the consistency of heavy cream, that is, it is sufficiently fluid, but not liquid like water.

The resulting piece is taken into a small piece of glass in order to check the color.

  • There is other options for the manufacture of paints for glass.
    For example, white paint for drawing borders can be made as follows: 20 g of ground kaolin and 80 g of silicate glue are thoroughly mixed. It is convenient to apply it to the contour using a wooden stick or an artistic pen.
    You can also make black paint: 20 g of crushed charcoal, 20 g of printing black and 60 g of silicate glue are thoroughly mixed and filtered.

  • Another recipe for making paints of any color for glass.
    For cooking you will need:
  • dye;
  • water;
  • vinegar;
  • gelatin.

The paint is prepared as follows:

  1. Gelatin is dissolved in hot (70 degrees) water.
  2. The dye is mixed with the dissolved gelatin. If there is no dye at home, then you can use felt-tip pens: after mixing water with vinegar, you need to pass it through a felt-tip pen, thus obtaining a coloring pigment.

Not any glass object, but a sheet of glass, it is better to lay it horizontally. For uniformity of staining, it is better to use not a brush, but a spray bottle. The resulting drawing must be fixed by covering it with varnish.

Making an impromptu stained-glass window

Using aniline paints, you can make an impromptu stained glass window. For this you will need.

On glass with stained glass paints the process is fascinating, creative. To give the interior a unique character and reveal your creative abilities, you should try yourself as an artist! Therefore, it is not surprising that this type of hand-made is becoming more and more popular lately.

As it turns out, glass is the perfect material for making all kinds of fantasies come true. And the very process of painting with different colors helps to achieve spiritual harmony and tranquility.

You should start with small items. So, with the help of artistic painting, you can transform an ordinary glass one beyond recognition, turn an ordinary smooth glass into a work of art, and a bottle into a mysterious container for all sorts of little things. Having practiced enough with small objects, you can move on to painting on a wider surface, for example, on window glass.

Advice! Changing the picture every time for a new holiday, you will create a unique mood in the room.

For inspiration, you can turn to the canvases of famous artists. Perhaps the impressionists and representatives are most suitable here. You can also use exclusively your own imagination.

Preparation of materials: choosing paints

Before getting started, it is very important to choose good ones for glass. Low-quality materials will ruin any, even skillfully executed drawing and will not bring any pleasure from the work. Therefore, it is better to spend once on the purchase of quality tools for work. To make painting on glass voluminous and interesting, you should use stained glass paints. They are distinguished by a translucent texture, which allows, after the paint has dried, to look at the glass through the colored layer. Thus it turns out stained glass effect.

  • one;
  • synthetic.

Water-based formulations are ideal for beginner craftsmen, as they have the following advantages:

  • the ability to wash off easily, which will quickly fix an unsightly touch;
  • lack of odors;
  • the ability to easily mix, which will allow you to achieve almost any shade and degree of saturation without problems.

At the same time, water-based paints also have a significant drawback - they are unstable to high humidity in the room.

When choosing paint, study the label carefully. Look for an inscription confirming that the paint is suitable for painting on glass, etc. Do not be lazy to find out the date of manufacture. If it is expired, then the paints will be dry, and it is very difficult to work with such.

Choosing brushes and other tools

It is equally important to choose good brushes for painting on glass. If you are using acrylic paints (i.e. water-based), then get soft tools for the job. Brushes must contain artificial fibers.

Advice! Get yourself several brushes of different thicknesses at once, as you will have to draw small details and different lines.

Another essential tool is contour tubes (outliners and contour pastes). They are needed to draw the contours of certain areas, which is caused by the need to separate paints that differ in color. This will ensure that there are no sloppy sags at the junction of the drawings due to the mixing of paints. These tubes have other uses as well. So, they will allow shading some parts of the picture due to clearer drawing of lines.

When choosing the color of the outliner, be guided by the general nature of the drawing. Depending on it, opt for outlining in black, gold, silver and other colors.

Step-by-step instructions for stained glass painting

For painting with stained glass paints on glass, we will give an example of a master class. The general order of work includes the following stages:

  • First you need to degrease the base on which the drawing will be applied. This is necessary to give the painting durability and for a smoother paint application.
  • Then you should sketch the future masterpiece. To do this, lay the outline of the composition on a dry surface. Thus, you outline the boundaries of individual zones, each of which will be painted in its own color.
  • Having thus prepared a template for the composition, you can start applying paint. Do not be upset if you fail to do it carefully the first time. You need to get used to it first and get a feel for the ideal layer thickness. If you apply paints too thin, then there is a high probability of the appearance of streaks after the drawing dries, while the shade of the surface will be heterogeneous. If you apply them too thickly, then paints from adjacent areas can easily move. Understanding the required thickness of the paint layer will come only with practice, over time.

Advice! If at first you find it difficult to paint as accurately as possible, you can beat the lack of artistic skills. To do this, choose drawings not in classical and realistic styles, but compositions in the spirit of cubism, and abstractionism, etc.

  • After applying the paint, the work is by no means over. Now you need to wait until the "canvas" is completely dry. You can use a hairdryer to speed up the process. However, professionals do not recommend this drying, as it can cause the paint layer to crack and darken areas. So if you do not want to specifically achieve such effects, then it is better to refuse drying with thermal agents.
  • At the final stage, the composition should be varnished. It will give it a shine and set the drawing.

The nuances of correct glass painting

Do not think that painting on glass with stained glass paints is an expensive pleasure. You can save on buying paints. To do this, purchase not separate containers with paints, but a complete set.

To make the drawing process safe, there are some precautions to take. Avoid contact of paint and the painting itself with food and drink. The paint must not get into the mouth. That's why, decorating glasses, glasses and saucers, they should not be further used for their intended purpose. Their main function today is to serve as a decorative item. This is if you want to completely protect yourself. However, painting and "acting"

At first sight with acrylic paints it resembles the work of a master in a traditional style. In the same way, first a sketch of the drawing and its color scheme in the interior are prepared, then the necessary materials and paints are selected, after which the drawing is manually transferred to the glass with a brush (there may be several of them in the master's arsenal).

At the same time, painting on glass with acrylic paints has its own characteristics. The structure of the glass is such that it does not even absorb water, so the paint flows freely over the surface. Therefore, when working, it is important to be able to put such an amount of paint so that it does not go over neighboring colors. This is similar to working with painting vertical surfaces, when the absence of streaks depends on the ability to feel the amount of paint on the brush. When working with varnish paints, it is possible to use transparent pastes to outline the contours of individual elements of the picture.

Rice. 1. Before starting painting with acrylic paints on glass
you should choose the right color scheme

If an increased external impact on the stained-glass window is planned, then preference should be given to painting with acrylic paints on glass - the surface of the picture will be dense. To increase the strength, you can also use special synthetic paints with subsequent firing. During heat treatment (firing temperature of about 700 degrees), the structure of the paint polymerizes, and the base is sintered with glass almost into a single whole. But, despite the strength, such products with painted with acrylic paints on glass cannot be used for processing and serving food.

If you plan to place a stained-glass window in front of a light source (a stained-glass window, a false stained-glass window in a niche, a ceiling stained-glass window, etc.), it is better to use varnish paints. The glass allows light to pass through, which allows for additional effects when creating a picture. Stained glass can also be given a smoky or matte look by varnishing the design. A layer of varnish will also protect glass painting with acrylic paints from chemical and mechanical influences, and if this is not enough, you can use its lamination with transparent film.

Materials for painting on glass with acrylic paints

The foundation In most cases, flat ... If it is necessary to increase the strength of the stained-glass window, triplex or reinforced glass is used. It is also possible to paint relief glass, but it requires special skill in order to evenly apply paint, therefore textured panels emphasize the exclusivity of the stained glass window.
Paints and outlines Stained glass paints can be water-based or synthetic, and the tube with the paint must be marked "for glass". Water-based paints are diluted and mixed in the same way as watercolors. To dilute synthetic paints, you need a special solvent of the same series, and if you need to make the paint lighter, a special thinner. Therefore, synthetic paints usually have a pungent and unpleasant odor, but when the pattern dries, it disappears.
To prevent the paints from spreading, contour paints are used to mark the lines. They can also be used to draw relief outlines. Outliner paints are sold in dispensed tubes and can be clear, gray, black, or any other color.
Brushes To create painting on glass with acrylic paints, you need standard round and flat brushes. When working with synthetic paints, keep in mind that they can destroy natural-based brushes. The artist can also use a special marker to draw the basic outlines of the drawing.
Other materials The arsenal for painting with acrylic paints on glass depends on the skill and style of the artist's work. Some of them immediately create masterpieces, others require additional devices to correct the applied pattern. Usually they use blotting cloths, napkins, patterns, alcohol for removing paint, varnishes for coating and other materials.

Styles of painting on glass with acrylic paints

The style of painting for painting with acrylic paints on glass is selected taking into account the overall interior design. In principle, almost any image can be stylized in the desired key, as well as change its color scheme so that the stained glass window fits harmoniously into the room. For painting with acrylic paints on glass, the following styles are most popular:

  • modern;
  • antique;
  • Gothic;
  • Japanese;
  • Egyptian;
  • landscape;
  • abstraction;
  • for children.

Rice. 2. Some firms produce whole sets for painting
on glass with acrylic paints

The cost of painting on glass with acrylic paints

It is formed on the basis of the following criteria:

  • the size of the stained-glass window;
  • manufacturer of paints and materials;
  • the complexity of the design and implementation (work on a textured or vertical surface);
  • urgency of manufacturing.

Ordering acrylic painting on glass in our studio

The artists of our studio thoroughly studied all the nuances of making stained-glass windows, including painting on glass with acrylic and lacquer paints. Subtle artistic flair allows you to create masterpieces worthy of royal palaces. At the same time, the cost of making a stained glass window remains acceptable, since the stained glass workshop of our studio has everything you need, including a kiln for firing, and the pricing policy is focused on the volume of orders, and not a high margin.

Choice of paint

Painting on glass

In any store, the seller will advise you on the best paint to use for painting on glass. But before that, he will definitely ask how you will use the paint. There are several options due to which the type of paints will also differ:

  • Perhaps you are looking for paint for decoration or professional painting.
  • Maybe you want to give a master class or, on the contrary, practice
  • There is also an option for painting with children.

Important! Do not doubt that this is a very important point, since the cost of the material also depends on these factors. Manufacturers produce not only expensive paints that are used by professionals, but also budget kits, with which you can learn how to make patterns and certain compositions.

  • In addition, it is important what effect you want to get - it can be a matte or glossy finish, or vice versa, transparency.
  • What do you want to draw your drawing on? - You can paint on glass both on plates and on a bottle or window

The fact is, there are some types of paints that cannot be applied to items that come into contact with food or detergents.

Acrylic paints

DIY painting on glass

Acrylic paint contains natural or synthetic pigments, binders and water. For painting on glass, both acrylic and stained glass paints are used. Let's take a look at the benefits of topcoats:

  1. Are opaque
  2. Have the property of good lying down and are lightfast
  3. Have a wide palette of shades, while the colors are bright and you can add glitter to them
  4. Have good abrasion resistance
  5. Do not slip off the glass when painting
  6. Professional paint is odorless
  7. Can be packed in tubes, jars or cans

  • Are transparent
  • The most common paintwork materials dry for about 24 hours.
  • In order to firmly fix them, they must be heated to a certain temperature. This is why they are called baked.
  • The pastes are applied using stencils on the film and when they dry, they are transferred to the glass
  • Stained glass paints for painting on glass are slightly more expensive than acrylic mixtures

Securing the applied pattern

Self-painting on glass with acrylic paints

When the drawings on the glass are finished, they should be fixed, and I will now tell you how this can be done. It is best to fix the glass masterpiece with acrylic varnish, as it has several features:

  1. It is non-flammable and does not have a strong odor. That is why it is very easy to work with such varnishes indoors.
  2. Application is easy enough, so this process will not be a problem even for a beginner.
  3. Has a property to dry quickly, moreover, the material can be diluted with water
  4. Does not affect the original color of the paint used
  5. Due to its low cost and economy, one can will be enough for you for a long time

The pricing policy for acrylic varnish is quite good, in specialized stores you can purchase a product at a price of about 150 rubles per 50 ml.

Painting on glass with acrylic paints

If you are new to painting, then before painting on glass, you should remember a few tips. They will simplify the process of drawing a picture on glass with your own hands.

To get started, choose transparent dishes if you are not painting on window glass or fittings. You can choose snow-white ceramics as a background - this way nothing will distract you from drawing. In addition, try first to draw a sketch on a piece of paper - in the future, the hand will remember already similar outlines and it will become much easier to draw.

With the help of samples on a sheet of paper, you will fill in your hand and complex outlines or patterns will become simple for you to perform. At the moments of the first compositions, it is very difficult to immediately go from a bold line to a thin one and vice versa, and for a beautiful painting such moments are very important. Therefore, do not neglect the opportunity to pre-train.

Don't forget to learn how to draw flowers. Try simple ones, then start more complex petals. At this point, you can try to independently combine colors and "wedge" any flower into an existing drawing.

Important! Painting with acrylics on glass develops your imagination, calms and somehow transfers you from the real world to your own. At the moments of painting, the brain rests and does not need to solve complex problems and get out of various life troubles.

Do not forget that acrylic paints applied to glass dry out within one day, so do not rush to check your work for strength.

Choosing brushes

Brushes for painting on glass

You can paint on glasses with painting brushes, they are small in size and you will simply display complex patterns. If you decide to arrange a large area, then you should also stock up on construction brushes. Drawings are applied using rounded brushes, but a flat brush should be used to secure your art.

The choice of material for the brushes is entirely yours. You can use both natural and synthetic. However, it should be remembered here that natural pile is used for water-based paints and varnishes. Don't forget to buy a palette knife. This is the name of a special metal spatula, with the help of which the process of mixing different paint colors takes place.

In addition to all of the above, you can view a huge number of master classes that will help you decide on the technique of applying painting and even drawings. Experienced artisans will tell you how to hold the brush correctly and apply the pattern to the glass. In a professional store, sales consultants will help you choose the necessary paints and brushes - all you need is the desire to create and create interesting patterns with your own hands. Experience does not come immediately, so after the first failure, you should not give up what you started. Keep trying to paint with acrylics and involve your family in this process, because only such moments spent together will be remembered for a lifetime.