What is meant by economic activity. The concept and types of economic activity. List of conditional abbreviations

Economic activity of the enterprise is the production of products, the provision of services, the performance of work. Economic activity is aimed at making a profit in order to satisfy the economic and social interests of the owners and the workforce of the enterprise. Economic activity includes the following stages:

  • scientific research and development work;
  • production;
  • auxiliary production;
  • maintenance of production and sales, marketing;
  • sales and after-sales support.

Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise

Makes the FinEkAnalysis program.

Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise this is a scientific way of understanding economic phenomena and processes, based on the division into component parts and the study of the variety of connections and dependencies. This is an enterprise management function. Analysis precedes decisions and actions, justifies the scientific management of production, increases objectivity and efficiency.

Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise consists of the following areas:

  • The financial analysis
    • Solvency analysis, %20%20%D0%B8%20 financial stability,
  • Management analysis
    • Evaluation of the place of the enterprise in the market of this product,
    • Analysis of the use of the main factors of production: means of labor, objects of labor and labor resources,
    • Evaluation of the results of production and sales of products,
    • Making decisions on the range and quality of products,
    • Development of a strategy for managing production costs,
    • Determination of the pricing policy,

Indicators of economic activity of the enterprise

The analyst, according to the specified criteria, selects indicators, forms a system from them, and makes an analysis. The complexity of the analysis requires the use of systems, rather than individual indicators. The indicators of economic activity of the enterprise are divided into:

1. value and natural, - depending on the underlying meters. Cost indicators - the most common type of economic indicators. They generalize heterogeneous economic phenomena. If an enterprise uses more than one type of raw materials and materials, then only cost indicators can provide information on the generalized amounts of receipts, expenditures, and the balance of these items of labor.

natural indicators are primary, and cost - secondary, since the latter are calculated on the basis of the former. Economic phenomena such as production costs, distribution costs, profit (loss) and some other indicators are measured only in cost terms.

2. quantitative and qualitative, - depending on which side of phenomena, operations, processes is measured. For results that can be quantified, use quantitative indicators. The values ​​of such indicators are expressed as some real number that has a physical or economic meaning. These include:

1. All financial indicators:

  • revenue,
  • net profit,
  • fixed and variable costs,
  • profitability,
  • turnover,
  • liquidity, etc.

2. Market indicators:

  • volume of sales,
  • market share,
  • size/growth of the customer base, etc.

3. Indicators characterizing the efficiency of business processes and activities for training and development of the enterprise:

  • labor productivity,
  • the production cycle,
  • lead time,
  • staff turnover,
  • number of employees trained, etc.

Most of the characteristics and results of the work of the organization, departments and employees are not amenable to strict quantitative measurement. They are used to evaluate qualitative indicators. Qualitative indicators are measured with the help of expert assessments, by monitoring the process and results of work. These include, for example, indicators such as:

  • relative competitive position of the company,
  • customer satisfaction index,
  • staff satisfaction index,
  • command at work
  • the level of labor and performance discipline,
  • quality and timeliness of submission of documents,
  • compliance with standards and regulations,
  • execution of orders of the head and many others.

Qualitative indicators, as a rule, are leading, as they affect the final results of the organization's work and "warn" about possible deviations of quantitative indicators.

3. Volumetric and specific- depending on the application of individual indicators or their ratios. So, for example, the volume of output, sales volume, production cost, profit are volume indicators. They characterize the volume of this economic phenomenon. Volumetric indicators are primary, and specific indicators are secondary.

Specific indicators calculated on the basis of volume indicators. For example, the cost of production and its cost are volume indicators, and the ratio of the first indicator to the second, that is, the cost per ruble of marketable products, is a specific indicator.

Results of economic activity of the enterprise

Profit and income- the main indicators of the financial results of the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

Income is the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) minus material costs. It represents the monetary form of the net output of the enterprise, i.e. includes wages and profits.

Income characterizes the amount of funds that the company receives for the period, and minus taxes is used for consumption and investment. Income is sometimes subject to taxation. In this case, after tax is deducted, it is subdivided into consumption, investment and insurance funds. The consumption fund is used for remuneration of personnel and payments based on the results of work for the period, for a share in the authorized property (dividends), material assistance, etc.

Profit- part of the proceeds remaining after reimbursement of production and marketing costs. In a market economy, profit is the source of:

  • replenishment of the revenue part of the state and local budgets,
  • enterprise development, investment and innovation activities,
  • satisfaction of the material interests of the members of the labor collective and the owner of the enterprise.

The amount of profit and income is influenced by the volume of products, assortment, quality, cost, improvement of pricing and other factors. In turn, profit affects the profitability, solvency of the enterprise and others. The value of the gross profit of the enterprise consists of three parts:

  • profit from the sale of products - as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (excluding VAT and excise duty) and its full cost;
  • profits on the sale of tangible assets and other property (this is the difference between the sale price and the costs of acquiring and selling). Profit from the sale of fixed assets is the difference between the proceeds from the sale, the residual value and the costs of dismantling and selling;
  • profit from non-sales operations, i.e. transactions not directly related to the main activity (income from securities, from equity participation in joint ventures, leasing property, excess of the amount of fines received over those paid, etc.).

Unlike profit, which shows the absolute effect of activity, profitability- a relative indicator of the efficiency of the enterprise. In general, it is calculated as the ratio of profit to costs and is expressed as a percentage. The term is derived from the word "rent" (income).

Profitability indicators are used for a comparative assessment of the performance of individual enterprises and industries that produce different volumes and types of products. These indicators characterize the profit received in relation to the spent production resources. Product profitability and production profitability are often used. There are the following types of profitability:

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"economic activity" is revealed as a set of actions aimed, in particular, at replenishing the stock of material goods and ensuring the fullest possible satisfaction of the needs that they are designed to serve. To this end, existing goods are stored, new ones are mined and produced, they are moved in space and in exchange, and their consumption is organized. The motive of economic activity is the desire of a person to satisfy his needs for material goods. Economic activity is thus a manifestation of the economic (economic, expedient) motive in human life ... "

A source:

Order of Rospatent No. 87 dated July 25, 2011 "On the Enactment of the Guidelines for the Examination of Applications for Inventions"

A source:

"GOST R 52104-2003. Russian Federation. Terms and definitions"

(approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 03.07.2-st)

"... Economic activities: activities carried out in the course of production activities by an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, regardless of the form of ownership and whether it is of a commercial or non-commercial nature ..."

A source:

"GOST R 52104-2003. National Russian Federation. Resource saving. Terms and definitions"

(approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 07/03/2003 N 235-st)

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012 .

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    Financial and economic activity- organizational and executive and administrative activities of the command (chief, commander), governing bodies, services and officials of the troops and bodies of the PS of the Russian Federation for managing the economy, including the relevant material and technical ... ... Border Dictionary

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  • Economic activity of Metropolitan Platon, A.A. Belyaev. Reprint edition in print-on-demand technology from the original of 1899 Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1899 edition (University Printing House Publishing House).…

Water heating systems

Classification and scope

1. According to the method of coolant circulation, systems are divided into gravity (with natural water circulation) and pumping (with artificial water circulation).

2. Depending on the method of laying the distributing lines, the systems are made with upper and lower wiring.

3. According to the method of distribution of water between the risers, the systems are divided into dead-end and with the associated movement of water in the distributing mains.

4. According to the number of risers serving the heating device, the systems are divided into two- and one-pipe.

Economic activity- this is the activity of business entities in the field of social production, aimed at the manufacture and sale of products, the performance of work or the provision of services of a value nature that have price certainty (Part 1, Article 3 of the HC of Ukraine).

The term "social production", used in Art. 3 HC of Ukraine cannot be interpreted narrowly in the meaning production (manufactory) activity, excluding trade, communications, transportation, public catering, etc. Social production is a generalizing term, equivalent to the political economy term "relations of production", which implies creation of a certain material product whether it be a product, work or service. This term serves as a contrast to the concept of non-productive consumption, which implies the consumption of goods by the population to meet vital needs. The latter denotes the sphere where the norms of civil law prevail.

The social nature of economic activity is also expressed in the fact that this is not a one-time act or a one-time action, but “a multi-stage, complex activity carried out systematically, professionally, in the form of a fishery”. The special social significance, specificity and complexity of economic relations objectively require special legal regulation.

The main features of economic activity:

Ø is carried out in the sphere of material production and in the sphere that organizes production;

Ø is carried out on the basis of making independent decisions;

Ø carried out on the right of ownership and other property rights.

Additional signs of economic activity:

v creative and innovative nature - based on the search for new opportunities, innovation orientation;

v risky nature - shifting to the business entity the burden of foreseeing adverse consequences (losses) and taking measures to reduce or eliminate them, not related to the guilty business entity;

v independent legal responsibility - the responsibility of a business entity (property, financial, economic, etc.);

v socially responsible nature - the responsibility of business entities to society, the obligation to carry out such tactics, make such decisions and act in such a way that it is desirable from the point of view of the purpose and values ​​of society, which provides for the requirement: (improving the efficiency of business entities; more complete responsibility to stakeholders (shareholders, workers) and the creation of corporate democracy, the growing responsibility of business entities for the welfare of the whole society, a greater positive role of business entities aimed at protecting the environment);

v the transfer of these benefits to other persons on a paid basis, that is, their functioning in the form of a commodity;

v professional bases of economic activity.

Requirements for business activities:

Ø quality of products, works and services, their safety for the life and health of people, animals, the environment;

Ø environmental safety of production;

Ø conscientious behavior in the field of economic competition;

Ø civilized use of hired labor.

Management principles (Article 6 of the HC of Ukraine):

1) ensuring economic diversity and equal protection by the state of all business entities;

2) freedom of entrepreneurial activity within the limits determined by law;

3) free movement of capital, goods and services on the territory of Ukraine;

4) restriction of state regulation of economic processes in connection with the need to ensure the social orientation of the economy, fair competition in business, environmental protection of the population, protection of consumer rights and the security of society and the state;

5) protection of the national commodity producer;

6) prohibition of unlawful interference of state authorities and local self-government bodies, their officials in economic relations.

3. Types of economic activity

In economic legislation, there is a single classification of types of economic activity, the criterion of which is its purposefulness.

1. Depending on the purpose of economic activity, it is divided into:

a) commercial (entrepreneurial) activity, which takes place in cases where a business entity acts for the purpose of making a profit;

b) non-commercial activity, which takes place in cases where a business entity, although acting to achieve certain economic and social results, does not pursue the goal of making a profit.

Economic commercial activity (entrepreneurship) is the basis of the subject of economic and legal regulation, since the vast majority of economic law is devoted to the regulation of commercial relations.

Entrepreneurship is an independent, initiative, systematic, at their own risk economic activity carried out by business entities (entrepreneurs) in order to achieve economic and social results and make a profit (Article 42 of the HC of Ukraine).

The most important feature of entrepreneurship - the focus of activity on making a profit - allows it to be called economic commercial activity.

Among the most important areas of legal regulation entrepreneurship should be highlighted:

Ø establishment business principles (Articles 43-46 of the HC of Ukraine): freedom to choose types of activities not prohibited by law, carrying out activities in any organizational forms provided for by law, at the choice of the entrepreneur; independence in choosing a program of activities, contractors and other business conditions within the framework not limited by law; free employment of workers; commercial settlement and own commercial risk; free disposal of profits left after paying taxes; independent implementation of foreign economic activity, etc.;

Ø pinning individuals and activities for whom (or in whose area) entrepreneurship is prohibited or restricted (Article 43 of the HC, Article 4 of the Law "On Entrepreneurship").

Entrepreneurship of such categories of citizens as military personnel, officials of the prosecutor's office, courts, state security, internal affairs, notaries, as well as citizens who are prohibited from doing business by a court decision, and some others (Laws of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office", "On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges”, “On Notaries”, etc.).

However, it should be borne in mind that the possession of corporate rights is not entrepreneurship (Article 167 of the HC). Therefore, the above persons are not prohibited from buying shares, establishing business companies.

Types of activities in which entrepreneurship is prohibited or restricted are established exclusively by law (part 4 of article 12, part 3 of article 43 of the HC). For example, according to the Law “On Circulation in Ukraine of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances, Their Analogues and Precursors” and in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 6, 2000 issued on its basis, the circulation of heroin, opium, cocaine and some other substances is prohibited.

Some activities can only be carried out by state and certain other enterprises. Thus, exclusively state-owned enterprises can be engaged in the manufacture and sale of ammunition and carry out the protection of objects of national importance, produce and launch launch vehicles; only state-owned enterprises and general partnerships can conduct pawnshop operations; state enterprises and communications associations - to operate primary telephone and satellite communications networks; The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approves the lists of enterprises that are allowed to produce gasoline, technical ether, technical alcohol, etc.

Additional areas of legal regulation of entrepreneurship are:

Ø rationing order of creation , state registration, reorganization and termination of activities of business entities (Articles 45, 51, 58-61 of the HC of Ukraine, the Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" dated 15.05.2003, etc.)

Ø establishment of general guarantees for the rights of entrepreneurs : equal rights and equal opportunities to attract and use material, technical, labor, information, natural and other resources; inviolability of property and ensuring the protection of property rights of the entrepreneur; compensation for losses caused to entrepreneurs by state bodies as a result of violation of the property rights of an entrepreneur or involvement of a citizen during working hours in the performance of state or public duties, etc. (Art. 47 HC).

Ø fastening principles of state support entrepreneurship: creating favorable organizational and economic conditions for the development of entrepreneurship, in particular by providing land plots and state property in the manner prescribed by law, training personnel, developing undeveloped territories, etc.; assistance to small business (Article 48 of the HC, the Law of Ukraine "On State Support for Small Business" dated 10/19/2000, etc.);

Ø regulation of the procedure for bringing entrepreneurs to responsibility (Article 49, Section V of the HC of Ukraine, etc.);

Ø establishment of rules for the protection of economic competition, bankruptcy, pricing and legislative consolidation of other conditions for the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

Non-commercial economic activity is the second part of the subject of economic law regulation.

Non-commercial economic activity is an independent, systematic economic activity carried out by business entities aimed at achieving economic, social and other results without the purpose of making a profit. Non-commercial economic activity is carried out business entities for which the implementation of economic activities in the form of entrepreneurship is prohibited by law (Article 52 of the HC of Ukraine).

Non-commercial economic activities are carried out by business entities of the state or municipal sectors of the economy in industries (types of activity) in which, in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 52 of the HC of Ukraine prohibits entrepreneurship.

For example, public authorities and local governments, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, political parties, public associations and charitable organizations are not entitled to engage in entrepreneurial activities (part 4 of article 43, part 5 of article 131, part 2 of article 414 of the HC of Ukraine , Article 1 of the Law "On Charity and Charitable Organizations" dated September 16, 1997, Articles 1, 21, 24 "On Citizens' Associations" dated June 16, 1992). In some cases, the law allows the commercial activities of such entities indirectly - by receiving income from the activities of the enterprises they have created.

Non-profit economic organizations (non-profit institutions and organizations) are:

1. Charitable foundations and charitable organizations established in the manner prescribed by law for carrying out charitable activities, including public organizations established for the purpose of carrying out environmental, recreational, amateur sports, cultural, educational and scientific activities, as well as creative unions and political parties , public organizations of the disabled and their local cells, created in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Associations", research institutions and higher educational institutions of 3-4 levels of accreditation, included in the State Register of Scientific Institutions, which are supported by the state, reserves, museums - reserves;

2. Pension funds, credit unions established in the manner prescribed by law;

3. Unions, associations and other associations of legal entities created to represent the interests of the founders, which are supported only by the contributions of such founders and do not carry out their main activities, with the exception of receiving passive income;

4. Religious organizations registered in the manner prescribed by law;

5 Housing and construction cooperatives, an association of co-owners of apartment buildings, established in the manner prescribed by law;

6. Trade unions, their associations and trade union organizations formed in the manner prescribed by law;

7. Other legal entities whose activities do not provide for the receipt of profit in accordance with the norms of the relevant laws.

It should be borne in mind that business entities engaged in non-commercial economic activities are subject to general requirements on the regulation of economic activity taking into account the peculiarities of the non-profit nature of their activities (part 1 of article 54 of the HC of Ukraine). However, in any case, the subject of non-commercial economic activity is obliged to ensure proper working conditions for employees, pay them no less than the minimum amount determined by law, and provide other social guarantees provided for by law (part 2 of article 54 of the HC of Ukraine).

Differences between entrepreneurial activity and non-commercial activity:

Ø the presence of a profit goal;

Ø an initiative that ensures the search and implementation of new technologies, new economic ties, optimization of one's own activities;

Ø high degree of risk;

Ø Own responsibility of the entrepreneur to creditors, the state;

Ø independence of entrepreneurial activity.

Signs of non-commercial activity:

Ø independence of its implementation;

Ø lack of purpose of making a profit;

Ø financing (at the expense of the budget) or from own sources of income.

2. By subject economic activity is divided into:

a) production;

b) trading;

c) banking;

d) insurance;

e) innovative;

f) concession;

g) investment, etc.

3. Depending on the trajectory of the movement of property of business entities can be distinguished:

a) domestic economic activity;

b) foreign economic activity.

4. Depending on the nationality of business entities can be identified :

a) economic activities of domestic producers (residents);

b) economic activity of foreign producers (non-residents);

The definition of economic activity is given in paragraph 3 of article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Economic activity is an independent activity carried out at one's own risk, aimed at the systematic receipt of profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law.

Economic activity can also be expressed in actions of an organizational-property, non-commercial nature (creation of enterprises, obtaining licenses, certificates), i.e., it does not have its immediate goal of making a profit (property), but creates the necessary conditions for future entrepreneurial activity, almost always a necessary condition, a prerequisite for its implementation. right economic procedural material

This branch of law is characterized by the following principles:

  • · The principle of purposefulness of influence on the achievement of mutual interests as a result of economic activity of subjects of economic legal relations.
  • · The principle of equality of subjects of economic legal relations, regardless of the level they occupy in the national economic complex: the rules of law governing their economic relations equally apply to all participants in these relations.
  • · The principle of economic freedom and encouragement of entrepreneurial behavior of economic organizations.
  • · The principle of promoting fair competition and protecting against monopoly and unfair competition.
  • The principle of the complexity of state impact on economic relations through a combination of economic, organizational, administrative and political mechanisms that make it possible to target the motivation of the activities of various social groups (entrepreneurs, managers, specialists, direct participants in production and economic processes - workers) to achieve socially necessary economic results.
  • The principle of legality. In a market economy, the assessment of legality is based on the achievement of economic efficiency of activities in the interests of the state and society without violating the prohibitions of the law and the rights of others.

Economic activity is an activity for the production of products, the implementation of works and the provision of services. In a market economy, it is usually aimed at making a profit and becomes entrepreneurial. The procedure for the implementation and organization of this activity is determined by business law.

Signs of economic activity:

ѕ property independence of a business executive, which is determined by the fact that the subject has a separate property of his own as the economic base of activity. The scope of property independence depends on the legal status on the basis of which this property belongs to this subject. This property can be owned, used and disposed of by both an individual and a legal entity;

ѕ organizational independence is the possibility of making independent decisions in the process of economic activity (choosing the type of activity, organizational and legal forms of activity, determining the circle of founders, etc.);

ѕ risk in economic (entrepreneurial) activity is a powerful incentive for successful work. Reducing losses, as an option, can be achieved by concluding an insurance contract, i.e. the risk of losses from economic activities due to breach of their obligations by counterparties or changes in the terms of the contract due to circumstances independent of the business executive (force majeure), including the risk of not receiving the expected results, - systematic profit is the main goal of economic activity, which gives commercial nature of business entities;

- deriving profit from the use by subjects of their property, the sale of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services, the leasing of premises, property, the surrender of a patent to other persons, works of science, art, and others.

Economic activity is an activity that is aimed at the production or exchange of goods, tangible and intangible benefits. There are several types of economic activity, each of which arose at different times and had its own development path.

Agricultural activity

Agriculture is to meet the needs of the population in food. Agriculture can be divided into two branches: animal husbandry and crop production. Crop production originated when a person realized that food can not only be obtained, mastering more and more new territories, but also engage in the cultivation of food crops. Animal husbandry, in turn, appeared at the moment when man began to domesticate wild animals in order to obtain milk, meat and wool.

Rice. 1. Agriculture.

Land is the main means of agricultural production.


This area of ​​activity includes the mining and manufacturing industries. The formation of industry took place in the era of the primitive communal system. It was inseparable from subsistence farming. Later, industry becomes a completely independent industry, which is developing rapidly, especially during the formation and birth of capitalism. In the industrial sector, one can single out the fuel, light, food, timber industries, as well as ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Rice. 2. Mining.

Transport economy

For the stable operation of agricultural and industrial enterprises, stable operation of transport is necessary.
Transportation can be divided into 3 types: