formula for laziness. Formula from laziness Runic becoming from laziness

MAIN RUNES - LAGUZES - this is a stream that gives us energy and strength so that we start moving and not indulge in laziness.

URUZ - gives us an impetus to change ourselves (a person) from his harmful attachments and laziness (laziness is an energetic attachment to a bad habit that hinders us)

DAGAZ - destroys the very laziness of a person, and his personal negative (for example bad habit sit in front of the TV and do nothing

YERA - burns the destroyed

EIVAZ - already changes a person, changes our minus to a plus. laziness to diligence.

VUNIO - gives joy from the fact that we have changed ..

This is one of three formulas from human laziness))) I tested the formula - the person who usually constantly sat at the computer changed))) at first he did all the household chores and then just sat down at his favorite computer)))
Although I think Sam can tell if he wants what happened to him when I imposed this formula on him without his knowledge)))

“Magic”, like God, seems to be there, but “no one saw it”. And the one who saw the question “believe or not believe” is no longer asked ....

She didn’t specify the time, she just said until everything was sanded so that she would not be lazy. Sam has already described his result.

I report. I applied at 12 days on my left wrist with a red gel pen. She stated that she works until she is washed off.
I did everything I could at home. I still don't want to sleep. I even went without coffee today. All day long. I went to wash.
Thanks a lot!!!

Report. This formula is just a BOMB! I still smile from myself and look around my house with the same stupid smile. I didn’t even hope that it would work :-) the fact is that I myself am a person with laziness thoughts about cleaning the house cause me depression and I, instead of cleaning ... do nothing :-) And when a layer of dust, sand and dirt on the floor starts to cause depression even more, then I force myself to clean it. Well, so ... I decided to try becoming , thinking that it won’t get any worse :-) And after an hour it started kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa began!!! At work, everything was “burning”! I didn’t fuss and did everything quickly. At home, like an electric broom! It’s not like I wiped the dust and washed the floors! I did the rearrangement!
You have no idea how grateful I am to you!
Now I'm a little exhausted, but I still can't sleep!
Thank you very much!!!

Can any of them be changed to a 14 year old? otherwise she has such an age and has already got it with her laziness and not doing nothing. I correctly understood that this formula works one-time or can it be somehow stipulated for a many-time action? Thank you in advance.

you can apply this formula too, the formula works gently) but it is this formula that is one-time, you can stipulate it and activate it every day, but the action is one-time.. alas...


15.4.2009, 20:38

15.4.2009, 22:08

I have a difficult situation. My brother hasn't left the house for five years (more precisely, he goes out very rarely), now he doesn't work and doesn't study. He doesn't seem to mind, but he can't bring himself to do it. Is there a way to push him to an active life? Previously, he had a terrible depression, but now he sort of overcame it, but still “hides” from life in the computer, watches movies, reads books, and scored on the rest of the world. For a long time he has been going to a psychotrepevt, but this does not give anyone the result. Can runes help in this situation?

Do not let us eat - it will come out right away. Physical labor helps a lot from such a "depression"
There is clearly a situation where you can do without runes.

15.4.2009, 22:23

I just wanted to offer a healing-forced runic fasting.
I got ahead of myself.

Quote(Joker_God @ 15.4.2009, 21:38)

I have a difficult situation. My brother hasn't left the house for five years (more precisely, he goes out very rarely), now he doesn't work and doesn't study. He doesn't seem to mind, but he can't bring himself to do it. Is there a way to push him to an active life? Previously, he had a terrible depression, but now he sort of overcame it, but still “hides” from life in the computer, watches movies, reads books, and scored on the rest of the world. For a long time he has been going to a psychotrepevt, but this does not give anyone the result. Can runes help in this situation?

Cano - Sovelu - Vunyo or Kano - Vunyo - Sovelu

Or make a runic diagnosis for your brother.

16.4.2009, 10:57

Quote([email protected], 23:08)

In vain you are being ironic ... I know two similar lazy specimens. One is just arrogant, the second also drinks besides. Not to give grub can, of course, and it will work, but I am sure that the questioner will not engage in such sadism. Hardness is not enough) And if the little brother also lives in the same apartment as the questioner, then what the hell "do not let them eat"? Should I hang a barn lock on the refrigerator or something ??))
And such cases are not uncommon. Let's go and think about the formula. A really necessary item.

16.4.2009, 11:00

Hertik, hadeken- it is immediately clear that none of your close people had such a state. It’s good, of course ... but pushing a person who has fallen into such a hibernation is really not as easy as you think.

And then you should do the Restoration of interest in life. I'll look, somewhere I have such a formula.


My version

16.4.2009, 14:00

In my opinion, here it is necessary not to help get out, but to push out with kicks. My experience with such people makes me think that such depressed sufferers feel very comfortable.

16.4.2009, 14:44

Quote(~Sea~ @ 16.4.2009, 15:00)

Perhaps, once upon a time, true depression really took place, but later it turned out that it was possible “as if” not to get out of this state ... All the same, relatives were already used to it.
Therefore, my opinion is not to help get out, but to take it by the collar and pull it out. The formula that "helps you get out" is not quite right here, it seems to me. Here you need to force and kick.

16.4.2009, 15:03

Quote([email protected], 14:44)

Mmmm ... Most likely, the way it is. But still I would like (taking into account the specifics of this forum) to find a solution to the problem formulated above precisely by the method of runic magic.

P.S. Maybe even a palindrome is needed here... With Naud on the sides... But I haven't figured out what to put in the center yet... I only see it in general terms...

16.4.2009, 15:07

Quote([email protected], 1:29)

Unfortunately, it has become quite common - a departure from reality. The reasons may be different.
There is an option - Way out of depression Cano - Sovelu - Vunyo or Kano - Vunyo - Sovelu. In my opinion, the first option is better, because in the end Vunyo will still play the role of an accelerator of the process.

For an infantile and lazy person, Kano-Sovelo-Vunyo will work just so that it will immerse him even more in the "world of elves", especially Vunyo at the end - the boy will have unclouded joy.
The "patient" will no doubt be grateful to you for making his life in the virtual world brighter and more holistic!

Quote([email protected], 15:44)

Mmmm ... Most likely, the way it is. But still I would like (taking into account the specifics of this forum) to find a solution to the problem formulated above precisely by the method of runic magic.

With the help of runes - draw the Hagalaz rune on the magical artifact "belt", on the entrance door - the Raido rune and drive it with the force of the hagalaz belt towards Raido))))

16.4.2009, 15:16

Quote([email protected], 15:07)

But seriously, there are one to one conditions for Hagalaz. "Out of the vicious circle." But without breaking eggs, you won’t have an omelette for dinner, so you need to be prepared for drastic changes in the house and especially in the life of that comrade

16.4.2009, 15:21

Quote(~Sea~ @ 16.4.2009, 16:16)

By the way, I also think about Nagalaz. But then again - one Hagalaz is impossible. She, like Uruz, requires internal control over the situation. And here a person cannot pull himself together, not that there is some other situation. It seems to me that Hagalaz will confuse him even more - of course, there will be a way out, but you also need to see it. Hagalaz will not be able to direct him, and he himself is even more incapable.

Hagalaz can act very radically - so he willy-nilly will have to manifest Uruz in himself, and so on.
And the Hagl rune does not point the way to the door - it rather demolishes the walls

16.4.2009, 15:44

That's about runic magic I'm talking about. The formula here should be based on Naud or Thurisaz, I say. Uruz is also likely to be needed, but in this case it cannot be left unchecked. If this individual is slipped a formula with Uruz without applying any control levers to this very Uruz, then, it seems to me, a lazy depressive comrade uses the received power to the best of his own understanding - maybe he will go on a spree or come up with something else.

P.S. Maybe even a palindrome is needed here ... With Naud on the sides ... But what's in the center

I'm sorry. I take it too literally...
And why not use the "normal" kick: Naud-Rajdo-Naud, and for Rajdo formulate "the path to such a lifestyle as most people have" or something like that?

With the help of runes - draw the Hagalaz rune on the magical artifact "belt", on the entrance door - the Raido rune and drive it with the force of the hagalaz belt towards Raido))))

Not bad either ... The main thing is functional ...

MAIN RUNES - LAGUZES - this is a stream that gives us energy and strength so that we start moving and not indulge in laziness.

URUZ - gives us an impetus to change ourselves (a person) from his harmful attachments and laziness (laziness is an energetic attachment to a bad habit that hinders us)

DAGAZ - destroys the very laziness of a person, and his personal negative (for example, a bad habit of sitting at the TV and doing nothing)

YERA - burns the destroyed

EIVAZ - already changes a person, changes our minus to a plus. laziness to diligence.

VUNIO - gives joy from the fact that we have changed ..

This is one of three formulas from human laziness))) I tested the formula - the person who usually constantly sat at the computer changed))) at first he did all the household chores and then just sat down at his favorite computer)))
Although I think Sam can tell if he wants what happened to him when I imposed this formula on him without his knowledge)))

“Magic”, like God, seems to be there, but “no one saw it”. And the one who saw the question “believe or not believe” is no longer asked ....

She didn’t specify the time, she just said until everything was sanded so that she would not be lazy. Sam has already described his result.

I report. I applied at 12 days on my left wrist with a red gel pen. She stated that she works until she is washed off.
I did everything I could at home. I still don't want to sleep. I even went without coffee today. All day long. I went to wash.
Thanks a lot!!!

Report. This formula is just a BOMB! I still smile from myself and look around my house with the same stupid smile. I didn’t even hope that it would work :-) the fact is that I myself am a person with laziness thoughts about cleaning the house cause me depression and I, instead of cleaning ... do nothing :-) And when a layer of dust, sand and dirt on the floor starts to cause depression even more, then I force myself to clean it. Well, so ... I decided to try becoming , thinking that it won’t get any worse :-) And after an hour it started kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa began!!! At work, everything was “burning”! I didn’t fuss and did everything quickly. At home, like an electric broom! It’s not like I wiped the dust and washed the floors! I did the rearrangement!
You have no idea how grateful I am to you!
Now I'm a little exhausted, but I still can't sleep!
Thank you very much!!!

Can any of them be changed to a 14 year old? otherwise she has such an age and has already got it with her laziness and not doing nothing. I correctly understood that this formula works one-time or can it be somehow stipulated for a many-time action? Thank you in advance.

you can apply this formula too, the formula works gently) but it is this formula that is one-time, you can stipulate it and activate it every day, but the action is one-time.. alas...