Gratitude to a colleague for work during dismissal. Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job in prose and verse. with a negative connotation

Dismissal cannot be called the most joyful day in life, especially if it occurs at the initiative of the employer. When the situation is reversed - farewell to the beloved enterprise takes place on a positive note, and other employees are practically family members, then a letter of thanks can be an excellent end to any cooperation.
Upon dismissal, I would like to express my gratitude not only to my colleague leaving the company, but also to hear response words from his side. It doesn't matter if they are spoken in prose or in ordinary writing.

Letter of thanks to a departing colleague

Any employee who leaves the enterprise should be thanked for many years of work. Maybe he retires or, for personal reasons, leaves the enterprise without the opportunity to continue working in another place (health condition, receiving a disability group, professional injury).

Let us sincerely congratulate you
On this beautiful, wonderful day.
You are the best in this world!
Take these wishes with you.
We wish you a lot of happiness, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blaughter,
Long, sunny and bright years,
Health, more success,
Good luck in business, victory in everything!

You helped run our business
We could trust you with everything.
You are our partner, not in business, but in life,
Be happy, dear, everywhere!

Say a magical "thank you"
We want you today.
And we say again and again:
Thank you for giving us love!

An example of gratitude to other employees from a person leaving work

Saying "thank you" for the work done, I want to hear something in response. If you do not know how to express your feelings in prose, then you can do it in your own words. Say a few words of gratitude to the boss, and then to the rest of the colleagues. On such a sweet note, parting will occur. Below are a couple of examples of good farewells.

For a pile of paper and paper clips on the table,
Tasks that remained unanswered and pens in the corners
For never opened mail and overtime,
For spilled coffee on the floor and an incomprehensible view in the morning,
For help in the evenings, when I wanted to balance,
Deciphering manuals for obscure technology,
For cool parties and beautiful pictures,
For the gifts on the table and the warmth that is in the soul -
My beloved colleagues, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I am happy to give you the opportunity to say “thank you”.

Thank you for the many kind words!
Thanks for your help and attention!
For your kindness and understanding!
Happiness should love you, and joy should smile!
May your goodness multiply and return like a boomerang!

One "thank you" is not enough
For the kindness that came from you.
I want the sun to shine on you.
Giving your smile a billion times.

Thank You Letter Sample

The tradition of writing farewell lines came to us relatively recently and, oddly enough, took root very quickly. Before writing a letter of gratitude, you should decide on its recipient: the entire enterprise as a whole, the boss, colleagues ... If the addressee is the company, then it is better to write in an official style, since this document can be considered business.

There is a certain sample for writing a business letter, which includes a “cap”, the recipient. Appeal always begins with full name. or company name. It's better to add "respected" first. Then the text itself and at the end - the signature.

Usually in such a letter template phrases are used, such as: “I want to express my gratitude to you” or “sincerely grateful.” Next, a couple of epithets describing cooperation, for example, “in good faith, “excellent.” By signing, the position is affixed. A sign of good tone is the presence of the phrase "with respect."

If this is a letter for colleagues, then you can relax a bit and “turn down” the formality. Start by leaving the company. If you do not hide the reason for your decision, then indicate it delicately, without negative points (even if you really want to). Describe how you enjoyed working in this team, what you achieved together. It is especially worth noting the help of employees in striving for personal goals and achieving them.

If you write sincerely, then formality should go aside. At the end, offer to maintain personal relationships, not to lose touch. Enter your phone number, email or link to your page on a social network. If you don’t really appreciate your former team, then you shouldn’t leave personal data. Sign informally, such as "Yours truly," "With all my love and gratitude," etc. Perhaps such actions will leave favorable memories of you or positively affect your career in the future.

In a letter of thanks, you should not say "about sore."

Attention! Don't ask to "keep in touch" if you go to a competitor. Another thing is the onset of retirement age or the transition to a different field of activity, because these are completely different situations.

Each employee of a large or small company over the years of work acquires connections in the team, becomes a useful and sometimes indispensable member in a well-coordinated personnel mechanism. All this requires compliance with the norms of corporate ethics from the company, promotion or when moving to another branch. One of the rules in such cases is the preparation of a farewell corporate letter for the team and management.

The tradition of writing farewell letters is widespread in European countries. In large organizations, each employee performs a specific function and interacts with employees from many other departments. In such cases, the letter will allow you to show respect, notify other employees of your departure and pass on business contacts in order to avoid downtime.

A corporate farewell letter will be required if an employee leaves the company or department in which he worked for a long time or permanently. An official farewell letter is drawn up in the following cases:

  • dismissal from the company
  • promotion to leadership position
  • moving to a branch in another city
  • well-deserved retirement

The longer the employee has worked in the team, the more established connections remain at the old place of work and, of course, it is simply impolite to leave simply and quietly in this case. A farewell letter is the best format for saying goodbye and notifying employees that a particular employee is leaving and a new specialist is taking his place.

Is it necessary to write such a letter at your workplace?

A farewell letter to colleagues is a formal farewell method and is more designed for large companies with a large number of employees and various departments, where not all employees have the opportunity to get to know each other personally.

In such cases, the letter is posted on the corporate blog, posted on a bulletin board, or read at a general meeting, depending on the reason for leaving.

For small offices and companies where no more than 10-20 people work, a farewell letter is not necessary and is used more as a formality at parting, remaining as a keepsake for employees. In a small team, you can independently say goodbye to each employee or arrange a farewell party.

In general, it all depends on the preferences and wishes of the departing employee, the traditions of the team, the presence or absence of the practice of writing farewell letters.

Reasons for writing a message

Writing a corporate farewell letter has several main goals:

  • To express gratitude to colleagues with whom I had a chance to work for a long time and who rightfully moved into the category of friends and acquaintances
  • Notify employees of other departments that you are leaving your position and are not officially employed by the company or are not involved in the affairs of your department by going for a promotion
  • Notify the team that after you there is a receiver who can be contacted on work issues
  • Leave the coordinates, work phone and mail of the receiver to simplify communication in the team
  • Thank the management for the opportunity to work in the company and for the experience gained in the chosen profession

A farewell corporate letter can be considered a banal act of courtesy, in which the employee thanks everyone and expresses gratitude to the team for the time they worked together. But it's not just about sentimental feelings. In an age of corporate ethics, letters of recommendation, and employee reputation checks at previous jobs, it's imperative to leave with a good reputation. That is why it is necessary to show courtesy and discretion, because companies working in related fields are in contact one way or another, old connections and good reviews will not interfere with a new job.

Rules for writing farewell letters upon dismissal

The farewell message should be short, concise and have a positive attitude.

If you work in a company with several hundred employees, it makes no sense to write one long message. Firstly, reading it will take time from people busy with work. Secondly, little-known employees will not read a long message, even without really knowing the person who wrote it. Therefore, the general letter should contain a number of official theses and gratitude to the team and management.

A longer message can be written for employees from your department or for those with whom you have developed a warmer relationship. Also in this letter you can show off eloquence, add a little humor, making the message friendly, not formal. A letter for acquaintances can be sent to the personal mail of those employees whom you know.

Parsing a farewell letter point by point

Should I send a farewell letter to my boss?

Of course, this largely depends on the personal and professional relationships that have developed with the leadership. But following the rules of corporate ethics, it is still necessary to send a letter to the boss.

Thanks in the letter will create the last positive impression, which can be a plus in the future. You may need a letter of recommendation from a manager, or the HR manager of a new company may be trying to contact the boss from your previous job.

Examples of farewell letters

If you are going to write a letter of resignation to colleagues, we will consider an example of a possible message below. We offer in a business and friendly style, as well as to read a letter intended for the head of the company.

It is also worth clarifying that many large companies have approved sample farewell letters for each specific case. If your company is one of those, then you should study the submitted and approved sample in the corporate blog.

In formal style

Dear colleagues! I inform you that after working at the Voskhod company for 12 years, I decided to quit and try my hand at a new business and in another organization. I leave without any claims to the management or to my colleagues.

I want to thank you for your respectful and warm relations, responsiveness and professionalism in working together. I wish you further success in your work, career growth and well-coordinated work in a team.

Alexander Yuryevich Petrov is appointed as the successor to my place. For all work issues, you can contact him, the transfer of cases is over and the person is brought into the course of events.

Once again, thank you all for your cooperation and wish you success!

in friendly style

Friends! Today I am leaving our wonderful company and saying goodbye to the team in which I have worked for the last 5 years. I am very glad that I was able to gain experience as an accountant and work with professionals like you.

Going to a new company, I will always remember the years spent with you and I am sure that we will meet again in a friendly atmosphere and share our experience. My seat will not remain empty and a receiver has already been assigned to it. I hope you will accept a new employee, and the team will continue fruitful work. I am sending you the contact details, phone number and mail of my receiver, so that you can contact him with any questions regarding working moments.

I would like to express special gratitude to the management of the company and personally to our Vladimir Anatolyevich for sensitive management, the ability to communicate with the team and the opportunities provided for career growth.

I want to say goodbye on a positive note and wish everyone success and mutual understanding!

farewell letter for manager

Dear Boris Mikhailovich!

I am full name, I am leaving the company and resigning from the position of an accountant. Having worked under your leadership for more than 10 years, I gained a lot of valuable skills and was able to feel like an important member of the team. Thank you for your responsible approach to business, respectful attitude towards me and colleagues, compliance with corporate rules in matters of labor assessment and calculations.

All the necessary materials and information about the work were transferred by me to the new employee appointed to my position. Also, in a separate file, I am sending you the accumulated experience during my service, which may help improve the work of the accounting department, increase labor efficiency, reduce the cost of doing business and improve office work in a number of other areas.

Thank you once again, success in the development and establishment of business and other endeavors.
You can use these examples of termination letters to colleagues by changing the name of the company, including your name, and making any other changes. In general, writing a farewell message is not difficult, the main thing is to try to put as much information into it as possible, be concise and follow the rules of corporate etiquette. Remember that a farewell letter is a tribute to the team and an opportunity to strengthen your reputation in the area where you work.

Every year, the rules of corporate ethics are becoming more and more closely integrated into the life of companies and business organizations in the Russian Federation. The tradition of farewell messages has taken root and has become an integral part of large corporations, medium and small companies, where employees are valued and strive to create.

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

    A farewell letter to colleagues is a necessary and interesting thing. anything can be written. But, the thought does not leave me in the subconscious that with such a letter the person leaving does not burn bridges, but leaves the door ajar for himself in order to return back.


For many ordinary citizens in our country, especially those who have worked for many years at one large manufacturing enterprise, writing goodbye words to their colleagues when changing jobs may seem like a rather strange and unnecessary act. We in our country, during our common Soviet past, got used to talking dryly and to the point, with a small number of people, without expressing our emotions and feelings. Remember, no one can force you to deviate from your life rules, a letter to former colleagues is not a mandatory document. In any case, they will make a calculation and give you personal documents (work book).

If the opinion of former, but colleagues, the support of friendly and business relations is important for you, especially if you are not sure that in the future you will not need help and recommendations, then it is better to spend a little time, think over the text and write a letter.

Why write a letter?

Almost all of us have changed jobs at least once. The dismissal of an employee, as a rule, is accompanied by certain farewell rituals provided for by the corporate ethics of companies to create a positive atmosphere in the team even at such a sad moment. One of the necessary rituals is writing a letter of resignation. This is an important ritual. Writing a letter will not only allow you to say goodbye to colleagues, but also help a person answer questions for himself, why he wants to leave, what he has achieved in this place and what he is striving for.

It is psychologically difficult for many people to come up with the text of the last letter to colleagues upon dismissal. The reason lies in the fear of change, common to all people.

Why a farewell letter?

The choice of the epistolary genre of farewell is due to the following reasons:

  • If an employee works in a company where the staff consists of several thousand people, then it is not possible to approach each colleague for a personal farewell. The exception is the dismissal of a senior manager. A leader of this rank for an oral farewell speech can gather the work team in a conference room.

  • The process of dismissal is a stress that does not dispose a person to personal communication with colleagues, with many of whom he may not even have had the opportunity to communicate personally during his working life.
  • Psychologists believe that the process of writing a letter of resignation helps a person to fully understand and formulate why the decision to resign is the right one. The process of writing the last lines at parting helps people objectively answer the questions: what are the true reasons for leaving, what did he achieve or did not achieve during his work in the company, what should he strive for in his further development. With writing a letter, answers to all questions asked to oneself will come.

The best way to send is corporate mailing from work mail.

When to write?

It is customary to write farewell letters in the following cases:

  • Job change.
  • Transfer to another department.
  • Changes (upgrades or downgrades) of a position.
  • Retirement.
  • Taking long-term leave related to the future birth of a child.


The main goal of any farewell letter to your colleagues upon dismissal is to create a pleasant impression of yourself, to consolidate the image of a tactful, well-mannered person who adequately perceives himself and others.

What other goals do people usually set for themselves when writing farewell letters?

  • Demonstration of respect for your colleagues, management and the company as a whole.
  • Compliance with the rules of secular writing. Leaving without saying goodbye is usually incompatible with the corporate policy of large companies.
  • The desire to maintain a business image in the circles of professional communication and established business contacts. As a rule, a job change does not accompany a change in the type of activity, which means that business contacts will always come in handy. Business connections with former employees at work can greatly help out at the right time, assist in career growth in another company.

Rules for writing letters

Here are the basic rules to follow when writing letters of resignation:

  • Objectivity and unobtrusiveness.
  • Friendly tone of presentation. In the last letter, light, delicate humor is quite allowed.
  • A ban on expressing resentment, anger, everything that is sore about colleagues, management and the company as a whole.
  • Pleasant future events, such as the birth of a child, are also indicated in passing. In a farewell letter there should not be boasting, gloating, expressing superiority.
  • Lack of criticism or presentation of it as a proposed opportunity for the development of the company. This emphasizes the competence and decency of an almost former employee of the company.
  • A ban on calling for dismissal of other employees and advertising of the future place of work.

Letter structure

A letter to employees upon dismissal is not a strict document, but has a mandatory structure:

  • Indication of the name and position of the sender at the beginning of the letter. As a rule, not all employees of a large company are aware of your decision; for many, this news may come as a surprise.
  • Letter of resignation indicating the circumstances of the dismissal. The reason is explained on the merits, without hints that give rise to intrigues and investigations. If you wish, you can not specify the reason for the dismissal.

  • A brief description of the results achieved at the place of work with the obligatory proviso that this became possible only thanks to the close-knit work of the entire team. You can not write about success in the profession as about your personal victories.
  • The name of the employee who replaced you in this position, his contact details. If you notify colleagues in advance about staff changes, they will be grateful to you, because this will facilitate their work in the future.
  • Words of gratitude to colleagues for their help in work activities and in their professional development, for showing patience and mutual understanding.
  • Words of apology (if necessary).
  • Wishing success and good luck to colleagues and the company as a whole.
  • Expression of desire to maintain business and friendly relations in the future.
  • Indication of new contact information. When specifying a new work phone, a new position is also indicated.

The written letter should not be too emotional. You have no right to pour out emotional statements on former colleagues. This will put you in a bad light, showing your lack of self-confidence and low level of professionalism.

farewell letter to manager

When asked whether it is worth writing a letter to the manager before leaving, the answer is definitely positive:

  • This characterizes you as a polite and well-mannered person.
  • This gives you the chance to say goodbye in a beautiful way, leaving a positive impression of yourself. If in the field of your future work it is customary to take business recommendations, then a good relationship with your former boss will not hurt you.
  • This is an opportune moment to declare your professionalism if you have not had such an opportunity before. You can unobtrusively finally report the accumulated unrealized ideas. It may even have a positive effect on your future relationships.
  • This is an extreme chance to resolve all unresolved conflicts by talking frankly with the leader, describing correctly your opinion about the current situation. This will help in some cases even avoid leaving or downgrading.

Rules of high society

There is no sample letter of resignation. The tone of the letter should be unobtrusive, respectful. Remember to maintain subordination. Without unnecessary emotions and flattery, say "thank you" for your support in difficult situations, assistance in professional and career growth. Emphasize that the experience you have gained is the result of working under the direction of a person like your boss. If leaving is associated with promotion, the role of direct management in this success should be emphasized.

Official version

Letters to colleagues upon dismissal can be both in prose and in verse, official and friendly, with humor and a dry official presentation. The only condition for such a text is a small volume. The farewell letter for dismissal should not be too long.

An example of such a text: "I, full name, head of sales, leave my post in connection with the upcoming increase.

From August 10, 2017, my position will be occupied by ... (full name). Her email: ... .

I thank all colleagues for their joint work. In your team, my formation as a middle manager took place. Without your support and help, patience and understanding, there would be no my professional and career growth.

I wish you all success, good luck, peace and warmth in the team under the new leadership, happiness in your personal and family life.

I look forward to continued business cooperation. I promise to support and help each of you when you contact me in the future.

Sincerely, F. I. O., Deputy Director of the retail network "...".


Friendly option

The letter of resignation can be written in a friendly, joking tone: “My dear, beloved colleagues, I am addressing you, an employee of the finished product shop of the children’s toy factory “Your best doll” Petrova Dasha.

I was happy to work with you for many years, months and days! Now in my life begins a new stage, which I was waiting for more than anything else. I finally got married and am about to go on maternity leave!

I'm not leaving you forever! Remove the tears from your eyes, as there is no need to cry and sob.

A new employee, Lena Ptichkina, was hired for my position during my absence. I hope you love her with all your heart and will not offend for nothing.

I want to express my deep gratitude to all of you for your responsiveness, patience and generosity for five whole years! You taught me to look with humor at all life's difficulties and minor troubles. At your suggestion, I began to participate in the Beauty of the Factory contest and won it! Even in my current special position, you all play an important role: you said that happiness is possible, and my dream will soon come true, I will become a mother!

I wish you all be as happy as I am. Do not conflict with each other and be a single team in front of the leadership. May wages be high and never stop rising!

Always glad to hear and see you. I'm waiting for congratulations!

Forever your Dasha."

original genre

People who have difficulty compiling a farewell text have the opportunity to use ready-made sample letters. If you want to show yourself as a creative person, you can compose a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal in poetic form. An example is shown below.

I'm leaving, but I won't say goodbye!

It is possible that we will meet again.

After all, if you start to understand,

Life often takes a turn.

Why empty excuses?

Nobody's to blame

I'm grateful for the effort

And tolerance from all of you.

You taught me to smile

When tasks are not easy.

And endure the blows

From superiors and fate.

Now I'm not the same

Who timidly entered the office,

The horizon is in front of me

With a bright future for me.

I won't make mistakes

From which you saved me

And, back to business,

I remember everything that was taught.

Words of gratitude to colleagues in verse can emphasize all your positive emotions and experiences. If there is inner inspiration, you can do something more original by writing a farewell letter in verse.

Dear colleagues, we have worked together for so many years! I really appreciate this time, but it's time to say goodbye. I sincerely want to thank you for your kindness, joint success and many positive days! I wish you new achievements, career ups and prosperity!

Always worked diligently
Worked tirelessly
You have become more experienced
Now, let's sum it up:

Your work is impeccable
It's hard for you to find a replacement
You have always been human
Solved difficult problems.

Thank you for your service
For the contribution you have made
We really appreciate your friendship,
And the best, let it await you ahead!

Today I am resigning and leaving our friendly team. Dear colleagues, thank you for the warm and iridescent atmosphere, good cooperation, help and mutual support. I wish you to always stay in business, great success, good health and good mood.

Today I am resigning and I want to thank you, my wonderful colleagues, for your kind smiles, for your sincere support, for the necessary help and for the joint brave work. Good luck to you, dear ones, prosperity, prosperity and happiness.

Sometimes you have to say goodbye
Life is a continuous river
Can't stay anywhere
On without an account, for many centuries.

We lived together a lot
And work and everyday troubles.
And it happened to replace each other
I had to, or just bring lunch.

Thank you for your experience and support.
And for the views of kind warmth.
Let your work be appreciated by the authorities,
And the salary will make the dream come true!

It was a pleasure to work with you
But labor went their separate ways,
Now everyone has their own worries
And we will have to go to them separately.

Colleagues, thank you very much.
For everyday life, and support, for advice,
I want everything to work out for you in life,
And they were all healthy up to a hundred years!

At the farewell hour I want to say
Colleagues, thank you!
I will remember with love
About our team.

I say goodbye to you as a family,
As with relatives, relatives,
In trouble and always in joy
You were next to me.

And my dismissal
Let friendship not interfere
For you, colleagues, the door to the heart
I leave it open.

Life is changeable and amazing
And we have the power to change fate!
Today, colleagues, I will say convincingly
That I won't come to work.

I'll say thanks to you
For help, tips and just advice.
For being greeted with a smile and joy,
And the questions were always answered!

I'm leaving today with a sadness,
But I need to move on with my life.
Let's say goodbye with a smile
And we will remember each other warmly!

We've been through a lot
During a long period of work
Chatted, argued, made friends,
Share happiness and care.

And now it's time to say goodbye
And leave your team,
But in my thoughts I will return
And remember all of you often.

Thank you my colleagues
For the support that was
May everything be successful for you
I wish you only the best!

Good luck to you, more money,
So that suddenly trouble does not happen,
Health, happiness and patience,
And always positive to you!

We are in the process of layoffs at work. And many write farewell letters. I wonder if it is necessary to write them at all, or is it better to leave silently in English? Although the letters received are positive:

1 Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Today is my last working day in the Delta...
During the time spent in this friendly team, I learned a lot, found new friends, acquired invaluable professional skills.
I think that in the future I will hardly find such close-knit and sympathetic people. That's what made working at Delta enjoyable for me. Come to work and finish it with a smile.
I wish the company and all employees well-being and prosperity. I will be proud to work with you.

With best wishes.
2 Dear friends, beloved colleagues!

Today is my last working day at Delta Telecom CJSC… Literally 20 minutes ago I signed my last connection contract and served my last client…

Somehow this "last moment" reminded me of October 2007, when I prepared and read my last newscast on the radio station "Love Radio". Then it seemed to me that something broke inside me, abruptly ceased to exist ...

But as time and recent events in my life have shown, everything and everything is returning: your colleagues who have become best friends during your work, old contacts and connections that have turned into new exciting prospects in your life during your absence, good deeds that have returned to you and become for you a real gift of Life.

Friends, I am grateful to you for the experience and the lessons that I learned from communicating with each of you, for the time we were together, for the work that we did together, for the holidays that we arranged together! I am convinced that no economic crisis can be compared with an intangible, spiritual crisis - after all, the inner emptiness of a person is much more tragic than a slightly empty wallet ...

I wish you to love and be loved, sincerely do good deeds and receive only good in return, believe in your dream and not give up. In a word, be and remain happy people! And about the economy, one thing can be said: "It will not always be like this"!

I am glad that I worked next to you and, honestly, I will miss you! See you soon!

With sincere goodbyes

3Dear Colleagues…

So my last day of work in the Delta came to an end.

Thank you for the warm welcome when I first arrived.
Thank you for the friendly and warm atmosphere during work, understanding and Respect.

I was very pleased to work in our company and in your company.

I believe, regardless of the ups and downs of life, good luck will always accompany you. Let it be.


4 Dear friends!
Very little time is left before the completion of my work at Delta Telecom. I spent these happy years surrounded by professionals in their field, with a sense of family warmth and gratitude in my heart.
Working in the Delta Telecom team was a great honor for me.
Separately, I want to thank: Svetlana Kashtanova for her trust and the opportunity to work in a company that is a leader in the telecommunications market; Ekaterina Komkova for understanding and participation in solving problems of employees; Mikhail Gulyaev for creating a trusting climate in the team; Svetlana Zholobova for polls, statistics and grapes; Tatyana Vashchenkova for favorite contracts; Larisa Marutkina for her contribution to the development of my professional personality. I also want to mention everyone and everyone with whom fate brought me together in Delta Telecom.
Thank you very much for your understanding, support, and excellent collaboration!
Delta Telecom will forever remain in my heart as an important part of my life. I'm leaving the company, but I remain in the team. Now as a reliable client.
I wish the company prosperity, and all of you - professional, career growth, new successes, family well-being, personal happiness and harmony!

5 Goodbye, Delta!

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

My last day of work at Skylink is over. I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for your support, understanding and cooperation! It was a pleasure for me to work together with a team of real professionals in their field, people with a capital letter and, as it turned out, with real friends!

So sometimes it happens that the paths of life diverge, with someone for a while, with someone forever. But I am sure that friends always go with you through life, every minute, regardless of whether they are next to you now or not.

I want to wish you all good luck, health, prosperity and true friends! Let all desires turn into goals, and correctly set goals, as you know, are always achieved!

I say to each of you: "Goodbye!".

6. Dear colleagues!

My last working day, or rather night, has come to an end.

I want to say goodbye and express my sincere gratitude to everyone with whom I had to work and communicate, for their invariably friendly attitude, constant willingness to help, patience and delicacy.

I wish our (now your) company prosperity, and health to all of you and each individually,
always good mood and "fulfillment of all dreams"!

Good luck to you!

Soon I will write the same letter.